The best HR & People Analytics articles of March 2023
David Green ????
Co-Author of Excellence in People Analytics | People Analytics leader | Director, Insight222 & | Conference speaker | Host, Digital HR Leaders Podcast
When Jonathan Ferrar and I were conducting the research for our book Excellence in People Analytics, we found that the pandemic had helped shift the field into a new age – The Age of Value, where people analytics increasingly shifted from a focus on HR to a focus on the business. The People Analytics Trends research we have conducted every year at Insight222 since 2020 demonstrates that year on year, people analytics continues to grow in importance, influence, and impact.
People analytics is not about HR. People Analytics is about the business.
Even though we are now hopefully moving into the post-pandemic era, the business climate continues to be ripe for people analytics. Many of the issues CEOs care about the most – see example from McKinsey in FIG 1 - have a strong people element, which means that insights from people analytics can support more informed decisions. One of the key findings from Insight222’s most recent People Analytics Trends study, was that the people analytics team in 88% of the 184 companies that were surveyed as part of the research had been asked to do specific work for their board of directors in the previous 12 months.
One of my key takeaways from the Wharton People Analytics Conference, which I attended at the end of March, was that the importance, influence, and impact of people analytics are all set to increase in the coming years. Look out for more content related to the Wharton People Analytics Conference here in the coming weeks.
Another takeaway from Wharton PAC was how enjoyable it was to attend the conference again in person for the first time in four years. The opportunity to network and converse with new and familiar peers was energising. As such, I am delighted that the Insight222 team and/or I will be attending a number of events in the coming months. These include:
In addition, at Insight222, we are also organising events for member organisations of the Insight222 People Analytics Program. If you are a people analytics leader that is not currently a member of the Program, but would like to find out more, please get in touch via email.
Enjoy reading the collection of resources for March and, if you do, please share some data driven HR love with your colleagues and networks.
If you enjoy a weekly dose of curated learning (and the Digital HR Leaders podcast), the Insight222 newsletter:?Digital HR Leaders newsletter?is published every Tuesday –?subscribe here.
Unless you’ve been in hibernation for the past few months, you can’t have failed to have seen the groundswell of interest in generative AI. This article from the BCG of Fran?ois Candelon , Abhishek Gupta , Lisa Krayer, PhD , and Leonid Zhukov, Ph.D examines the challenge through the lens of the CEO, arguing that generative AI will prompt a revolution in business-model innovation centred on three key pillars. First Potential (use cases designed to differentiate the organisation). Second People (adaption of organisational structures and preparing employees to support deployment – see FIG 2) . Finally, third Policies (set up of ethical guardrails and legal protections).?A helpful read for leaders seeking to frame generative AI in the context of their organisation.
When data is siloed within individual departments—an all-too-common occurrence—companies will struggle to realize generative AI’s true potential.
JOSH BERSIN - The Role Of Generative AI And Large Language Models in HR | BERNARD MARR - The 7 Best Examples Of How ChatGPT Can Be Used In Human Resources
With the advent of generative AI, expect a flood of articles in the coming months on how this can be applied to HR. Two people who invariably have their fingers on the pulse when it comes to technological innovation in the people space are Josh Bersin and Bernard Marr , and both are once again quick off the blocks on this topic. Josh makes a bold prediction that: “this new branch of AI has the potential to totally reinvent how much of HR works,” before presenting a series of potential uses cases including: i) creating content (e.g. for job descriptions and onboarding materials), ii) creating skills models, experience models and candidate profiles for recruiting, and iii) Individual coaching, mental health and wellbeing. In his article, Bernard looks at how generative AI can be applied across the employee lifecycle highlighting how “Chat GPT can be a powerful tool for HR professionals in a variety of ways, including automating repetitive tasks, providing real-time support to employees, and enhancing the overall employee experience.”
This new branch of AI has the potential to totally reinvent how much of HR works
MARC ZAO-SANDERS AND MARC RAMOS - A Framework for Picking the Right Generative AI Project
As we move from being aware of the potential of Generative AI to evaluating where we should apply the technology within our organisations, resources like this one from Marc Zao-Sanders and Marc Steven Ramos can help guide us. Their Harvard Business Review article and 2x2 framework (see FIG 3) is designed to help leaders identify potential use cases with the lowest risk ("How likely and how damaging is the possibility of untruths and inaccuracies being generated and disseminated?" and highest demand ("What is the real and sustainable need for this kind of output, beyond the current buzz?"). With both Zao-Sanders and Ramos being learning professionals, they explore the inclusion of corporate learning in the top-left quadrant of their framework, explaining: "Priming it (GAI) with existing documentation, you can ask it to rewrite, synthesize, and update the materials you have to better speak to different audiences, or to make learning material more adaptable to different contexts."
