Best cure for body is quiet mind
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
"Been there? done that?” Very well, as I said, I used to be a very short tempered person and used to hurt myself badly, sometimes I used to punch on wall or start shouting, and meanwhile I used to hurt myself physically and emotionally too. But as I grew, I realized that there are things which makes you contend and doing those will give you an escape from the reality. I will just put forward my way of being calm, and I hope you can just try to figure how it can help you.
I plug my earphones and go out for a walk alone early morning on a lonely road or beach, listening to my favorite music. Or I ride bikes as I love bikes, I am a proud owner of Royal Enfield classic 350 called 'Bullet'. When I ride my bike, my main concentration is on road and hence I don't dwell more into it. Just ride safe, thinking over something and driving can be dangerous. Interacting with people/new People if you are a paranoid like me when it comes to sharing your problem with people you know, then go around and meet new people. Talk about their experience, talk about your interests.
Because later you will realise that everyone is going through one or the other problem and may be your issues are trivial. And if you are not comfortable talking to them, you don’t have to worry about meeting him/her the next day. Apps like Tinder are really useful in this case but just don’t be a douche and ask for hook ups, be a gentleman. Reading helps me a lot. Sometimes reading books of your favourite genre helps. I like Politics/History and I have a minimal knowledge of the same. So while reading I come across millions of doubts and while clarifying them I really forget why I was disturbed for.
Food is normally everyone's weakness also I like Ice creams any brand any flavour doesn't matter as it makes me happy. Sleep is indeed very tough for me, but if you can sleep when you don't feel good. You will be calm when you are awake. Now coming to the things which you should never do, and this is much more important than the things you do. Don’t get into Drinking/Smoking/Drugs when you want an escape. This may lead to bigger problems. Addiction to these just constrains your brain to be stable in certain direction. Once you get into drugs and dwell deep into your problems, trust me, it will difficult coming out from there.
Don’t go crying over it to people. Though you have no bad intention but people think you are ranting. Lastly, don't sit idle and think about it. You will be wasting your time and harming yourself. I always found that in order to fix a problem, first problem is created by your thinking negatively. Problems that raise anxiety are usually created by thinking about the future and projecting past negative experiences into it. For example you might have a meeting tomorrow, you have bad experiences from the past times you’ve had to deal with people, thus that’s what you will paint the future with.
Or, you might have experienced an unpleasant event and still haven’t figured out a way to cope if that would happen again that too can create anxiety. Write down your thoughts that your anxiety is creating and that may create your anxiety, it’s a vicious cycle. You cannot create solutions from the state of mind that is the result of the problem. A problem keeps you into a lexical field generated by the emotions associated with it. Fear creates more fear … not solutions.
A problem is usually physiological too. It’s a domino that starts with thinking and ends in abdomen tension, elevated blood pressure, shallow breathing, increased alertness, etcetera all meant to prepare you to act upon that problem … only you don’t have a solution so all those preparations are kept on standby, which is not a good thing. The domino can be reversed. Taking care of the physiological response can propagate back to the brain and change the state of mind.
Therefore breath in deeply and slowly, letting your abdomen relax more and more, feeling the tension in your body and letting it go just like you would let go of something you hold in your hand. Imagine this that you’re holding a rock in your hand palm oriented downwards, fingers clenched around it, tension in your arm. Once you realise all this mechanism, once you feel the tension, you can let go and the rock will fall. Thoughts have physiological shadows and as you become more and more relaxed and aware of what you’re feeling, you can let go of that tension and of that thought.
From a more serene state you can start looking at your problem detached, seeing how it evolves and how it manifests. Now that you are more relaxed, you can look at it and see what creates it, what are the thoughts that actually give birth to tension and how they could be rethought or just dropped in order to remove the unpleasant state. It is also essential to understand that it is just thoughts or unacceptance of an immutable fact. You can actually think that something bad will happen tomorrow, but your thoughts are just based on fear and past negative experiences that fear brings into memory.
Once you understand that thoughts are a phenomenon in your mind, but they are not you … just descriptors of your state, of what you might think of yourself or others, you’re capable to see your thoughts, to detach from your thoughts, to revise them and just drop them if they’re not logical or not based on real statistics. Once you become more and more aware of your thoughts and what they originate in, you become free. Cheers!