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If you are all still with me - - - this blog, blog 8 of 15 is the end of Beef Harvesting HACCP Systems.

Parts 1 through 7 that are certainly germane to this blog - R available on my LinkedIn site 24/7/365.

The next blog of this series of 15 parts shall present a raw not ground beef (RNGB) HACCP system followed by a separate raw ground beef (RGB) HACCP system.

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The information listed directly below supports the decisions process that is used in the determination of this HACCP Systems:

There is not a regulatory requirement for the control of temperature involving red meat or poultry products. Therefore we are using a study by the USDA that was released prior to HACCP becoming mandatory for the very small plants, (USDA,ARS.FSIS). Proposed rules of 1995 under the Federal Register 60:6881-9881).

A page from the training manual for the development of a HACCP Plan published by the USDA for the very small plant Table 1, “Characteristics of Growth for Nine Pathogens Associated with Meat and Poultry Products,” and Table A-1 Limiting Conditions for Pathogen Growth,” published by the Food and Drug Administration.

We have a study (as do so many others! It's a classic.) by A. Castillo, L. M. Lucia, K. J. Goodsin, J. W. Savell, and G. R. Acuff on the use of lactic acid treatments for reducing bacteria of fecal origin on beef carcasses. This report from the Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 61, No. 7, 1998 evinces this treatment to reduce bacterial contamination on beef carcasses. Our CCP’s in the beef harvesting process is the Lactic Acid Spray and the Zero Tolerance Inspection.?


  • CCP 1B – The parameters of the Lactic Acid is checked for PSI, lactic acid %, temperature and time duration. The lactic acid is applied to beef carcasses.
  • CCP 2B - ZERO TOLERANCE for fecal, ingesta and milk matter is performed on carcass sides including Head, Weasand, (when applicable) and cheek meat. The ZERO TOLERANCE for carcasses shall be checked every two (2) hours, plus or minus 20 minutes by selecting three (3) carcass sides based on the project volume of each shift. The Head, Weasand (when applicable) and Cheek meat for ZERO TOLERANCE after twelve (12) hours three (3) separate thirty (30) pound samples.
  • All applicable FSIS Directives / Notices and addendums shall be followed pertaining to extraneous materials.



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Process Step Overview:

Following the upper and lower steam vacuuming and knife trimming each carcass is subject to final inspection by the assigned USDA Inspector. Depending on this inspection the carcass is railed out or continues to the hot pasteurization cabinet. Carcasses can also be “railed-out” following the spinal cord removal upstream as well. Regardless of the two (2) rail-out areas, all carcasses shall be trimmed of contamination in a timely fashion and shall be sprayed with Inspexx 200 at approximately 200 PPM or lower. This shall be performed by QA personnel.

The PPM level of the hand-held well-ID sprayer shall be recorded before and during operations. Carcasses shall be sprayed upon entering and exiting both rail-out areas. The carcasses tag number shall be recorded to ensure each carcass is properly sprayed with Inspexx 200.
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Plan: How ABC shall meet the production step?

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Following the upper and lower steam vacuuming and knife trimming each carcass is subject to final inspection by the assigned USDA Inspector. Depending on this inspection the carcass is railed out or continues to the hot pasteurization cabinet.

Do: Actual production step?

The USDA performs his/hers final visual inspection or each passing carcass. The carcasses shall be sprayed with Inspexx 200 as they enter and just before they are released by USDA and/or QA personnel.?

Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?

Any carcasses that are ordered to be railed out are re-worked by company personnel using sterilized knives and/or extended blade hatchet. Afterwards the carcass re-enters to the high bench and is then re-inspected by the assigned USDA Inspector.

Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

Any carcasses that are ordered to be railed out are re-worked by company personnel using sterilized knives and/or extended blade hatchet (if applicable). Afterwards the carcass re-enters to the high bench and is then re-inspected by the assigned USDA Inspector.


This SSOP Procedure concerning the inspection of oxtails is in direct reply to FSIS Notice 41-06, dated 7/12/2006.

During normal harvesting operations, oxtails are left attached to each carcass that is processed.

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However, in the event the tail of a carcass is observed with the hide still attached, the Bung Dropper will cut off the tail and have it placed onto a stainless steel hook at the designated re-work station with a corresponding house tag number securely attached.?

This house tag number will clearly identify the tail with the carcass from which it was removed from. The tail will then be re-worked by a designated person with a clean knife removing all foreign materials.

If the carcass, from which the oxtail was removed from, is railed out further down the processing stage, the fully identified oxtail will be held until final USDA disposition is finally determined.

If the carcass is condemned by the USDA, then the corresponding oxtail will also be condemned.

NOTE: Normally the oxtails are removed from carcasses with a sanitized knife just after the USDA Final Inspection and prior to the weighing station and hot pasteurization cabinet as depicted above.


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?Process Step Overview:

Each carcass enters a pasteurization cabinet. The duration of exposure for each carcass is 11 seconds or longer at a water temperature of 165° F or greater (- the better!). The temperature of the hot water shall be recorded at the surface of the carcasses using polymers. The PSI is measured at 40 or (not much) higher. Hot water pasteurization is known to truncate and eliminate pathogens as well as unwanted extraneous materials (blood, bone dust, hair, etc.). This process step is not a CCP but is considered to be a Critical Limit (CL). The prescribed PSI is not conducive to “implanting” undesirable pathogens into the skin of the carcasses.

