The Best Business Books You Should Have in Your Library

The Best Business Books You Should Have in Your Library

There are so many great business books out there! And if you post on social media asking for recommendations on what to read, you’ll get a really LONG list of books! They are probably all great! But I’ve found a few books that when I read my overwhelming thought was, “WHY DIDN’T I HEAR ABOUT THIS SOONER!”

So here’s 3 books that I think EVERY business owner should read, as soon as possible in their business. And 1 that I think should be required reading before you are even allowed to get an EIN!

  • The E-myth by Michael Gerber: This one has been around for a long time and for good reason! It nails the problems the majority of small business owners face. This book will teach you what your job is as an entrepreneur and save you hears of headache! At the heart of the book is the painful truth that being skilled in your field does not make you a good business owner! And that if you build your business off of the skill of one person, you don’t have a company. In 1986 Michael was teaching entrepreneurs to build their companies off of systems. That is LONG before we had CRMS and automation at our fingertips. I recommend you read this book during your first year of business!
  • Good to Great by Jim Collins: Good to great is a study of companies that went from average to great and analyzes the characteristics that all of those companies possessed. When you read this book, you’ll think about your company differently. It’s easy to be consumed with the here and now. Good to great will cause you to shift into working for where you are going rather than where you are today. When I read this book, I immediately started building a stronger corporate culture for my team. I understood more what was required of me as the leader of the company. And I would find myself getting ready to make the mistakes that had kept other companies from reaching greatness and I was able to course correct!

To find out the other books I recommend, click here!


Amy Walker, CEPA的更多文章

