Best of Empire Building: Ownership + Passion

Best of Empire Building: Ownership + Passion

It is so tempting to focus on social media platforms to grow an audience. Today's tip is about building something you own (hint: your email list), and today's intro is to an empire builder who has build an empire around one of her true passions.

??Tip: Own it. I have so much to say about owning your connections, and growing an email list. I hear a ton of complaining when a social media site goes down for a few hours or locks someone out because because because. You can complain, but you don't own it. If it is free, you are the product. Unfortunate but true: you don't have any rights, not even a single leg to stand on, because you do not own it.

But you do own your email list! If you have spent time and other resources to grow your social media platform, consider spending an equal amount of effort on building your email list.

Grow your list and start today. Here are a few tips:

  • Pick a platform with a 5-year horizon in mind. Don't go for easy and cheap—plan for a big list in the future, and pick the service that will grow with you (so you don't have the pain and suffering of making a change).
  • Pick a content schedule and stick with it. Give as much as you can as often as you can.
  • Focus on growing your list every day, on every platform, and in every way you can.

Someone who has done this incredibly well is Christine Goodner. You're gonna love her!

??Introduction: Christine Goodner, Speaker, Podcaster, and Author, Music Practice Makeover: Strategies to Make Practice with Your Music Student as Painless and Efficient as Possible. Christine (EBM Class of 2019) was the first person who said, "If you had a mastermind, I'd be in it!" She's one of the reasons EBM exists (thank you, CG!). Christine is a Suzuki music teacher and so much more—her empire is built entirely around her passion for music and helping her students love it as much as she does. You can learn more about her here.

Am I on your email list? If not, press reply and tell me what you write about and include a link. I just might subscribe and feature you in a future email. More tomorrow!

Honorée Corder | I help professionals write, publish, market, and monetize their books.

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