Best Commentaries on Ephesians

Best Commentaries on Ephesians

Unlike his other epistles, Paul doesn’t write Ephesians to address error, conflict, or misunderstanding. Rather, he writes to advance the Christian insight and maturity of the Ephesians. The Ephesians church knew Paul well because he lived and taught in Ephesus for two years (Acts 19).?

In Ephesians, Paul expounds on the reality of God’s supernatural work in forming the church, the recipients of the immeasurable riches of God’s grace in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:7). Paul explains how God’s decree of salvation always included both Jews and Gentiles and how this mystery was first concealed but slowly revealed in Christ. The letter also contains two important metaphors for the church: the body (Eph. 4:1–16) and the bride of Christ (Eph. 5:22–33). Both show how the church is God’s “workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works” (Eph. 2:10).

Here are our top picks for commentaries on Ephesians. Get direct links to each of these at the bottom of this post

Introductory Commentaries

For Sunday school teachers and small group leaders without advanced training


Steven M. Baugh TGC Bible Commentary The Gospel Coalition, 2023

Baugh’s introductory work is theologically rich and elegantly written. Readers on the search for the exegetical highlights of Paul’s letter will find this commentary useful. Read Now.


Benjamin Merkle ESV Expository Commentary Crossway, 2018

Merkle’s theologically sound and pastorally wise resource will help a broad range of readers understand and apply the book of Ephesians. One particular strength of Merkle’s commentary is his attentiveness to how Ephesians fits within the larger biblical storyline.

The Message of Ephesians

John Stott Bible Speaks Today Series IVP Academic, 2021

Stott’s exposition shows the relevance of the Ephesians text for the contemporary church. Though many years have passed since he originally wrote, Stott’s portrayal of Paul’s vision for “God’s New Society” remains crucially important. Stott writes with clarity and winsomeness, and in a way accessible to all readers.

Preaching Commentaries

For pastors and Bible teachers preparing to proclaim the Word

Ephesians: An Introduction and Commentary

Darrell L. Bock Tyndale New Testament Commentaries IVP Academic, 2019

Bock shows how Paul uniquely connects gospel doctrine, power, and encouragement to the lives of the Ephesian believers. Bock emphasizes how God’s will revealed in Christ reorients believers’ lives toward unity, mutual respect, submission, and love.

The Letter to the Ephesians

Constantine R. Campbell Pillar New Testament Commentary Eerdmans, 2023

Campbell’s excellent commentary provides a clear and helpful exposition of the text. It’s informed by his extensive knowledge of Greek yet is full of theological insight. Readers will appreciate Campbell’s ability to balance the technical aspects of the letter with accessibility.


Bryan Chapell Reformed Expository Commentary P&R Publishing, 2009

This commentary based on Chappell’s sermons reflects his love for Scripture and pastoral heart. Preachers will be helped by this redemptive-historical, homiletical commentary that unfolds Paul’s glorious description of the ultimate triumph of the church in Christ. Chappell handles both difficult doctrines and difficult points of application with conviction and care.

Scholarly Commentaries

For scholars and pastor-theologians proficient in biblical Greek


Clinton E. Arnold Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Zondervan Academic, 2010

Arnold’s commentary provides an accessible discussion of the Greek of each passage. He diagrams the text in English and includes a “Theology in Application” section that offers helpful commentary on how the text relates to contemporary Christians.


Steven M. Baugh Evangelical Exegetical Commentary Lexham Press, 2016

While interacting with recent scholarship, Baugh examines first-century sources to show what Paul’s words meant in their ancient context. He translates the original text, outlines the passage, and offers commentary and theological insight from a Reformed perspective. Readers will appreciate Baugh’s focus on the good news in this rigorous work.

The Letter to the Ephesians

Lynn H. Cohick New International Commentary on the New Testament Eerdmans, 2020

Cohick’s comprehensive and up-to-date treatment which replaced F. F. Bruce’s commentary in the series affirms Pauline authorship and shows how he develops key themes in the epistle. Cohick’s expertise in first-to-third-century Roman culture enables her to set the letter firmly in its historical context. By doing so, she enlightens scholars and teachers on the cultural and familial structures that affect our understanding of Paul’s words today.

Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary

Harold W. Hoehner Baker Academic, 2002

Hoener’s hefty volume is a solid and comprehensive evangelical resource on this epistle. He compellingly argues for Pauline authorship and for the Ephesians as the original recipients, and he scrutinizes nearly every textual, lexical, grammatical-semantic, and historical issue. Note that the author’s dispensational theology rings through in several places.


Frank S. Thielman Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament Baker Academic, 2010

Thielman brings his considerable understanding of Pauline theology and his exegetical skill together to produce an outstanding commentary. He makes a strong case that Ephesians is an authentic Pauline letter, and his verse-by-verse treatment also does an excellent job setting the text in its Graeco-Roman and Jewish context.

Click here for links to purchase any of these commentaries, or to read our free TGC Commentary on Ephesians.


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