There will be a slew of articles on how generative AI will transform business and HR in the coming months, but having seen Ethan Mollick ’s mindblowing session at the Wharton People Analytics Conference this week, for once the hype would seem to be justified. If you want to dip into other articles on generative AI and its potential impact on HR, I recommend Simon Brown ???? ’s article Generative AI - My mind is blown, Jackson Roatch with his article Generative People Transformers, and Raja Sengupta with his post on Chat-GPT Deployment in Human Resources ( Hybrid Approach ).
Michael Arena and his colleagues at Connected Commons Rob Cross and Greg Pryor have been tracking the impact of the various stage of the pandemic and the subsequent shift to hybrid work models on organisational networks. In his latest article, Michael highlights how with both leaders and employees returning to the office, organisations are becoming more and more connected. This is leading to a shift from too little cross-organisational collaboration to too much –and an increased risk of what Michael terms an activity avalanche. Michael provides an example of a large consumer products division (see FIG 4), which saw a 22% increase in overall connectivity in just a few short months following their return to office. As Michael outlines, this activity avalanche can lead to stress, burnout, and exhaustion among employees, as well as slowing down the organisation's progress on critical priorities, transformations, and projects. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this phenomenon as Michael sets out including defining clear goals and priorities, identifying key stakeholders, creating a collaboration framework, and monitoring and evaluating collaboration efforts.
Too little collaboration created languishing for employees, but too much generates overload
Companies are increasingly relying on a workforce ecosystem that includes many types of external contributors including sometimes tens of thousands of individual contractors and contingent workers to achieve their business outcomes. In their article, Elizabeth J. Altman , David Kiron , Robin Jones , Susan Cantrell , and Steve Hatfield discuss the challenges of managing these external contributors, including issues around motivation and coordination. They suggest that organisations should consider creating a ‘partner-centric’ approach to managing these contributors, focusing on building trust and communication. The example of Cisco (which has 83,000 full-time employees and 50,000+ contingent workers of various types) is given. As the article reveals, Cisco has successfully created a partner ecosystem by providing clear guidelines, investing in training and support, and fostering a culture of collaboration and shared success. The article also describes three sets of initiatives Cisco has taken to manage their external contributors: i) governing with a cross-functional steering committee, ii) changing technology systems, and iii) emphasising values, culture and diversity.
Culture is a tricky one, because the way our co-employment laws are written today, particularly in the United States, it makes it very difficult to inculcate the contingent workforce into your culture.
PATRICK COOLEN - Establishing people analytics as a common practice (part I)
In the first part of what promises to be an excellent series, Patrick Coolen presents his new model for people analytics (see FIG 5), which is based on his ten-year career as Head of People Analytics at ABN Amro and his recent Ph.D. research. In the article, Patrick provides a deeper dive on the first component of his model - People Analytics FIT, where he emphasises that “To be successful in people analytics, having strategic fit or alignment is not enough.” As such, Patrick outlines three other areas in addition to Strategic FIT: Internal FIT, Organisational FIT, and Environmental FIT. ???Thanks to Patrick for referencing and endorsing the Nine Dimensions of Excellence in People Analytics model, which forms the backbone of the book I co-authored with Jonathan Ferrar, Excellence in People Analytics.
To be successful in people analytics, having strategic fit or alignment is not enough
LAURA STEVENS - Playtime is over. Moving People Analytics beyond the hype.
From one wonderfully insightful article by a people analytics leader to another – this time by Laura Stevens PhD , who leads Global People Strategy, Analytics & Employee Experience at DSM. The premise of Laura’s article is that people analytics as a practice needs to get beyond the hype, stop obsessing about itself and instead get better at influencing decision making. One example of navel gazing is people analytics maturity models – yes, you know the one. Laura lambasts the infamous descriptive-diagnostic-predictive-prescriptive model that we’ve all see far too many times, highlighting instead that: “Maturity comes from being able to provide exactly those insights which can help the organization make better decisions, whether these insights come from descriptive, predictive or prescriptive analytics.” (I also recommend Andrew Marritt ’s article ‘Sometimes the best solutions aren’t the most sophisticated’ on this point’). Laura then highlights three critical abilities she believes provide the foundation to help people analytics teams establish credibility and enhance their impact: i) the ability to focus on the right problem (Does it relate to company strategy? Can we scale it?), ii) the ability to co-shape in-context opportunities, and iii) the ability to boost sense-making and contextualise results.