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Plan: How ABC shall meet the production step?

Hot Water Pasteurization Cabinet

The Hot Water Pasteurization Cabinet operation has two processing limits (PL); time duration of the hot water cabinet, (minimum of 11 seconds) and temperature of the hot water, (at least 165°F or more). These processing limits are monitored, documented and verified by designated personnel who will record the PL’s at least three (3) times per production shift. Polymers are used to measure the water temperature at the surface of each carcass.

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Do: Actual production step?

The Hot Water Pasteurization Cabinet operation has two processing limits (PL); time duration of the hot water cabinet, (minimum of 11 seconds) and temperature of the hot water, (at least 165°F or more). These processing limits are monitored, documented and verified by designated personnel who will record the PL’s at least three (3) times per production shift.

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Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?

In the event that the hot water supply is unavailable the following SOP procedures listed below will be followed and documented:

The hot water deviation will be noted on either the Pre-operational or Operational Report.

The Maintenance Department will be notified to correct the situation in a timely manner.

The USDA IIC will be made aware of the current event.

Upon receiving approval to allow production in lieu of hot water from the USDA IIC ABC shall;

  • Verbally instruct all employees to abide to all existing SSOP’s. The only deviation to normal SSOP’s will be to wash their hands and gloves with cold water.
  • QC Personnel will fill several clean yellow colored barrels with cold potable water with a sanitizer at documented levels of PPM. Employees will dip their hands/gloves into the barrels and directly there after spray their gloves with another after sanitizer. The colored yellow barrels will be changed out every hour with a sanitizer at documented levels of PPM as per the manufactures instructions. All procedures, measurements and change-outs will be documented for any needed future references.
  • All hand-held tools will be sterilized in the provided sterilizers (180°F or hotter), as they normally would.
  • Smock and glove change-outs are to continue every break and lunch hour, or sooner if needed.
  • All entering and exiting the bathrooms, coming into contact with non-product contact areas, etc., will require hand washing and sanitizer spraying directly thereafter.

  1. Once the deviation is corrected, the correction will be placed on the applicable SSOP Corrective Action Form while concurrently advising the USDA IIC of the correction made.
  2. All other documented SSOP’s will continue to be followed.

Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

Quality Control personnel shall follow the procedures listed on the preceding page.



The pasteurization cabinet is not conducive to introducing chemical hazards. The water is from the City of Chino as is regarded as being potable.


The pasteurization cabinet is not conducive to introducing physical hazards.


Pathogens. Hot water measured at 165° F or greater is known to reduce and eliminate pathogens on the carcasses surface. We have identified a subsequent step of organic acid spraying to reduce pathogen contamination.?


Well planned and documented Preventive maintenance logs of the hot / COLD water cabinets is a must. So many times after landing at a visiting state, I'll stop at the first Walmart I see and buy about 8 cans of shaving cream.
After first securing USDA IIC approval, the last carcass of the harvesting day is smeared with shaving cream and is run through the hot water cabinet. There are a series of horizontal bars that rotate individual sprayers up and down, like windshield wipers of your motor-vehicle that have been engineered to cover the entire carcass.
Such efficacy test, among others, always unveils the efficacy or in-efficacy of the company's "Preventive Maintenance Program."
Water treatment (calcium deposits / hard water) is a must, as many of you already know


Process Step Overview:

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A scribe saw is used to cut the feather bones. The scribe saw is sanitized in hot water (at least 4 to 6 seconds) sterilizers of 180 degrees F., or more following each passing carcass. Further organoleptic inspection is also carried out using sanitized knives.

Plan: How ABC shall meet the production step?

A scribe saw is used to cut feather bones as well as visual inspections for any foreign matter.

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Do: Actual production step?

As the carcasses are looping away from the hot water pasteurization cabinet and just prior to the cold water cabinet, each carcass has their feather bones cut away (not removed) from the carcass. Any foreign matter is cut away from the carcass as well.

Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?

Quality Control personnel monitor this area and workers to ensure acceptable practices are followed to evade any cross contamination.

Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

Quality Control personnel monitor this area and workers to ensure acceptable practices are followed to evade any cross contamination.



The scribe saw is not conducive to introducing chemical hazards.


The scribe saw is not conducive to introducing physical hazards.


Pathogens. Potential contamination from the scribe saw operation may occur at this stage of operations. The scribe saw is sanitized after several passing carcass. We have identified a subsequent step of organic acid spraying to reduce pathogen contamination.

JOB TO BE PERFORMED: Scribe Saw for making Steakers

REQUIRED PPE: Yes. Eye Protection

LOCKOUT/TAGOUT/BLOCKOUT: Yes, whenever maintenance or sanitation exercises are being done the units air hose is to be disconnected.

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Severe lacerations to the hands, arms and other body parts that may come into contact with the tools blade.


  • Disconnect the air hose before making any blade changes.
  • Disconnect the air hose before performing any repairs or maintenance
  • Disconnect the air hose before performing clean-up.
  • Never put fingers, hands or other parts of the body on the cutting edge or within the cutting path of the tool when it is connected to an air supply.
  • Test the tool prior to use on a daily basis. Depress the trigger and the tool should start. Release the trigger and the tool should stop.
  • Always use both hands when starting and operating the tool to avoid the risk of possible “kick back” or “recoil.” Continue holding the tool with both hands until the saw blade comes to a complete stop.
  • Never depress the trigger unless you want to use or test the tool.
  • Never make modifications or alterations to the tool.
  • Always wear eye protection when operating the tool.
  • Report any malfunction to your Supervisor immediately. Do not attempt to fix the unit yourself.

