The Best Facebook Retargeting Strategies To Maximize Your Return On Ad Spend
Pedro Campos
Senior Paid Media Buyer ? Performance Marketing Manager ? Growth Marketer ? Customer Acquisition Specialist
There are so many retargeting strategies you can use to convert people on Facebook…
But in this post, I`m going to reveal the best retargeting strategies to help you maximize your return on ad spend.
These are the same ones the pros use to convert anyone with pretty much any type of offer on Facebook.
I`m also gonna give you a more tactical perspective and show you how to create these retargeting audiences inside Ads Manager.
You`ll learn how to conceptualize proven retargeting strategies for your business, in a few minutes and without complicated “gimmicks.”
These strategies are also proven to be the cheapest way to convert people on Facebook.
If people already know you, you`re more likely to convert them.
How To Create Retargeting Audiences
Before we dive in…
This is how you create the custom audiences you can use later to retarget. In the asset library, click “create audience” and then “custom audience.”
From there, another interface will show up. This is where you can choose the different types of custom audiences to retarget.
Facebook Retargeting Strategies
In this post, we`re only going to cover website traffic, customer file, video views and Facebook page.
Within some of these, there will be different variations.
So let`s get started…
Non Converts
These are the people that have seen one of your landing pages but have not opted-in to your list. They saw the page but for some reason didn`t want to give you their email address.
You can retarget these folks on Facebook and give them another chance to sign up to your lead magnet.
I recommend using link slugs like “lp” for landing pages, “tkp” for thank you pages and “sp” for sales pages.
This is a great way to remind yourself of what the pages are about.
Retargeting strategy to convert “non-converts”: use the same landing page and show them pretty much the same ad with just a slight variation. It could start with something like “hey, did life get in the way?”
Email Subscribers
You might be wondering, “is retargeting people on Facebook one of the best strategies to maximize my return on ad spend?”
My response is… “absolutely!”
We both know the numbers on email opens rates, they are lower compared to what they used to be a few years ago.
Retargeting your email list will give you a chance to show up in front of people that haven`t opened your emails in a while.
It can also allow you to keep building the relationship with people that have forgotten to open those same emails.
A strategy you can use to retarget your email list is to show them offers that require a little bit more of their commitment, such as a paid webinar or perhaps an invitation to a live event.
Retargeting strategy to convert email subscribers: target your leads with content, such as blog posts or videos. Another option is to offer some kind of paid training or mini-course.
Checkout Page Abandonment
Retargeting people that have seen your checkout page but not your order confirmation page is one of the best ways to convert hot leads into customers.
They haven`t bought for a reason, maybe they got distracted or were a bit unsure about the purchase.
An intelligent strategy to force them, so to speak, to order your product is to show them testimonials. These could be videos or images in the form of carousel ads.
Think about this…
People didn`t “pull the trigger” for a reason! ??
I can tell you from experience that if someone has questions and they can`t find an answer, they won`t buy.
Prospects need certainty to buy so it`s your job to provide answers to those unspoken questions with your retargeting ads.
Retargeting strategy to convert checkout page visitors: show these people an ad with testimonials mentioning the same product or offer they`ve just seen but didn`t buy.
Existing Customers
Your existing customers are your hotter leads!
They already bought from you, they already trust you so it`s a lot easier to sell them some more stuff.
This is the most profitable custom audience you`ll ever create inside Ads Manager.
If you`re not retargeting your existing or even previous customers, you`re missing out on a tremendous opportunity to generate revenue.
Add the lifetime value of your customers to the list and you`ve got a tremendous asset for your business.
The power of this list lies in your ability to target your most valuable customers and even create lookalikes of those same buyers.
Retargeting strategy to convert existing customers: if you know that a certain group of people bought an entry level product, let`s say a $49/month membership, offer them a high ticket product such as a workshop or live event.
Video Viewers
Showing offers to people that have watched a certain percentage of one or multiple videos is one of my favorite strategies to use retargeting ads on Facebook.
Video is such a great medium to connect with your audience, it allows you to create instant trust.
You can get pretty advanced with this one, playing with the different percentages of video watched. Your imagination is really the only limit here!
There`s a lot of options here.
You can retarget with a piece of content or an offer, using the many different types of creatives Facebook gives you.
Retargeting strategy to convert video viewers: show these folks ads with lead magnet offers or low ticket products.
Sales Page Visitors
Another profitable Facebook retargeting strategy is to show ads to people that have visited a specific sales page but didn`t schedule a call or purchased your offer.
You already know these folks are interested in what you have to offer…
All you have to do is show up in front of them with a relevant ad that gets them to take the next step, whatever that might be.
It can either be a scheduled appointment or a product purchase.
You can even get clever and create a custom audience of people that have spent a certain percentage of time in a specific sales page but didn’t buy.
Retargeting strategy to convert sales page visitors: use the same strategy you applied to convert “non-converts”, an ad with a reminder “hey, did life get in the way” and have a link to the same sales page they previously saw.
Retargeting audiences can become huge assets for your business.
Engaged Facebook Page Fans
Retargeting people that have engaged with your page is also a fabulous way to maximize your return on ad spend, especially if you have paid or you`re paying for page likes.
Again, these folks already know you and if they`re engaged that means they enjoy your content and are more likely to opt-in to one of your lead magnets or purchase a product.
Not to mention that these retargeting ads get a lot of engagement.
This happens simply because people are used to seeing you so the levels of trust are a lot higher.
Retargeting strategy to convert engaged page fans: you can show these people ads with anything from lead magnet to low-ticket offers.
Top 10% Blog Visitors
These are the people that have spent the most amount of time on your website.
If someone spends 5 or 10 minutes reading one of your blog posts, chances are he or she is getting value from your content.
I like to use this retargeting audience for blog post readers. You can obviously use this for specific pages other than posts.
I found that retargeting people on Facebook that have read a certain post with a relevant offer, which complements the content they just saw is a powerful strategy on its own.
If someone spent a fair amount of time reading a post called “Money Blueprint For Success”, we can then retarget them on Facebook with an offer that is a segway to that blog post.
The offer could be a webinar showing people how to eliminate the most common money beliefs that are preventing them from achieving success.
Retargeting strategy to convert blog visitors: ads with lead magnets relevant to the post they previously saw work really well to convert these visitors.
Retargeting is proven to be the cheapest way to convert people on Facebook.
Pick Your Facebook Retargeting Strategies
I would recommend you start building these audiences as soon as possible.
They can become huge assets for your business and even more profitable than your email list.
These audiences that I`ve just shown you can be used for retargeting at any time. That`s the beauty of it!
Don`t forget that they are part of your “warm traffic pool”, these people already know you so you`re more likely to convert them.
Let me know in the comments, from this list, what are your favorite retargeting strategies on Facebook?