This Is The Best Book I’ve Ever Read On Creating Online Courses, eBooks, or Digital Products That Sell
Ed Evan Rich, MBA
I write about using tech to build self-leadership and solve your customers’ difficult problems at scale.
There are a lot of books about creating and selling digital products.
And I've read most of them. Generally, they're meh!
But the best book on creating and selling digital products that I've found is "Value Proposition Design " by Alex Osterwalder et al.
For a few reasons:
If you are at all interested in creating products that actually sell, I can't recommend this book enough.
(And if you've read it, do you agree? What other book would you recommend for beginners?)
P.S. A lot of my own experiments, as documented in my upcoming book, "The 48Hr Book Method ," were inspired by "Value Proposition Design."
(NOTE: This post was originally published on my blog here ).