So HAPPY. It's been too long since I touched base with all of you. It's been a tough winter. Been fighting chest cold & sick since early December. Bloody phlegmgot me to the doctors. On a 5 day anti-biotic reime & taking liquid cough suppressant. I know, I know forgot only my spirit is 26 & that I'm not getting old. I am old, lol. Mistake won't be made again. Can't let things run there course. Anyway, was so under the weather I had emailed the volunteer director for WGPHX that I'd be stupid to try & make our monthly event. Truth is I would have been stupid to not make it. In my younger years even a 102 fever wouldn't keep me from work.
I am the WGPHX Northern AZ Rep. Pulled myself together, made the 2 hour trip down the mountain to attend the monthly event that I look so forward to & believe in so strongly. Wasn't looking for a job. Had been chosen as a judge in The Errl Cup 2019 & got to test MMJ products So impressed that ka bit zing with marketing / creative director Manuel Reyes Nirvana I mentioned I'd come out of retiremen to promote mmj RSO but would like to promote from different locals. His vision for me is even bigger & would he like me to share my experience , strength & hope. 45+ yrs recovery , 44yr alcohol free 3/17/19 & no RX drugs through public speaking Woohoo God is great