_________________________________ ????????______________________________

Employee?????????????????????Date ?????? ??Employee Signature

_________________________________ ????????_______________________________

Trainer’s Name ????????????????Date ????????Trainers Signature


Process Step Overview:

Each carcass enters a cold cabinet for a final carcass wash. The duration of exposure for each carcass is 11 seconds or longer at a water temperature of approximately 60° F to 70° F. The PSI is measured at 70 or higher. The final carcass wash is utilized to remove any remaining foreign materials that may not have been removed from previous process steps.

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Plan: How ABC shll meet the production step?

Each carcass enters a cold cabinet for a final carcass wash.

Do: Actual production step?

Each carcass is subject to a high pressure cold water wash in order to remove any visible foreign matter.

Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?

Both Quality Control personnel and the scribe saw operator monitor to ensure visible foreign matter is removed prior to the hot water pasteurization cabinet.

Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

Both Quality Control personnel and the scribe saw operator monitor to ensure visible foreign matter is removed prior to the hot water pasteurization cabinet.



The final carcass wash is not conducive to introducing chemical hazards.


The final carcass wash is not conducive to introducing physical hazards.


Pathogens. Pathogens may still be present following the final carcass operation. A subsequent intervention step involving the lactic acid spray will reduce and eliminate pathogens.



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Description of Process

The Lactic Acid Spray Operation (CCP 1B) and the Hot Water Pasteurization Cabinet designated as a Control Point, (CP). CCP-2B is the Final Carcass Inspection for Zero Tolerance of fecal, ingesta and milk matter.

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Plan: How ABC shall meet the production step?

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ABC shall meet the description of process involving pathogen intervention steps by following the HACCP System as FSIS Directive 44-02.?ABC shall document and verify that CCP 1B, the Hot Water Pasteurization Cabinet CP, & CCP 2B and are working as intended as per our HACCP System.

Do: Actual production step?

As one of several pathogen intervention/elimination steps, hanging half carcasses enter into a Lactic Acid Spray Operation, (CCP 1B) and a Hot Water Pasteurization Cabinet, (CP) that is intended to reduce/eliminate harmful pathogens from their surfaces. CCP 2B involves hanging half beef carcasses. Quality Control personnel or designated person re-inspects/monitors three (3) carcasses sides every hour of operation for Zero Tolerance of fecal, ingesta and milk matter. ???????????????

Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check? ?

Lactic Acid Spray Operation (CCP 1B) The lactic acid spray operation has four critical limits (CL), (PSI, lactic acid concentration, temperature of the lactic acid solution and the time duration of exposure to the lactic acid spray in of itself.) that are monitored, documented and verified as such. Management and/or designated person shall monitor and record the following procedures on an hourly basis every production day without fail. Pictured below is the Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point for the Lactic Acid Spray.?

The PSI of the spray must be at a minimum of 40 PSI or higher.

The solution of the lactic acid concentration is of no less than 2.0 % which is derived from the drip of the carcasses itself after it is sprayed. Listed directly below are the procedures to measure the concentration % of the Lactic Acid;

A clean test tube is used to collect the lactic acid drip directly underneath the neck portion of the carcass.

  • One (1) cc. of the carcass drip is drawn out of the test tube with a clean and sterilized 1 cc. syringe. This measured carcass drip solution is then dispensed into another clean and sterilized test tube.
  • One (1) drop of Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution is added with the measured carcass drip.
  • Next 0.25 N Sodium Hydroxide is added, one drop at a time. Shaking is performed after each additional drop until the color of the test tube contents changes to a pink color. The endpoint occurs with a single drop.
  • Ten (10) drops of 0.25 N Sodium Hydroxide equals 1 % of Lactic Acid Solution. The concentration % of the Lactic Acid is documented on the “Lactic Acid Report: by the designated employee.

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The temperature of the Lactic Acid (55 degree C. or higher) will be recorded by the Lactic Acid tank and is documented from the temperature dial indicator onto the “Lactic Acid Report” by the designated employee. Polymers shall also be used to measure the temperature at this stage of operations.

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The time duration of the Lactic Acid rinse (11 seconds or more) is set automatically by timers and recorded by the designated person on the “Lactic Acid Report.”

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Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

In the event that either the Lactic Acid Spray Operation (CCP 1B), and/or the Final Carcass Inspection (CCP 2B) exceeds the parameters described above, the CL’s of each of the respected CCP’s, Plant Management or a designated employee will make all applicable corrective actions as per FSIS Regulation Part 417.3.


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The lactic acid used is a food grade substance that was approved by the FDA and USDA’s FSIS for use on carcasses at a 5.0% maximum level. We have letters of guarantee on file from our suppliers stating that food grade lactic acid is considered “Generally Recognized as Safe” under 21 CFR 184.1061. Therefore, no chemical food safety hazards were identified as reasonably likely to occur by the act of spraying the carcass with lactic acid.


