Caring and effective leadership often create a space where employees who feel without a voice and unable to find ways to break out of the cycle of workplace stress are assisted by professional EAP Providers.?If you're looking for the psycho-social, mental, and spiritual well-being of your employees, there's no need to be concerned anymore. TalktoAngel is there for you.
TalktoAngel (TTA) is an industry-leading mental health platform offering the most effective mental well-being program for companies.?TalktoAngel is the No.?1. EAP provider in India and Asia Pacific Counsellor and is recommended by ISTD & NIPM as the Best Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider.?Its EAP program primarily focuses on the psycho-social emotional and mental health of employees, and the well-being of families of employees and addresses issues that hamper their workplace performance and productivity.?Taking help from the TalktoAngel EAP program, many top businesses are now focusing on offering better mental health services by making it easier for employees to seek out professional guidance from the Best Psychologists in India.
What does TalktoAngel as the Best EAP Provider in India have to offer?
TalktoAngel?Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers rapid and simple access to?confidential?Online counselling and?referral services that aid employees and their household members in coping with the demands of everyday challenges at work and in life.
Based on best practices from clinical research, TalktoAngel provides need-based solutions for your business and employees. It can help you with:
- Critical Response to Incidents:?TalktoAngel response team is on call 24/7 all year round to provide prompt intervention and assistance for your employees immediately following an incident or emergency.?Its team of critical responders will ensure that your staff receives prompt intervention after a crisis. They will especially help staff members who are experiencing symptoms of acute stress.?Employees who have been identified as having a high chance of suffering psychological harm are assessed and supported in the implementation of strategies to reduce stress.?Our Online Counsellors with expertise in trauma can monitor trauma-related symptoms and join them regularly for counselling and training sessions.
- Stress Reduction Programs:?Stress reduction is the main goal of businesses that wish to improve the health of their employees and productivity.?Stress can be a natural thing in the workplace but it may cause mental and physical health issues.?TalktoAngel, the best EAP provider in India offers counselling and coping strategies to help with stress reduction at work.?Strategies address physical, mental, and psychological factors of stress management, as well as improving employee morale.
- Depression and Anxiety: People who suffer from anxious disorders, face lots of comments by those who don't know the struggles of living with anxiety.?Stress at work can result in feeling anxious, stressed, and restless. It can also cause tension between the job and?work.?Being worried about performance, communicating with co-workers, meeting with new clients, or even speaking in public and not achieving objectives, etc. could cause anxiety.?It is not uncommon for people to seek out Online Therapy for anxiety.?Depression is a nebulous disorder that is characterized by an inability to focus at work, a disturbed sleep pattern, an inability to concentrate, an inability to motivate or remain sad, experiencing unprovoked bouts of unhealthy behavior, which results in frequent absence or performance decline and decrease employee’s wellbeing.?The TalktoAngel EAP Program can help.
- Conflict between Team members and Interpersonal conflicts: Interpersonal Conflict in the workplace is any kind of conflict (emotional physical, physical as well as professional) between an employer and employee and between employees.?Conflicts between teams are often noted in departments with cross-functional and functional conflicts.?The effects of workplace conflict can be seen as a barrier to communicating, inadequate decision-making, feelings of low doubt, and issues with commitment and trust.?TalktoAngel can help you with managing team conflict and interpersonal conflicts.
- Organizational Development: TalktoAngel assists your company in enhancing its capacity for optimal human resource management, as well as change management, by providing evidence-based multidisciplinary inputs from social, psychological research, and organizational behavioural viewpoints.?They can assist you in assessing your organization's development to evaluate its ability to support the human resource department.?They will also assist your company in designing and implementing solutions to fix performance-related issues and create risk assessment, management, and change management strategies.
- Workshops and Development Programs: Have a team of psychologists & organizational experts who have experience in providing psycho-educational and behavioural modification workshops that focus on the challenges of today's workplace.?They can assist in dealing with the issues of modern workplaces by conducting workshops focused on employees' mental health requirements, behavioural change workshops, workshops on anger and stress management as well as programs for motivation, self-care strategies, and techniques to deal with workplace bullying while focusing on the holistic development of employees.
Why should you choose TalktoAngel the Best EAP provider in India?
TalktoAngel-specific?employee assistance Programmes (EAP)?have been designed by wellness experts, renowned professionals, licensed?Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Counselling Psychologists, industrial/organizational psychologists, and other allied mental health professionals.?It blends experience and know-how with cutting-edge workplace psychological interventions to provide solutions that make tangible changes to your workplace.
Incorporating a variety of health and mental resources, TalktoAngel provides a variety of customized?EAP?solutions, such as one-on-one online counseling sessions by Psychologists and Psychiatrists, and?Couple Counsellors,?Psychometric Evaluations, Holistic Wellness Webinars and Newsletters that are focused on psychological challenges.
Benefits of EAP by TalktoAngel
TalktoAngel?EAP is a cost-effective, safe, secured & confidential space where employees can turn to get help, support & counseling for specific problems they face.?It is typically offered as part of a wider benefits package that allows employees to connect with the best mental health professionals, and happiness and life coaches for coaching, psychotherapy, one-on-one counselling, referrals, and follow-up sessions on mental health and webinars.?The employees and their family members can access specific services under EAP.