The Best Investment a Leader Can Make
John C. Maxwell & Florin Lungu - August 2024, Orlando

The Best Investment a Leader Can Make

Imagine you're a leader in a tech organization.

(This might be you, so you don't need to imagine; just recall when this happened last.)

You’re in a meeting with your team. The usual frustrations bubble up—missed deadlines, lack of ownership, or just the sense that people aren’t fully engaged.

You start thinking, “I need better people. Where can I find more talented, motivated folks who actually care?”

It’s that frustrating mix of stress, uncertainty, and maybe even a bit of exhaustion—you’re doing everything you can, but things still aren’t clicking. You might be thinking, "Why can’t I just find the right people?" It feels like the solution has to be out there somewhere, just beyond reach.

The question we should be asking isn’t “How can I get better people?”

The real question is, “How can I become a better leader so I can attract better people?

John Maxwell nailed it when he said,

“The first investment you have to make is in yourself. You cannot give what you do not have.”

If we’re not growing, we can’t expect those around us to grow either.

Here’s the thing: The talent market is wild right now. We can’t control it. What we can control is how we show up as leaders every single day.

Focus on Who You’re Becoming, Not Just Who You’re Hiring

Let’s be honest—hiring great people is important. But if we think it’s the silver bullet to our problems, we’re missing the point.

Great leaders naturally attract great people. It’s like gravity. The stronger we are, the more magnetic we become.

Here’s a quick personal story. A few years back, I was struggling with my team’s performance.

My first instinct? I blamed the team. “They just aren’t good enough,” I thought.

But deep down, I knew there was more to it. So, I took a step back and asked myself a tough question:

Am I the kind of leader that top talent would even want to work for?

It stung, but it was the turning point I needed.

I realized I needed to start with me.

Let me share 3 of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership to Get You Started.

To make this shift stick, let’s lean on three of John Maxwell’s 21 Laws of Leadership that changed my approach:

1. The Law of Respect: People Naturally Follow Leaders Stronger Than themselves

High-caliber people don’t follow mediocre leaders. If we want to attract those who are sharp, driven, and talented, we need to be stronger—more focused, more disciplined, and more emotionally intelligent.

People respect leaders who challenge them, who stretch them, who model excellence.

Respect isn’t demanded; it’s earned through who we are every day.

2. The Law of Magnetism: Who You Are Is Who You Attract

This one’s a game-changer.

We don’t attract who we want; we attract who we are. If we’re stagnant, unsure, or stuck in our comfort zone, guess who’s going to show up in our organizations?

But when we invest in ourselves—when we become lifelong learners, work on our character, and lead with authenticity—we start attracting people who mirror those qualities.

You can’t fake this.

Your growth is like a beacon, drawing in those who resonate with your energy.

3. The Law of the Inner Circle: A Leader’s Potential Is Determined by Those Closest to Them

Here’s the kicker. Even if you’re working on yourself, if your inner circle—those you rely on day-to-day—isn’t growing too, you’ll hit a ceiling.

It’s like driving a high-performance car with flat tires. You’re only as good as the team around you.

This is why events like Live2Lead are so crucial—not just for you, but for your team. If you’re not bringing your key players along on this growth journey, you’re limiting your potential and theirs.

You Can’t Control the Talent Market, But You Can Control Your Growth

Look, I get that the talent market is tough right now.

Finding top people feels like searching for a needle in a haystack. But the truth is, no matter what’s happening out there, the most reliable investment is in yourself.

When you level up, the kind of people you attract will level up too.

Join Us at Live2Lead: Don’t Miss This Opportunity

Here’s where we can make a real impact.

Live2Lead is the perfect chance to invest in your leadership and that of your team. It’s a hybrid event that gives you the best of both worlds—game-changing virtual talks from globally recognized leaders, plus local sessions where we dig deep into what works in our own community.

Let me be direct: if you haven’t saved your seat yet, now is the time.

Remember, it’s not just about you. Your team’s growth is your growth. Their potential reflects yours.

Make the decision to invest in yourself and your inner circle. That’s where true leadership transformation happens.

We can’t control the market, but we can control how we show up as leaders.

And when we show up better, the right people will follow.

Secure your spot at Live2Lead and let’s keep growing together.