The lactic acid spray operation is not conducive to introducing physical hazards.


Pathogens. Lactic acid has been shown to be an effective organic acid at reducing pathogen loads. FSIS Directive 7120.4 rev. 2 states that up to 5% of a food grade acid can be used. Therefore, we consider the use of lactic acid as a CCP for reducing pathogens including E. coli O157:H7, on the harvest floor. Scientific literature is also available to support the use of lactic acid as a microbial intervention that shall reduce/eliminate E. coli O157:H7.


BSE. See SRM Prerequisite Program


#1 - As mentioned in earlier chapters of this series, Log reductions in a controlled environment yields different log reductions when performed in "real" situations.

#2 - Harvesting establishments who rely on their latter science-based CCP's - shall more than likely have high counts on Generic E. coli and SPC's.


Back up-stream at the knocking stage and the various hide dressings thereafter - as noted on the HACCP flow chart - for the preparation and removal of the hide, including tying of the bung and evisceration is the --- CRUCIAL AREA OF BEEF HARVESTING.
Percentage wise these stages of hide removal, including evisceration is where cross contamination likely occurs. Any time Homo sapiens are involved there shall always be "opportunities."

# 3 - Line supervision has to be "SUPER-vising" around holidays and Fridays.


WORKERS sometimes have a propensity of rushing to get done and then get sloppy. Trust me.


Process Step Overview:

Following the lactic acid spray cabinet each carcass is subject to final inspection, (both lower and upper areas of the carcasses anatomy) by the Quality Control personnel using the two-knife system. Any residual foreign manner is trimmed off. This process stage is just prior to CCP – 2B Zero Tolerance Inspection.

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Plan: How ABC shall meet the production step?

Following the lactic acid spray cabinet each carcass is subject to final inspection, (both lower and upper areas of the carcasses anatomy) by the Quality Control personnel using the two-knife system. Any residual foreign manner is trimmed off. This process stage is just prior to CCP – 2B Zero Tolerance Inspection.

Do: Actual production step?

Following the lactic acid spray cabinet each carcass is subject to final inspection, (both lower and upper areas of the carcasses anatomy), by the Quality Control personnel using the two-knife system. Any residual foreign manner is trimmed off. This process stage is just prior to CCP – 2B Zero Tolerance Inspection.

Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?

Any carcasses that are ordered to be railed out are re-worked by company personnel using sterilized knives and/or extended blade hatchet. Afterwards the carcass re-enters to the high bench and is then re-inspected by the assigned USDA Inspector.

Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

?Carcasses that are ordered to be railed out are re-worked by company personnel using sterilized knives and/or extended blade hatchet. Afterwards the carcass re-enters to the high bench and is re-inspected by the USDA Inspector.


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Process Step Overview:

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We check three randomly selected ? carcasses for any visible feces, milk and ingesta. We inspect each carcass beginning with the hind shank and work on down to the neck. Any visible foreign material is trimmed off with a knife. All knives are sanitized between each carcass inspection.

Plan: How ABC shll meet the production step?

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Final Carcass Inspection CCP 2B

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Management or designated person will re-inspect/monitor three (3) carcass sides every hour of operation as per our CCP 2B Final Carcass Inspection Operation:

1. The selection of the three (3) sides of carcasses will be picked by the Jar number method by a designated employee. Numbers will run 1 through 12. The three (3) carcass sides are physically railed of the main rail for Zero Tolerance inspection.

2. Each carcass side is thoroughly inspected by using organoleptic inspection techniques.

3. Quality Control or designated personnel uses when necessary a stainless steel reflector to view hard to see areas such as the lower neck and fore shank areas. Enhanced lighting (flashlight) is occasionally used to enhance the visual inspections.?

4. A ladder platform is used to view the hind quarter of each half carcass.

5. The result of the inspection is documented by the designated person on the “Final Wash Report.”

In the event fecal, ingesta or milk is found by designated employees, all beef carcasses will be segregated and re-inspected since the last acceptable check. In addition designated plant personnel will inspect three (3) side carcasses for Zero Tolerance every half hour for the remainder of the day’s shift.

Do: Actual production step?

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Management or designated person will re-inspect/monitor three (3) carcass sides every hour of operation as per our CCP 2B Final Carcass Inspection Operation. A ladder is used to assist Quality Control personnel to perform this CCP task.

Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?

Management or designated person will re-inspect/monitor three (3) carcass sides every hour of operation as per our CCP 2B Final Carcass Inspection Operation.?

Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

In the event fecal, ingesta and/or milk matter is found, all carcasses since the last acceptable inspection will be re-worked. The deviation will be noted on the Operational form as well as the corrective action log.

Name_____________________________________ ???Date______________________

Assigned Areas of the Carcass____________________________

All fecal, ingesta and milk matter is to be trimmed off with knives in order to meet the Zero Tolerance Standard mandated by the USDA. Any detection of fecal, ingesta and or milk materials by the USDA Inspector will result with disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment.

Signature of Employee_________________________________

Signature of the Trainer/Supervisor______________________________________

Name __________________________________ ????Date____________________

Assigned areas of the Carcass__________________________________________

All fecal, ingesta and milk matter is to be trimmed off with knives in order to the Zero Tolerance Standard mandated by the USDA. Any detection of fecal, ingesta and or milk materials by the USDA Inspector will result with disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment.