Rather than being overly focused on ourselves, our modelling techniques and our results as People Analytics practitioners, let’s not forget we are here to influence decision-making
NAOMI VERGHESE - How Has People Analytics Grown in Importance? | JASMINE PANAYIDES - Five Top Benefits for Expanding Your People Analytics Use
Two articles that build on some of the key findings from Insight222’s recent People Analytics Trends study. In her article, Naomi Verghese looks at the underlying factors that have contributed to the increased investment, importance, and influence of people analytics. These include the rise of key people topics to the top of the business agenda, boards of directors increasingly asking complex questions on human capital topics, and more demand by employees for personalised career development and mobility. In the second article, Jasmine Panayides examines how people analytics is being used to enhance employee experience, improve productivity, advance diversity and inclusion, increase retention, and inform workforce planning. Naomi and Jasmine incorporate examples from people analytics and HR technology leaders into their articles such as Dawn Klinghoffer (Microsoft), Laura Wright Shubert (MetLife), Patrick Coolen (ABN Amro), Laura Stevens PhD (DSM), Ivori Johnson (She/Her) ( ChartHop ) and Abdul Hummaida, PhD ( Orgvue ).
SEBASTIAN SZACHNOWSKI – Stop Struggling with People Analytics | From Data Product to Acting on Insights
It’s always insightful to get a practitioner take on what’s happening in the world of work, and as such I recommend subscribing to this newsletter on people analytics and the digital transformation of HR by Sebastian Szachnowski , Head of Digitalisation, People Services at Volvo Group. I’ve included two examples of Sebastian’s work here. First, Sebastian presents his Applied Model for People Analytics (see FIG 7), containing three foundational elements (HR data governance, monetisation and value of people data, and modern data stack and data automation), and three value-stream elements (data literacy in HR, workforce real performance, and business driven people analytics). In the second article, Sebastian breaks down data products, data analysis and the presentation of data insights.
An article spread over three insightful LinkedIn posts by Jacob Nielsen , who is part of the people analytics team at the LEGO Group. In Part 1, Jacob explores the power of engagement analytics, which as he highlights does not only provide insights to improve engagement but these can also subsequently translate to potentially increase profitability, customer satisfaction, and overall business success. Part 2 focuses on how people analytics can improve both the hiring process and more importantly hiring decisions. Finally, Part 3 examines how people analytics can improve business performance, which includes Jacob highlighting how people analytics can identify the factors that drive profitability.
By leveraging the power of data to inform your talent management strategies, you can create a more successful and thriving organization
LOREN SHUSTER - Transforming LEGO Group HR, brick by brick | DONNA MORRIS - Walmart: ‘Technology isn’t taking over. It’s empowering our people’ | KATHLEEN HOGAN - Microsoft Chief People Officer: We are experiencing a global human energy crisis | ALLIE NAWRAT AND JIMMY ZHANG - How and why Takeda leverages analytics in hiring | HANNAH MARKELL-GOLDSTEIN - What we've learned from our first-ever Life in Virtual First survey
Five pieces showcasing HR leaders and practitioners describing transformation, digitisation and the use of people analytics in their companies. First Loren I. Shuster , Chief People Officer at Lego, walks through how the the transformation of HR at the iconic company is underpinned by three core drivers: “We wanted to pivot from centers of excellence to communities of expertise, develop digital product management capabilities within HR, and set up a central pool of HR partners who could be deployed in a fluid manner according to where the biggest need is in the business at any point in time.” Second Kathleen Hogan , Microsoft's Chief People Officer, argues in Fast Company that solving the Human Energy Crisis is the most urgent leadership imperative, and in her article shares some of the steps Microsoft is taking to support and reenergise its workforce: "To address the human energy crisis, managers must demonstrate that they are listening and taking action." Third Donna Morris , Chief People Officer at Walmart, writes in Fortune to outline how technology is enriching employee experience and work. Fourth, Jimmy Zhang explains to Alexandra Nawrat at UNLEASH how Takeda is using technology and analytics across the employee lifecycle including for recruitment and engagement. Finally, Hannah Markell-Goldstein, PhD presents the highlights of Dropbox’s recent employee survey – the first since the company switched to a predominantly remote work model.
