The Best Business Advice 2019
Danny P. Creed - Certified Master Business, Executive Coach
Certified Master Business Coach | Certified Executive Coach | 10 Most Inspiring Transformational Coaches - Globally | International Speaker & 7x Winner of the Brian Tracy Award for Sales Excellence | PhD in GSD|
I was recently asked what the best business advice I’ve ever been given was. I didn’t need to think too long. After years of failures and successes across 14 start-up projects and over 40 years in very small and very large business, I can tell you that there are four pieces of advice that have served me best.
- LEARN TO SELL: I don’t care what you think about it, like it or not LIFE forces you to sell. And, selling is a science and a learned skill. To be good at it you must maintain a lifelong dedication to constantly learning and growing and practicing it. So, if you’re going to be in business and expect any modicum of success, you will need to learn to sell. Learn the basics if nothing else.
- NEVER TAKE A NO FROM SOMEONE WHO CAN’T SAY YES! One of my very first business mentors taught me this. It’s based on the simple fact that you can waste a lot of time dealing with someone, in virtually any phase of business, who can say NO to your proposal but has no authority to say yes. Just ask a few questions and find out where the authority lies and save yourself, days, weeks, months, maybe years in time and frustration.
- BE PASSIONATE ABOUT WHAT YOU’RE DOING, OR DON’T DO IT! If you’re an entrepreneur who’s selling an idea, a product or service, or working for someone, selling your boss on giving you a raise, much of your success will be determined by how passionate for your work you are. Prospects, customers, bosses, bankers and board members can see, feel and smell your passion or lack thereof. It’s not always the most talented that wins. Sometimes pure passion, drive and belief will overcome talent alone. If you don’t love what you’re doing, do yourself and everyone around you a favor and move on!
- PROTECT YOUR CASH! Don’t waste a penny. Create metrics around everything. If something isn’t working, from marketing to people, stop it immediately, or, at least be able to make a good decision. Never become enamored with anything or anyone. Protect your cash.
- “I COULD BE BROKE TOMORROW” MENTALITY. A very wise, famous and wealth business mentor of mine told me this around 2001. He said that at the end of every business day he tries to have a very particular mentality about business. No matter how successful he is, he tells himself “I could be broke tomorrow, so what did I do today to protect from that?” Anything can happen. A key employee leaves; the stock market plummets; his accountant steals everything; or a competitor announces a breakthrough product that makes his obsolete? Anything can happen so what have I done today to protect myself? I was a lesson that I remind myself of every day.
- WORK REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, HARD! My Grandfather was a Kansas farmer whose business advice I recall every day. His most powerful message to me, so many years ago was very simple. No matter what it is that you do, work hard and win the award for the best at what you do. Even if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, hard work and high quality performance will be a reputation that will follow you wherever you go!
If you’re struggling with the foundational building blocks of business success or you don’t have a mentor of your own, write me or give me a call. I’m a master business coach and this is what I do.
Make every day count,
Coach Dan
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