Best exercises for an Indian Housewife to stay healthy & fit.
In today's fast-paced world, housewives are working round the clock for their family, but even after such a hectic cycle are they?really fit and healthy? According to?recent studies done by WHO 44% of Indian women are not physically active, which contributes to various diseases like obesity , stress , diabetes and much more.
Another study titled “Physical activity in Indians” done by HealthifyMe showed that 53% of Women are physically inactive, also they burn less than 50% of calories which a human should burn through physical activity.
To stay healthy it is very important for a human to have a proper diet and regular exercise. Exercise is?a type of physical activity, but not every physical activity is an exercise. Exercises are planned,structured, repetitive activities for the purpose of improving and maintaining physical fitness.
Lets see some exercises which housewives can do to improve their physical and mental health :
1) Brisk walking refers?to walking a little faster than usual. One can do brisk walking at their home or at veranda, it does not require?any special equipment. Benefits of brisk walking is that it improves your cardiovascular functions. A review of studies showed that walking 5 days a week can help to reduce LDL (low-density lipoprotein, which is bad cholesterol) and?it lowers the risk of heart diseases. Brisk walking increases the blood flow to muscles and loosens up the stiff joints which in turn strengthen your joints and muscles. It also improves one’s mental health by regulating hormones i.e endorphins, which reacts with receptors in the brain and reduces perception of pain and also triggers positive feeling in the body. Brisk Walking benefits in maintaining body weight and improving metabolism.
2) Stretching helps in relaxation of tight muscles and joints. It loosens up the bodily structures and increases blood flow to the muscles and joints. It reduces muscle soreness and increases the range of motion of joints. Most of the housewives suffer from back pain due to inadequate rest or prolonged standing; stretching helps to reduce the pain. Click here to know more on Stretching.?
3) Pilates form of low impact exercise, comprising controlled movements that enhance your balance, core strength , mobility, flexibility and even mood. It supports smaller and deeper muscles that reinforce your structure and boosts your overall health.
4) Squats are one of the best exercises for the lower limb, it gives flexibility and strengthens your quadriceps , hamstring and core muscles. As well they lubricate your knee joints. Squats improve your balance as well as help in toning your buttock muscles.
Its always better to consult a Physiotherapist before starting any exercises.
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Author by - Dr.Dhammick Shinde. PT