SALMA AL HAJJAJ AND TOM REDMAN - Why Are People the Key Ingredients to Data-driven Transformation?
Salma Al Hajjaj and Tom Redman team up to highlight why people are the key ingredients to data-driven transformation in organisations. They walk through a powerful case study of their work at Kuwait based Gulf Bank, where Salma is the GM of Human Resources, and Tom was engaged by the Chief Data and Innovation Officer, Mai AlOwaish , to support the bank’s data driven culture transformation. Their article for myHRfuture emphasises that data alone cannot bring about transformational change without people who have the skills to interpret and apply the insights. Salma and Tom provide a convincing argument as to why organisations need to focus on building a data-driven culture and invest in upskilling employees to enable them to make data-driven decisions. It concludes that by empowering people, organisations can achieve successful data-driven transformation.
Too often, data and technology transformers have ignored people, and HR has stayed on the sidelines. It's time they teamed up, put people first, and built a new culture TOGETHER.
JAY BHATT, JEN FISHER, AND COLLEEN BORDEAUX - The workforce well-being imperative
This article from Deloitte presents three factors – ‘work determinants of well-being’ that the authors believe have an outsized impact on wellbeing in today’s workplace: leadership behaviours at all levels, how the organisation and jobs are designed, and the ways of working across organisational levels. The article presents the findings of a survey to measure how these three factors impact wellbeing and highlights three steps to help firms meaningfully improve their workforce well-being and deliver impact to the bottom line. First, shift from legacy mindsets and build accountability for change beyond HR. Second, measure wellbeing in a meaningful way (see FIG 9). Third, identify the biggest opportunity areas and build momentum. Thanks to Melissa Meredith for highlighting this article by Jay Bhatt , Jen Fisher and Colleen Bordeaux .
Another powerful read from Dave Ulrich , where he tracks the evolution of employee experience to personalisation (see FIG 10), highlights why personalisation matters and then provides guidance on how to lead in a personalised world. This includes leaders helping employees to define success, and then defining and identifying paradoxes required for employees to achieve their success (see FIG 11). Dave’s view that EX is a leading indicator of a firm’s ability to reinvent strategy, serve customers, increase investor confidence, and build community reputation is extremely persuasive.
When employees find purpose and meaning, learn and grow, and feel respected and connected, they have a better work experience
EMILY KILLHAM | PERCEPTYX - The State of Employee Listening 2023 Article | Full Report
Emily Killham presents the second annual State of Employee Listening report on behalf of Perceptyx , which interestingly includes perspectives from leaders outside HR on the importance of listening, and what steps your organisation can take today to improve your own employee listening practices. Findings include: i) more than 3 out of 5 leaders place a higher value on listening during a recession, ii) 70% of organisations studied now do some type of listening event at least once a quarter, and iii) 7 in 10 organisations plan to further accelerate their listening over the next year. The report also updates the maturity model that was first presented last year (see FIG 12), which has four types of approaches: Episodic listeners (20% of companies surveyed), Topical listeners (30%), Strategic listeners (27%), and Continuous conversationalists (23%). An excellent report with lots to delve into.
Many workers are stuck in low-paying jobs, unable to advance simply because they don’t have a bachelor’s degree. In parallel, many companies are desperate for workers and not meeting the diversity goals that could help them perform better while also reducing social and economic inequality. All these problems could be alleviated, say Colleen Ammerman , Boris Groysberg and former IBM CEO Ginni Rometty - the authors of this insightful article in Harvard Business Review, if employers focused on job candidates’ skills instead of their degree status. Based on interviews with corporate leaders, along with their own experience in academia and business, the authors outline a ‘skills-first’ approach to hiring, managing and developing talent. This includes writing job descriptions that emphasise capabilities, not credentials; creating apprenticeships, internships, and training programs for people without degrees; collaborating with educational institutions and other outside partners to expand the talent pool; helping hiring managers embrace skills-first thinking; bringing on board a critical mass of on-degree educated workers; and building a supportive organisational culture. As the article highlights, IBM, Aon, Cleveland Clinic, Delta Air Lines, Bank of America, and Merck are among the companies taking this approach—and demonstrating its benefits for firms, workers, and society as a whole. A powerful and inspirational read.