Signature of Employee____________________________________

Signature of the Trainer/Supervisor____________________________________



The Final Carcass Inspection is not conducive to introducing chemical hazards.


The Final Carcass Inspection is not conducive to introducing physical hazards.


Visible feces, milk, and ingesta. USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service require the trimming of all visible feces, milk and ingesta. According to 62 Federal Register (FR) 63254, November 28, 1997; the plant must address zero tolerance in the HACCP plan. Therefore, this step is identified as a CCP to control visible feces, milk and ingesta by knife trimming and any visible contamination.


Process Step Overview:

We package our products using conventional packaging materials such as food grade plastic packaging that are enclosed inside shipping box containers. Letters of Guarantee are on file for all packaging materials.?

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Plan: How ABC shall meet the production step?

We package our products using packaging materials such as food grade plastic packaging that are enclosed inside shipping box containers.

Do: Actual production step?

We package our products using packaging materials such as food grade plastic packaging that are enclosed inside shipping box containers.

Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?

Quality Control personnel inspect and monitor this process

Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

Quality Control personnel inspect and monitor this process.



None identified at this time. We could not think of any potential chemical food safety hazards that could be introduced, controlled, or reduced during packaging.


None identified at this time. We could not think of any potential physical food safety hazards that could be introduced, controlled, or reduced during packaging.


None identified at this time. We could not think of any potential biological food safety hazards that could be introduced, controlled, or reduced during packaging.


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Process Step Overview:

This step involves placing the fresh carcasses into cold storage, including offal. Covered or boxed product will remain covered or boxed during the cold storage process. Hanging product shall be stored without cover. The facility has more than one location for storing meat products. All cold storage areas are maintained in sanitary conditions according to our SSOP’s. This cold storage begins the continuum of “cold chain management.” When germane, QA personnel assign plant personnel to wipe any condensation from the rail and overhead beams. SSOP covers all overhead areas including spray nozzles in order that good sanitation/house keeping is maintained.

?Plan: How ABC shall meet the production step?

Processed carcasses, offal and boxed offal are stored until their final disposition. Carcasses are deliberately spaced in the hot boxes so that optimal flow of cold air shall chill the carcasses as quickly as possible as well as optimal spray chill applications in the evenings.

Do: Actual production step?

Processed carcasses and offal and boxed offal are stored until their final disposition.

Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?

Processed carcasses and offal and boxed offal are stored until their final disposition.

Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

Processed carcasses and offal and boxed offal are stored until their final disposition.



Cleaning and sanitizing solutions were identified as potential safety hazards. However, these are not identified as reasonably likely to occur food safety hazards because the proper use of all cleaning and sanitizing chemicals are addressed in the SSOP’s. We also considered Freon 22 as a potential chemical food safety hazard. We determined that this is not a food safety hazard that is reasonably likely to occur.


None identified at this time. We could not think of any potential physical food safety hazards that could be introduced, controlled, or reduced during the cold storage of the raw meat products.


All carcasses and offal items have been exposed to all interventions that are based on scientific data as well as historical data. All raw meat products are stored in cold ambient coolers and/or trailers.


Process Step Overview

We either distribute or have our products picked-up from our facility. ABC shall abide in full to FSIS Directive 6100.4, dated 9/13/2007 regarding the shipping and receiving responsibilities of ABC / Customer involving the shipment of whole carcasses/carcass parts with the vertebral column still attached. Stamp of inspection shall be placed on each individual whole carcass or carcass parts (beef arm chuck).

Plan: How ABC shall meet the production step?

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Processed carcasses and offal and boxed offal are stored until their final disposition. All raw meats are either transferred to fabrication or are transported in clean and refrigerated trailers for delivery.

Do: Actual production step?

Processed carcasses and offal and boxed offal are stored until their final disposition. All raw meats are either transferred to fabrication or are transported in clean and refrigerated trailers for delivery. This process begins the “cold chain management” of all products.

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Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?

Processed carcasses and offal and boxed offal are stored until their final disposition. All raw meats are either transferred to fabrication or are transported in clean and refrigerated trailers for delivery. Fabrication and shipping surface temperatures are recorded and filed for any needed future references.

Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

Any unforeseen deviations as noted above will be fully addressed and documented for any needed future references.



None identified at this time. We could not think of any potential chemical food safety hazards that could be introduced, controlled or reduced during the cold storage of the raw meat product. Products are covered or boxed will remain so during storage.


None identified at this time. We could not think of any potential physical food safety hazards that could be introduced, controlled or reduced during the cold storage of the raw meat product. Products are covered or boxed will remain so during storage.


None identified at this time. We could not think of any potential biological food safety hazards that could be introduced, controlled or reduced during the cold storage of the raw meat product. Products are covered or boxed will remain so during storage.


Process Step Overview

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Product from Harvesting is rarely returned. However, when raw beef product is returned its final disposition will be determined by a case by case basis. All returned product will be noted and documented for any needed future references.

Plan: How ABC shall meet the production step?

When raw product is returned its final disposition will be determined by a case by case basis. All returned product will be noted and documented for any needed future references.

Do: Actual production step?

Quality Assurance will record all pertinent information regarding returned raw beef products including final disposition.

Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?

