The Best Custom Units

The Best Custom Units

My website ‘Dellydidthat’ was inspired by my love for creation and beauty. My products are custom units that provide versatility to your look as well as avoiding damage to your natural hair. Often times, we want to change our look without the damages as my company offers both! 'Dellydidthat' is able to achieve essentially any look that you are going for without compromising your look, some would say even elevating it! I also encourage you to visit my website and make a contribution through my ‘Give Back’ feature. I had two very close family members to me pass away from cancer. The result of their treatment was hair loss which also inspired me choose Renew by Hair to make donations to because I have seen the effects of hair loss through cancer treatment, and I know it is a way to restore confidence despite the hard battle with cancer.?#cancersucks


