The Best Bitcoin Wallets for iOS / iPhone
Whether you are new to the cryptocurrency world, or a seasoned participant, you’re always going to need a wallet where you can safely store your coins. When Bitcoin was first released, there were very few wallet options, and none of them involved the cellular phone. However, as the technologies have been more widely adapted, and more often accepted, some of you are probably now looking for a wallet that’s more accessible and portable—so you’ll always be able to access your bitcoins on the go.
Top Rated iOS Wallets
One of the best apps currently on the market is a dual feature app known as Abra, which functions as both a wallet and an exchange. This is a nice feature, especially if your iPhone screen is otherwise already crowded with a myriad of apps. Abra is free to download, and funds can be deposited via card, bank transfer, or any other cryptocurrency. Not only is it compatible with Bitcoin, but also a number of other currencies such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and BitcoinCash. However, if you work in a number of the smaller alt coins currently on the market, this app may not be for you as only the four main coins listed above are currently supported. And of course, if you’re new to the crypto world and don’t have any existing currencies, simply head over to the market and use your USD to purchase any coin you prefer.
If you are not interested in having a dual-purpose app and want one that is only a wallet and a wallet alone, consider downloading either Edge or Bread. Edge is a rebranding of the former wallet known as Airbitz. Edge is open source and prides itself on its privacy and security so you can rest assured that no one besides you will be able to access your tokens. Now Edge doesn’t have its own exchange platform, but there is a hookup in the app with the Changelly system. So even though you won’t have as many options as the Abra app, you can still change your coins from one currency to another as needed. Edge not only supports the basic coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, but also many specialty coins such as Dash, Monero, Stellar, EOS, and Ripple. And they’re adding more currencies all the time. For those who want something even simpler, download Bread. Bread is mostly just a wallet, but you can exchange a couple basic currencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin in the app. One of the driving features that perhaps sets Bread a bit above both Edge and Abra, is that it offers a loyalty program which returns a portion of the trading fees directly to the wallet holder. But be aware, Bread is a very simple platform and may not quite have the developed user interface that you desire. So if you’d like something with a bit more capabilities, reconsider using one of the first two apps mentioned.
For readers who invest heavily in altcoins, the best app out there for you is Coinomi. Coinomi is just as highly rated as the other apps on this list, but also offers wallet services for over 125 currencies. Besides just the number of coins offered, Coinomi prides itself in privacy. Unlike some other wallet apps, there is no IP association with accounts, they don’t link your identity, nor does the app track your transactions. This app is a bit older than some of the other apps on this list though, and may not have quite the upgraded user interface you desire. But if security and privacy is your number one concern, then this is the app for you.
Traditional Wallets with iOS Upgrades
If you’re reading the above information while gripping your Nano Ledger and thinking that possibly some of this stuff is a bit too complicated, it might be worth it for you to check out the Ledger Live mobile app. This new app acts as an interface between the traditional Nano Ledger wallet and your phone, meaning you can use your phone basically as an access point for your Ledger Nano. I mention this as a hybrid option because unlike the above apps where your currency is stored on that app and accessible from anywhere, with Ledger Live you can access your currency anywhere, but only if you have your physical Ledger with you. So, what’s the use of that? Well, the aforementioned apps are all just that, apps, owned by a company and run by a company. Which means, although your coins may be password/seed protected, if something does happen to the company, there is a possibility your coins won’t be safe. With this Nano Ledger hybrid option, you would be more in control of the future of your coins. However, if you lose your physical ledger…well that’s another story.
In this area there is also a digital wallet known as GreenWallet. Like Live Ledger, GreenWallet is a top-rated security wallet that syncs with your physical Nano Ledger as well, however it is unclear on the apps website if this is a one-time synchronization, or something that will need to occur quite frequently, thus requiring you to keep your ledger with you. Either way, it’s worth looking into for those who care about maintaining a physical ledger but want digital capabilities as well.
Other Apps that Could Help
Say you’ve selected a wallet from above, perhaps one with more basic capabilities such as the Bread wallet. Well, there are a number of additional apps you can download to upgrade your usage of said wallet. The number one app with some convenient capabilities is DropBit. DropBit is a bit like Venmo. You can use it to send cryptocurrencies quickly and easily to friends with just their phone number or twitter handle (even if they don’t have their own wallet they can still receive coins which is a nice feature). And the app, just like Venmo, has a social feed to keep up with your transactions (and that of your friends). The downside? Well, the security systems in place, while safe, are honestly just not up to par with most of the apps listed above. As just mentioned, the app has a social feed, so probably not the app for you if you’re looking to remain anonymous. And unlike most wallets, the recovery seed is 12 words, not 20. This doesn’t mean DropBit is a bad app, it just means we don’t recommend it for those who care heavily about privacy and security, but it’s still possibly a useful app for anyone who needs to send cryptocurrencies to others with some frequency.
Overall, using any iOS wallet does come with a small amount of risk as you trust your coins on another company’s platform, and thus we here at MintDice highly recommend you look into, and research, any app and its developers before using their platform to store any form of currency.
This article was brought to you by the Bitcoin Dice Game on MintDice. Originally posted on