The best business heads and Marketers are killers! (Quite literally killer marketers)
Anurag Salunke
Neuromarketer | Designer of the logo of Prestigious Savitribai Phule Pune University (75th Anniversary) | Consumer Behaviour | PhD Scholar | TATA
"Another clickbait title" you might think.
But no. I come with evidence.
I've had the opportunity to go through the portfolios of most of the genius Marketers(M), Business heads (B) and Product managers(P). While the most of the accomplished MBP's flaunt the products and brands they've created and grown, what distinguishes the genius MBPs from them is not the success of their brands.
Infact, I've noticed a common thread through their portfolios which showcases the brands and products they have killed.
So why do they kill products or brands and why do they take pride in it?
To start with, from inception to its growth cycle, a brand or a product is like a baby to its creator. No matter how it performs, there exists an emotional attachment towards it.
Now there are brands that do not perform well or get so mischievous that it is important to put them to rest. Underperforming can be understood but mischievous?
At times, the star product is often priced at a higher price point and isn't pushed basis volume. Ofcourse, the teams chase the maximum numbers but not at the cost of a hit at the brand equity.
However, certains brands and products are projected to bring in the profits but are sold at a skimmed price in order to boost volumes. These prices often drag in considerable losses too with them. But due to the price points, there is a noteworthy demand for these products. Hence, it leads to the cannibalization of the star product(s).
In order to push the volumes, many MBPs continuing pushing in a hope of the mischievous brand to catch up at some point. As time passes by, the emotional and financial investment invested in it magnifies to a level where it becomes difficult to kill the brand..
I carry a special appreciation for those who have killed several brands. Ofcourse it must've not been easy to do so but the grit to be practical and honest about the profitability and brand equity is what they held above anything and everything.
Be it relationships, businesses or brands and products, it is human to disinvest despite suffering because of the emotional attachment. However, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
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