Processed carcasses and offal and boxed offal are stored until their final disposition. All raw meats are either transferred to fabrication or are transported in clean and refrigerated trailers for delivery. Fabrication and shipping surface temperatures are recorded and filed for any needed future references.

Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

Any unforeseen deviations as noted above will be fully addressed and documented for any needed future references.



None identified at this time. We could not think of any potential chemical food safety hazards that could be introduced regarding returned products.


None identified at this time. We could not think of any potential physical food safety that could be introduced regarding returned products.


None identified at this time. The product(s) were subjected to all CCP’s prior to shipping the product. There are various reasons that product can be returned and each will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. This is raw product and as identified previously it may contain pathogens; however, it will re-enter the process flow and be subjected to a subsequent CCP for pathogen control.


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Process Step Overview

We either distribute or have our products picked-up from our facility.

Plan: How ABC shall meet the production step?

AB shall follow the USDA protocol as depicted in FSIS Directive 10,010.1, which includes the completion of the pre-shipment review that verifies that the presumptive positive or positive product received the proper disposition, (cooking kill step as per the receiving Establishment Hazardous Analysis and stated CCP), by the receiving Establishment.

Do: Actual production step?

ABC shall follow the USDA protocol as depicted in FSIS Directive 10,010.1 which includes the completion of the pre-shipment review that verifies that the presumptive positive or positive product received the proper disposition, (cooking kill step as per the receiving Establishment Hazardous Analysis and stated CCP), by the receiving Establishment.

Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?

All germane paper work will be checked prior to shipment. On the day that the product is cooked, a confirmation from the cooking establishment will be received with a pre-shipment then being conducted.

Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?

?All germane paper work will be checked prior to shipment. On the day that the product is cooked, a confirmation from the cooking establishment will be received with a pre-shipment then being conducted.?



None identified at this time. We could not think of any potential chemical food safety hazards that could be introduced, controlled or reduced during the cold storage of the raw meat product. Products are covered or boxed will remain so during storage.


None identified at this time. We could not think of any potential physical food safety hazards that could be introduced, controlled or reduced during the cold storage of the raw meat product. Products are covered or boxed will remain so during storage.


As per FSIS Directive 10,010.1 Revision 1 will place a USDA approved label "For Cooking Only," on each shipping container containing Positive or Presumptive Positive E. coli O157:H7 product. ABP will follow the USDA protocol as depicted in FSIS Notice 63-06 Section III 1 thru 5, which includes the completion of the pre-shipment review that verifies that the presumptive positive or positive product received the proper disposition, (cooking kill step as per the receiving Establishment Hazardous Analysis and stated CCP), by the receiving Establishment.

Acknowledgement of ABCs E. coli O157:H7 Product Sales Requirements

The loads must be under USDA seal ABP seal - which will also listed on the Bill of Lading. The receiving Company must sign the Bill of Lading upon receipt to verify that the seals match.

My signature below indicates that as a purchaser or receiver of ABC E. coli O157:H7 positive product or presumptive positive E. coli O157:H7, I have read and understand the above requirements.

___________________________ ????????????????____________________________

Buyer’s Printed Name ????????????????????????? Buyer’s Signature

_____________________________ ??????????????____________________________

Purchasing Company Name???????????????????? ?Date


____________________________ ???????????????____________________________

Receivers Printed Name???????????????????????? Receivers Signature


Receiving Company Name ????????????????????? ?Date


  • Final receiving/cooking Establishment Name
  • Final receiving/cooking Establishment location (city and state)
  • Number of boxes
  • Weight of the product
  • Order and invoice number
  • Trailer seal numbers for the order

No load of positive/presumptive product may leave this Establishment until all information has been confirmed and collected by the IIC at both Establishment.


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Product from ABC that has tested positive or presumptive positive for E. coli O157:H7 may only be sold to companies who can meet the requirements listed below:

All required documentation must be returned to ABC prior to the release of any product. This information will be filed with the disposition paperwork for our HACCP System.


Each company wishing to purchase or receive E. coli O157:H7 positive product from ABP must meet the following requirements:


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Cooking Establishment must provide ABC with a letter on a company letterhead that contains the following information:

  • Acknowledgement that the facility is an official USDA cooking Establishment.
  • Acknowledgement that the Establishment has a pathogen reduction/hazard analysis – critical control point system in place with a validated CCP for cooking the product to Ready-To-Eat (RTE) Standards.
  • The signature of a company official along with his/hers official title.

In any situation where a broker or trader is involved with the sale of E. coli O157:H7 positive/presumptive positive product, ABC must be provided with all pertinent contact information, (name of company, USDA Establishment number, name of company official, address, phone number), for the Establishment who will take the final possession of the product and cook the product to the required standards. This cooking Establishment must have a letter on file with ABC that meets the requirements as listed above in Cooking Establishments.


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No product will be sent to an outside cold storage in the name of a broker or trader. If the product is going to an outside warehouse. cold storage facility, ABC requires that the receiving/cooking plant make the request in writing. This letter must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be on a Company letterhead.
  • Must state the name of the storage facility that will receive the product.
  • Must state that the receiving/cooking establishment is taking responsibility for this product when it is received at the stated storage facility.
  • Must state that the product will be cooked to the required standards after storage.


