Lisa Hart, Greffier of the States


I consider myself very fortunate to have a job I absolutely love, but many people have no idea what it is I do as the Greffier of the States. Just to clarify, I’m not a lawyer and I do not work in the Courts; that is my colleague the Judicial Greffier. My Department, the States Greffe, provides the administrative support, guidance and advice to the States Assembly; we work for all 49 elected States Members, helping them to do their work representing the people of Jersey. ?

In the States Assembly

You will see me in States meetings where it’s my job to ensure that everything follows the correct procedures, known as the Standing Orders of the States. We want Members to be informed and confident about the matters coming up for debate, so my staff provide the documents, research, and practical tools they need to help them make the best decisions for the Island. I read out the propositions being debated, advise on Assembly procedures, oversee the voting system, and also keep the records of meetings: from roll call to voting and all of the discussions in between.

The Bailiff presides over the Assembly and is supported by me and my Team. During a meeting I make certain that the meeting remains quorate, (at least 25 Members in the Chamber or attending online) and answer any procedural questions which might crop up. ?Behind the scenes my staff are running the webcasting and updating our social media channels so the public can follow what is going on during States meetings. Occasionally, I’ll sit in for the Bailiff if he or the Deputy Bailiff are unable to preside. This is an unusual quirk of our system, but it makes sense as the Greffier knows the rules better than anyone and my role requires me to be politically neutral. During meetings I will also take procedural enquiries from States Members who want to ensure they are working within the rules to achieve their aims.

"I have a great deal of respect for those who stand for election and want to serve Jersey as States Members. They can be easy targets for those who like to complain, but they are people who work extremely hard to do their best for our Island"

Helping Members behind the scenes

Attending the States Assembly is the most visible aspect of what I do. My job, like politics, is 99% people and relationships. Pastoral care for our States Members is really important. Members can come and speak to me in confidence if they are facing particular issues, whether it’s something in relation to their political work or a personal matter. I can be an impartial ear, or sometimes an umpire and mediator. States Greffe staff have a close understanding and respect for what Members do and we want them to feel supported. Being a States Member is a full-time job, there is no ‘handbook’ as such and Members have to learn as they go, which has its pitfalls and they are in the public eye all the time which can bring its own challenges. Having a team behind them who understand the complexities of their jobs and who can provide trusted and reliable advice is really important and I know the work we do is appreciated by Members.

Our States Members work hard, but attending States meetings is often the only work that the public ‘see’ them doing. It’s my job to ensure that all Members feel adequately supported in all aspects of their work, and that those who are not Ministers or Assistant Ministers have equal access to skilled staff to help with research and the preparation of questions and propositions. We have a Members’ Resources team who provide a wealth of research and assistance and last year we introduced some new office spaces for those Members who don’t have a workspace in town, which the Greffe Administration team supports. In addition, our Committee and Panel Officers support the vital work that Scrutiny does in holding Government Ministers and their decision-making to account. Those Officers ensure Panel meetings are run as effectively and productively as possible and they also draw together the evidence gathered during Scrutiny reviews to produce high level reports which enhances the development of policies and legislation for Islanders.

I support the Privileges and Procedures Committee as their Executive Officer, that’s the Committee which oversees the work of the Assembly and addresses practical concerns Members might have about their facilities, rules and behaviours. It also deliberates on the findings of any investigations undertaken by the Commissioner for Standards into any breaches of the Code of Conduct, which govern how Members behave. I act on behalf of the States in some legal matters and vote on behalf of the States shareholding in publicly-owned companies on occasions.

As Greffier I provide support to the States of Jersey Complaints Panel and act as the Honorary Secretary of the Jersey Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, accompanying delegations of Members attending annual conferences of the CPA. This provides Members and me with a great opportunity to make valuable connections, learn from and share ideas with colleagues who work in the same world of politics across the Commonwealth.

Working with Government

I work as much with Government Ministers as I do ‘backbenchers’ in Scrutiny. I attend the Council of Ministers meetings and give procedural and practical advice to them and officers in Government departments about matters that they may be considering bringing forward (or ‘lodging’) for debate by the Assembly.

The Greffier has a legal responsibility to act as keeper of the official records of the States and publish official publications and I take that responsibility very seriously, as my first job in the Greffe was as a member of the Secretariat Officer team, formerly known as Committee Clerks. That team has oversight of the Ministerial Decision process ensuring that decisions are recorded accurately and are procedurally correct. They also record and produce the Minutes of meetings, including the Council of Ministers and States Employment Board, so that the public can be assured that decisions are being made in an open and transparent way. In addition, we publish and keep updated all of the laws made by the States, which are drafted by staff working within the Greffe’s Legislative Drafting section.

A career at the Greffe

Ultimately my job and that of all the staff within the States Greffe, is to support the work of the States Assembly. We provide educational and outreach initiatives as well as communications to encourage greater engagement with the work of the Assembly and the importance of democracy to our Island. I have a great deal of respect for those who stand for election and want to serve Jersey as States Members. They can be easy targets for those who like to complain, but they are people who work extremely hard to do their best for our Island and I’m proud that me and my team are able to support them in that job. I am lucky to have this role, it’s a fantastic place to work especially if you’re an inquisitive person, like me, who likes to be at the political heart of the Island.


About Lisa

Lisa is Jersey born, educated at Beaulieu and Hautlieu and after gaining a BA in Fine Art and Textiles in the UK, she came back to the Island and worked in the Job Centre for nine years as an Employment Adviser, helping people to find work. Lisa joined the Greffe as a Committee Clerk in 2000. She worked her way up through the ranks and is a big believer in supporting her staff to do the same. She oversees a department of 67 people and welcomes those who can think creatively, like working with people, have an interest in politics and want to enjoy their jobs. She is married with three grown up children.

Brian Nibbs

Capt. Brian Nibbs: Harbours & Associated Tours

11 个月

Most infomative! Brian


Thanks for posting



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