Best Food Options to Support Health During Global Pandemic
Foods provide us energy and the ability to fight off disease. Pixabay photo.

Best Food Options to Support Health During Global Pandemic

I am an advocate for balanced nutrition. This involves over thirty nutrients the body needs daily. I have written and spoken about the health benefits of the Wahls Protocol dietary options. It is simple and easy – fruits, vegetables, selected fats, and proteins. Balanced nutrition prevents nutrient deficiency and supports the immune system and overall health.

Dr. Terry Wahls is a doctor. She came down with multiple sclerosis late in life. She researched autoimmune diseases and wrote a book, The Wahls Protocol. She was unsuccessful in the treatments her doctors prescribed to her for her multiple sclerosis. After four years in a wheelchair, she put herself on her own protocol.

In three months, she could walk using a walker. A month later, she could walk using a cane. Within a year, she could ride a bicycle eighteen miles. My wife benefited from her protocol also. After months of chemotherapy and beginning radiation therapy, she started the Wahls Protocol dietary option.

There are four pillars to her protocol – diet, toxin removal, stress relief, and exercise. My wife suffered from fatigue during her chemotherapy treatments. The radiologist told her that it would get worse with radiation therapy.

We both started the Wahls Protocol dietary program on Day 1 of radiation therapy. After 48 hours on this new diet, her fatigue vanished. No more one to two two-hour naps. Within a week she was volunteering her time at our church. One the last day of radiation therapy, we left Houston and drove to Jacksonville, Florida – 1000 miles.

I rented a U-Haul to bring my parents’ estate items back to my home. My wife followed me and drove 500 miles a day for two days by herself without any problems.

The dietary protocol is as follows. Three meals a day consisting of the following – one cup of leafy green vegetables, one cup of colored fruits and vegetables where the color is the same throughout the fruit or vegetable (think blueberry, not eggplant), one cup of sulfur-laden vegetables (cruciferous, plus onions, and mushrooms), and three to four ounces of high-quality protein (grass-fed, no additives, no hormones, etc.).

We could not eat three meals a day. It was too much food. We ate one to one-and-a-half meals a day. My wife lost 30 pounds in the first month. We slept well and the chemo fog my wife had disappeared within days.

I have modified the diet slightly. I recommend that you do not eat the same protein two days in a row. If you have salmon and chicken on Monday, then eat beef and eggs on Tuesday. Vary your protein sources.

If you cook your vegetables, then use a half-cup rather than a whole cup. I use coconut oil to sauté mushrooms, garlic, ginger, and onions. I sometimes add red, yellow, orange, and green bell peppers with the mushrooms and onions. Some people are allergic to nightshades.

All our other vegetables are raw. We use blueberries, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, and blackberries. My wife uses a salad dressing. I prefer not to. However, I do occasionally use a home-made spaghetti sauce for a salad dressing. It sounds crazy, but it is delicious.

The only nutrients we cannot get on this program due to our food choices are vitamin K2, vitamin D3, and vitamin E. We supplement using vitamin K2 with both MK4 and MK7. I take 20,000 IUs of vitamin D3 in the wintertime and 15,000 IUs of vitamin D3 in the summertime. We have our vitamin D3 levels checked during our annual physicals and them consistently in the 70-85 ng/ml.

Vitamin E is made up of four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. No food has all eight. We find it easier to take a supplement that gives us all eight.

Nearly every disease begins as chronic cellular level inflammation. The fruits and vegetables taken on this dietary regimen provide many and varied antioxidants to fight naturally occurring free radical damage from our normal lives.

Balanced nutrition ensures that we are not deficient in any key nutrient our bodies need daily. Since most of the food eaten is low in calories, reduced calories fight age-related diseases. Our immune systems benefit from the plethora of nutrients also.

I test my pH regularly and have found that this dietary option provides me with a body pH level exceeding 7.5 most of the time. This also protects against disease.

With COVID-19 rampant and able to be passed from one person to another without any symptoms present, we need all the protection we can get. This Wahls Protocol can provide it with the choices of the foods you eat.

Add the daily exercise, daily stress management, and constant attention to toxins in our foods and personal care products, you have an unfair advantage over just about everyone you know when it comes to maintaining health.

We control our health by the things we do and the things we do not do.

Live Longer & Enjoy Life! – Red O’Laughlin –


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