Customer Name ___________________________

Sales Order # _____________________________

Purchase Order # __________________________

As a representative of ________________________________________________, we understand that the product we are purchasing on the order identified above has been subjected to an E. coli O157:H7 testing program and has tested positive or presumptive positive. We understand that under current USDA requirements, this product must be cooked Ready-To-Eat (RTE) standards under a validated Critical Control Point in our Establishment’s HACCP Program.

___________________________ ?????????????????????___________________________

Food Safety Manager – Signature ?????????????????????Production Manager – Signature


Food Safety Manager – Print Name ????????????????????Production Manager – Print Name

_____________________________ ????????????????????___________________________

Date?????????????????????????????????????????????? Date

Quantity ??????????????????Product Code ???????????????????Product Description


This product shall not be shipped until ABC has received a signed copy of the top portion of this document. Actual quantities shall be taken from the shipping manifest.


The signatures below serve as verification that all E. coli O157:H7 positive/presumptive products listed on the order form of the previous page have been received and properly cooked to Ready-To-Eat standards under a validated Critical Control Point in our Establishment’s HACCP Program. This document meets the requirements for FSIS Directive 10,010.1. Rev. 1 Part VII, B (2) ?.


Food Safety Manager – Signature ?????????????????????Production Manager – Signature


Food Safety Manager – Print Name ????????????????????Production Manager – Print Name

_____________________________ ????????????????????___________________________

Date?????????????????????????????????????????????? Date

(Letter should be sent on official company letterhead. If letterhead does not contain address, phone, fax number, Email, please include in the letter itself.)

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Date: _____________________


999 Gumby, Kaui 91710

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to inform you that your company name (USDA Est. #) is a USDA/FSIS inspected establishment. The product name(s) or description purchased from your company is utilized in Fully Cooked Products processed to Ready-To-Eat (RTE) standards. These products are manufactured in compliance with a validated CCP in the Establishment’s HACCP Program.

This product will not be used, or offered for sale, for the production of raw non-intact or raw ground beef products.


Signature, Job Title & Date


?Revised Date: December 999

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  1. A pre-prepared kit shall be used.
  2. A sanitized four (4) inch Template for sampling.
  3. A sanitized knife.
  4. Sterile gloves.
  5. Ladders or a sampling platform.

A random selection of the half carcass should be selected for sampling and kept under refrigeration twelve (12) hours after harvesting.


  1. Pre label all bags that will be used for the sampling.
  2. Locate the flank, brisket and rump sampling sites as illustrated in the USDA manual.
  3. Position the step ladder near the carcass for easy and safe access to the sampling areas.
  4. Tear off the opening of the bag.
  5. Open the bag.
  6. Put on sterile gloves.
  7. With the other hand, retrieve the template by the outer edge taking care not to contaminate the template.
  8. Locate the flank sampling area and place the template over this location.
  9. Hold the 4-inch template with one (1) gloved hand while the other hand cuts an approximate 4-inch square surface of the carcass.
  10. Repeat the previous steps on the brisket and rump areas.?


  • Jerry West
  • Michael Jordan
  • Wilt Chamberlain


After the sample(s) are collected, they are placed in an ice chest and placed in the refrigerator until the sample is tested at the in-house laboratory.


The refrigerator is located in the Main Office.


Test results are recorded to demonstrate consistency with examples demonstrated in HACCP Final Rule.


A sample will be collected for every three-hundred (300) cattle slaughtered as required by the FSIS of the USDA.


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A carcass will be selected from an excel spread sheet. The carcass is then pushed into the number #1 cooler. The carcass will have a Quality Control tag hung on it with the hot weight tag number and the weight. The carcass will then be pushed on a rail either on the front or the back of the rail with the rail number documented.


The sample(s) shall be collected from the randomly selected carcass at the corridor.


A log shall be kept on each sample collected daily.


The log is located in the Supervisors office.


All records shall be kept on file for one (1) year.

_________________________ ?????????????___________________________

Employee’s Name??????Date??????????????Employee’s Signature


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?Date: January 2001

With regards to FSIS Notice 85-08, dated 11/20/2008, these components (beef hearts, beef head & cheek meat) could be used as a component of ground beef products by the end user(s). These three (3) components shall be tested individually for E. coli O157:H7 using the robust N-60 methodology.

A 375 gram composite sample shall be collected from each day’s production of each single component. ABC shall follow Case 15 (N60) of the ICMSF sampling plan. ABC shall collect sixty (60) (minimum) individual samples, each weighing at least 50 grams. ABC shall composite each individual and ground these samples together and then collect 375 grams for E. coli O157:H7 testing.
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  1. A pre-prepared kit form Biomedix shall be used.?
  2. A sanitized knife.
  3. Sterile gloves.

A random selection shall be selected for sampling on the day it is produced.


  1. Pre label all bags that will be used for the sampling.
  2. Tear off the opening of the bag.
  3. Open the bag.
  4. Put on sterile gloves.
  5. ABC shall get the square root of the total number of animals harvested for the day at hand. In case the resulting number has a decimal point to it, ABC shall round off the square root to the next whole number (3.33 would be rounded off as 4). For example: 150 animals harvested for the day, the square root of 150 is 12.24, round off to 13.
  6. ABC shall divide the 60 (N60) by the resulting square root number, rounding off the resulting number to the next whole number up.
  7. Sampling Plan: ABC shall randomly choose 13 individual sampling sources, for each type of component (head, cheek, and hearts) from the day’s production. From each of these 13 items (per source type) ABC shall collect five (5) samples, each weighing a minimum of 50 grams. Upon completion of the sample collection ABC shall have 65 samples (per source type), each weighing 50 grams. ABC shall grind the samples from similar sources (example: 65 heart samples) and hen ABC shall collect out of this 375 grams for E. coli 0157:H7 testing.