Companies that use the bachelor’s degree as a filter when filling positions that don’t require it are hiring inefficiently and overlooking workers they desperately need.
EMILY FIELD, BRYAN HANCOCK, MARINO MUGAYAR-BALDOCCHI AND BILL SCHANINGER - Stop wasting your most precious resource: Middle managers
New research from McKinsey highlights the challenges faced by middle managers: “Managers face pressures from above and below, they tend to be both underdeveloped and unempowered, and they face growing pressure to deliver in flatter, faster, and leaner organizational structures, all of which leads to being underutilized and unappreciated.” In their article, Emily Field , Bryan Hancock , Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi and Bill Schaninger, Ph.D. highlight three areas where organisations can better support their managers and help them accomplish more. First, more time on talent by helping managers switch their time from lower-value planning tasks to higher priority talent needs. Second, removal of organisational hurdles through reducing excessive bureaucracy. Finally, third, personalised incentives by understanding what really motivates middle managers (see FIG 13).
TRACY THURKOW AND ADéLA?DE HUBERT - Organizations Don't Change Behavior, People Do
Tracy Thurkow and Adéla?de Hubert-Verley of Bain write about the role behavioural science can play in any successful transformation or change management initiative: “Behavioral science can help you create a change-embracing environment through nudges, feedback loops, and reinforcement.” Their article provides a timely reminder that organisations cannot change behaviour; only people can. To achieve successful behaviour change they argue, individuals need to be motivated and equipped with the necessary skills and resources. Organisations should focus on creating a culture that supports and encourages the desired behaviour change, providing clear guidance and incentives for individuals, and enabling them to practice and refine their new behaviours over time (see FIG 14). It’s perhaps interesting to note that in Insight222’s recent People Analytics Trends research, we found that Leading Companies invest in three key skills in their teams: people analytics consultants, data scientists and behavioural scientists with 100% of Leading Companies and only 20% of non-leading companies having these roles within their teams.
Behavioral science helps to inspire and engage people in embracing change
According to this longitudinal study by the IBM Institute for Business Value and Chief , which involved 2,500 participants in 12 countries and 10 industries, while an increasing number of people believe women have an equal opportunity to reach leadership positions, this is not the case in reality. The three key takeaways from the report, which includes some powerful visualisations and analysis are first that parity ‘feels’ close but is slipping farther away with the lack of women in middle-management tiers (see FIG 15) meaning that gender parity remains decades away. Second, the most destructive structural barriers are invisible with workplaces continuing to be riddled with unconscious biases. Finally, third that the cost of doing nothing is getting more expensive: organisations identified as gender equity leaders report 19% higher revenue growth than others. The report recommends four actions to enable gender equity: i) design roles at the top that work for top talent, ii) change the dialogue around gender, iii) don’t just set strategy, give it teeth, and iv) detangle the messy middle. Kudos to the authors: Kelly Chambliss , Carolyn Childers , Carla Grant Pickens (she/her) , Lindsay Kaplan , Nickle LaMoreaux , Salima Lin , Lula Mohanty , Paul Papas , Kitty Chaney-Reed , Joanne Wright , Cindy Anderson , and Carolyn Baird .
At the end of the day, diverse teams are more innovative. The only way parity will increase is if we talk about diversity as a business problem and give it the same rigor and cadence that we do for other business problems
DONALD SULL AND CHARLES SULL - The Toxic Culture Gap Shows Companies Are Failing Women
Donald Sull and Charles Sull continue their fascinating work on toxic culture (see previous articles here) by this time focusing on research that finds women are 41% more likely to experience toxic workplace culture than men (see FIG 16). The article provides a number of cuts, powerful visualisations and analysis of the data including possible reasons why women are more likely to cite toxic culture, the elements that drive the toxic culture gender gap (see FIG 17), and how the gap varies by industry and occupation.
