Best Headshots Anywhere @ Any Price
There has never been a time in my career of half a century, that there has been so much uncertainty about small business, particularly in the service sector. That includes those normally considered recession proof. Needless to say the number of telemarketing calls that have hit my phone in the last few weeks has been mind boggling.
I understand it, there are millions out of work, thousands struggling to protect their careers they're in and just as many jockeying to move up the ladder.
Indulge me for just one moment and glance back though your network of contacts here on Linkedin, doesn't it make you stop to think, which of those folks with mediocre mugshots will be the first to be hired?
Of course; the information on their resumes is that which will likely get them hired, but headhunters don't see an appealing image, long before looking at a resume then the search will end just then and there for so many candidates.
Meanwhile, take a second look at the really appealing business portraits, you may be certain the head hunters are also giving them a second glance. It is also pretty significant that many larger employers of qualified individuals like accountants, attorneys, doctors, other white collar specialists and experts, are revamping their internet presence with updated staff photographs .
Take particular note: If the subject's hands need to be in the picture, understand that almost 90% of studios everywhere, woefully lack competence at composing images with hands, first and foremost they have to look plausible, convincingly natural and doing what the image is attempting to suggest they're doing. Look closely at them, sadly now you're aware, you will immediately spot the overwhelmingly large number of work illustrations and half or full length portraits of people with really unsightly hands. This isn't ever the client's fault, the portraitist has a responsibility to create a pleasing composition with all the elements correctly placed and posed. So if you see fingers that look like a bunch of carrots or hands that are ugly and uncomfortable, move on.
Singularly the most important marketing tool in a business owners armory, is the headshot, or business portrait. Premier headshots and business portraits in Chicagoland by David Simm, for doctors, lawyers, accountants, business and professional people, are the first choice of small firms or large companies, like Wipfli, for whom David creates a constant stream of images for new hires.
The post covid world will have new opportunities, and to be sure you're on the front lines, think about your visual image, buyers, employers and potential clients are looking at you too, create a superb impression in the first couple of seconds, because that is all you have before they look at the next candidate. For more information view the images and words at or call 847 803 9450 for a personal consultation.