  • Elgin Bayor
  • Gail Goodrich
  • Kareem Abdul Jabbar


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After the sample(s) are collected, they are placed in an ice chest and placed in the refrigerator until the sample is tested at the in-house laboratory.


The refrigerator is located in the Main Office.


Test results are recorded to demonstrate consistency.


Individual 375 gm composite samples taken from beef hearts, beef head and cheek meat from each production day.


The 375 gm sample shall be of the heart, head and cheek meat.


The sample(s) shall be collected from the randomly selected containers of heart, head and cheek meat.


A log shall be kept on each sample collected daily.


The log is located in the Supervisors office.


All records shall be kept on file for one (1) year.

___________________ ?????????????___________________________

Employee’s Name??????Date??????????????Employee’s Signature

CORRECTIVE ACTIONS; Any product found to be positive for E. coli O157:H7 shall be denatured and destroyed. The HACCP plan shall be reassessed and the USDA IIC shall be informed by both verbal and written means.


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Date: December, 1864

ABC shall perform robust testing on entire sides (pre-chill) by swabbing carcasses entire sides (4000 cm2 per side) using a method at least as sensitive and specific as the FSIS method based (T.M. Authur et al. 2004 Prevalence and Enumeration of Aerobic Bacteria, Enterobacteriacease, and Escherichia Coli O157 at various steps in Commercial Beef Processing Plants. JFP 67(4): 658-665).

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This testing shall be performed as per the Intensive Carcass Plan every production shift. All testing shall be conducted In-house using the USDA/AOAC RI approved laboratory that is supplied by an approved laboratory. Pre-trained QA personnel shall perform the testing.


  • Sterile specimen’s sponge in sterile whirl-pack bag with 25 ml sterile phosphate diluents buffer already contained within.
  • Template for sampling.
  • Sterile gloves.
  • Ladders or a sampling platform.
  • Both sides of one (1) pre-chilled carcass shall be swabbed using a sponge.
  • A random selection of the half carcass should be selected for sampling prior to pre-chill.


  • Pre label all bags that will be used for the sampling.
  • Position the step ladder near the carcass for easy and safe access to the sampling areas.
  • Tear off the opening of the bag holding the dehydrated sponge.
  • Open the bag.
  • Put on sterile gloves.
  • Carefully remove the moistened bag with the thumb and middle finger of your sampling hand.
  • With the other hand, retrieve the template by the outer edge taking care not to contaminate the template.
  • Swab the entire ? side of the carcass, beginning from the top down.
  • After swabbing the rump area, carefully place the sponge into the sample bag.
  • Add the additional buffer solution to the sample bag.
  • Expel the excess air from the sponge and fold the bag three (3) to four (4) times to close.


  • Steve Sayer
  • Jerry West
  • Magic "Earvin" Johnson


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After the sample(s) are collected, they are placed in an ice chest and placed in the refrigerator until the testing at the in-house lab.


The refrigerator is located in the Main Office.


Test results are recorded to demonstrate consistency.


A random sample of one (1) whole carcass shall be sampled.


A carcass shall be randomly selected from an excel spreadsheet. The carcass is then pushed into the number #1 cooler. The carcass shall have a Quality Control tag hung on it with the hot weight tag number and the weight. The carcass shall then be pushed on a rail either on the front or the back of the rail with the rail number documented.


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The sample(s) shall be collected from the randomly selected carcass at the corridor.


A log is kept on each sample collected daily.


The log is located in the Supervisors office.


All records will be kept on file for one (1) year.


In the event the carcass is positive for E. coli O157:H7 it shall be denatured and destroyed. A HACCP reassessment shall be conducted and forwarded to the establishment USDA IIC.

_________________________ ?????????????___________________________

Employee’s Name??????Date?????????????? Employee’s Signature


It was fun.

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Hope you all enjoyed this HACCP series on Beef harvesting. Any questions, email me at [email protected]

Pass it on to others.

Have a great summer weekend everyone!!!

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Penultimate final words ... .

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Lyrics by Neil Young

I want to live
I want to give
I've been a miner
For a heart of gold
It's these expressions
I never give
That keep me searching
For a heart of gold
And I'm getting old
Keep me searching
For a heart of gold
And I'm getting old
I've been to Hollywood
I've been to Redwood
I crossed the ocean
For a heart of gold
I've been in my mind
It's such a fine line
That keeps me searching
For a heart of gold
And I'm getting old
Keeps me searching
For a heart of gold
And I'm getting old
Keep me searching
For a heart of gold
You keep me searching
And I'm growing old
Keep me searching
For a heart of gold
I've been a miner
For a heart of gold
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Songwriters: Neil Young

Neil Young – Heart of Gold Lyrics - Genius Neil-young-heart-of-gold-lyrics

Michele Pfannenstiel DVM

Nourish Your Community Through Well-Led and Profitable Businesses

2 年

Why is the lactic wash and the cold wash not a cumulative CCP like we do in chickens?



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