KEVIN WHEELER - Why Recruiting Has Been Hit So Hard - And What to Do About It
The area of HR that has perhaps been hit hardest by recent layoffs is recruiting. As Kevin Wheeler writes in his excellent article, many CEOs, COOs or even Heads of HR sadly regard recruiting as critical but not strategic. Kevin outlines a powerful 2x2 grid (see FIG 18) to highlight the various potential levels that recruiting functions fall into. His view is that most functions fall into quadrants I and II with virtually none in quadrant IV ‘Strategic’. Kevin then presents a four-step framework to elevate recruiting: i) integrating talent planning with business planning, ii) adopting a systems integration approach, iii) embracing the new gig economy, and iv) scenario planning and dynamic modelling. If you enjoy the article, I recommend listening to Kevin on the Digital HR Leaders podcast: How Analytics, Data and Technology are Shaping the Future of Recruitment. Thanks to Hung Lee for highlighting Kevin’s brilliant article in his always readable Recruiting Brainfood newsletter.
Much of the innovation in the field continues to be driven by the vendor community, and I’ve picked out a few resources from March that I recommend readers delve into:
Fascinating insights from Ben Zweig and the team at Revelio Labs highlighting that among administrative roles, HR leads the adoption of AI (see FIG 21).
In another month of high-quality podcasts, I’ve selected six gems for your aural pleasure (you can also check out the latest episodes of the?Digital HR Leaders Podcast?– see ‘From My Desk’ below):
HEATHER E. MCGOWAN AND CHRIS SHIPLEY - The Empathy Advantage: Leading the Empowered Workforce
I first met Heather E. McGowan when I had the pleasure of hosting Unleash World in Paris in 2019 where Heather was one of the keynote speakers. I’ve followed her work ever since as she is someone with her finger firmly on the pulse when it comes to how technological change – accelerated by the pandemic – is reshaping work, organisations, and leadership. In The Empathy Advantage, Heather teams up again with Chris Shipley to document how five interlocking trends have empowered the workforce: The Great Resignation, the Great Refusal, the Great Reshuffle, the Great Retirement, and the Great Relocation, and collectively delivered the Great Reset. The book offers advice on how to lead a complex, diverse, and multi-generational workforce to out-perform your competition, and I look forward to discussing the ideas with Heather in a future episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast.
TYNA ELOUNDOU, SAM MANNING, PAMELA MISHKIN, AND DANIEL ROCK - GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models
For the second time this month I’m indebted to Hung Lee, this time for highlighting this paper on Generative AI by Tyna Eloundou , Sam Manning , Pamela Mishkin , and Daniel Rock in his Recruiting Brainfood newsletter, which I highly recommend readers subscribe to. The paper, co-authored by ChatGPT, finds that those jobs with the highest barrier to entry (e.g. professionals such as doctors and lawyers) are most susceptible to Generative AI: “Our findings indicate that approximately 80% of the U.S. workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of GPTs, while around 19% of workers may see at least 50% of their tasks impacted.” We live in interesting times!
February saw the release of the last three episodes of Series 29 of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, sponsored by Workday (thank you to Sophie Barnes) as well as the release of an episode of the Workday podcast, where I was the guest!
Finally, this month I’d like to thank:
David Green ?????is a globally respected author, speaker, conference chair, and executive consultant on people analytics, data-driven HR and the future of work.?As Managing Partner and Executive Director at?Insight222, he has overall responsibility for the delivery of the Insight222 People Analytics Program, which supports the advancement of people analytics in over 90 global organisations.?Prior to co-founding Insight222, David accumulated over 20 years experience in the human resources and people analytics fields, including as Global Director of People Analytics Solutions at IBM. As such, David has extensive experience in helping organisations increase value, impact and focus from the wise and ethical use of people analytics.?David also hosts the?Digital HR Leaders Podcast?and is an instructor for Insight222's?myHRfuture Academy. His book, co-authored with Jonathan Ferrar,?Excellence in People Analytics: How to use Workforce Data to Create Business Value?was published in the summer of 2021.
I'll be speaking about people analytics, the future of work, and data driven HR at a number of upcoming events in 2023:
More events will be added at a later date.
Thanks again for the mention, David Green ????!
Managing Director, Global Head of Talent Strategy @ Citi | Driving HR Innovation
1 年Thank you so much for taking the time to curate all of these resources David! I appreciate seeing what different HR experts are excited about —plenty of developments to look forward to.?
Highly experienced HR Professional. Strategic leadership in Learning Experience design, EdTech optimization and Leadership Development.
1 年Ratidzai Machaba (She/Her)
HR Leader and Business Partner | Head of HR | Employee Relations
1 年Like always, great compilation of relevant articles.