The best Rocky, Cinderella, comeback story ever written!
The most significant and inspirational story of courage, overcoming, love, and understanding of the divine will of God is the story of Joseph found in the book of Genesis. As a kid, Joseph is thrown into a pit by his older brothers where they kept him until they sold him into slavery in Egypt.
When Joseph goes to Egypt, his owner’s wife tried to lure him into committing adultery. Not wanting to perform this horrible act against God, he defies her. Feeling scorned, she has Joseph arrested and thrown into jail on rape charges. I’d say he’s a bit worse off than Rocky or Cinderalla, even with her wicked step sisters at this point in his life. Yet, Joseph sets the overcomer record when he goes from being an encarcerated, (falselely accused sex offendor) to becoming the Vice-President in charge of all of all Egypt.
A Lot of People Pray to God for There Foundations to Stop Shaking Only to Find Out it is God Who is Shaking Them
Years later when Joseph is doing his VP work, a terrible famine strikes the surrounding cities. Because he does a masterful job managing Egypt’s resources, other countries are forced to come to Joseph in order to acquire food, including Joseph’s brothers. At this point Joseph has a perfect opportunity at mockery, hatred, and revenge against his siblings that had him enslaved. When they realize this is the brother they sold as a slave, they are scared to death. Astonishingly, however, as a courageous overcomer who understands the divine will of God, Joseph feeds his brothers and says, at this pinnacle point in all of history, “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt. Don’t worry or blame yourselves for what you did. God is the one who sent me ahead of you to save lives.”
Wow – seriously Joseph! These guys sold you as a slave and you forgave them and saw the work of God in it? That is some pretty amazing grace and an almost unfathonable lesson on forgiveness and God’s plan for all of us.
The takeaway: you look at so many trials in your life and wonder why God does not let you out. You look at so many people and anger at them for the turmoil they create in your life. Rather then hatred or giving up, a better question is to ask, “Why has God handed me this cup?”
For better or worse, it is within the hurt and the storm your heart is tried, tested, and made stronger. During theses defining moments in your life, your worth is decided. Trial by fire is where we find out if you will be one who will save lives and fulfill your destiny. It is at the height of suffering that your faith and will are tested. It is when things are at their worst when you must not quit and know that God always offers hope and a future.
You see this in a Chiropractor’s office. Someone comes in with pain and suffering, but maybe it is for good. The reason it is good is that it causes them to get an X-ray. Often, the symptom is just the tip of the iceberg and more serious, bigger problems were lurking beneatht the surface. Most likely you found out that this problem had been there for a long time without you knowing about it. Were it not for the pain and suffering, you would have never began correcting your spine, getting away from dangersous meds, and turning your lifestyle around. The pain that was ruining your life can become the very thing that lengthens your life and makes it better.

“Faith that is sure of itself is not faith; faith that is sure of God is the only faith there is” - Oswald Chambers

Aron Airall

Super Fit, Super Healthy, & Super Happy Sports Chiropractor/ Consultant

8 年

“I don’t know how much I could improve until I started seeing a chiropractor. Since I’ve been in chiropractic, I’ve improved by leaps and bounds both mentally and physically.” Michael Jordan, 5 Time NBA MVP and 6 Time NBA Champion "Athletes are always looking for ways to improve their performances on the field; Chiropractic is one of the best ways to accomplish this" Dr. Nick Athens, Team DC San Francisco 49ers Are You Willing To Do What Super Fit And Super Healthy People Do To Be More Super Fit And Super Healthy Than You Already Are? Many docs have asked how they can support the release so I wanted to share a few simple ways. 1. BUY A COPY OF The Science Of Getting More Super Fit, Super Healthy, And Super Leaner Than You Already Are eBook, body fat calipers, measuring tape, food journal (examples),& online body composition calculator for only $197 USD 2. SUPPORT THE LAUNCH ON FACEBOOK 3. SHARE. Be one of the first doctors in your area to be one step ahead of the game. You’ll be glad that you did (;-)



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