Best Audiology Clinics in Bangalore | Best Audiologist in Bangalore | CAPAAR
Best Audiology Centre in Bangalore | CAPAAR. Audiology is that branch of science that deals with the ear & hearing mechanism. It deals with both the normal as well abnormal aspects of hearing. It is a clinical profession that has its unique mission in evaluating the hearing ability and amelioration of impairment due to hearing loss.
Audiologists are ‘Hearing Professionals’ in the scientific field of Audiology, engaged in autonomous practice, to promote healthy hearing, communication competency, and quality of life for persons of all ages, through prevention, identification, assessment & (re)habilitation of hearing, auditory functions, balance and other related systems. Audiologists are the qualified and authorized group of professionals to treat people with hearing problems & difficulties.
With the recent advancements in technology, it is possible now to detect the presence of hearing deficiency right immediately after the birth of a child; and has enabled the Audiologists (Hearing Professionals) to carry forward with necessary (re)habilitative procedures right from the first month after birth.
Recent research studies have repeatedly proved that early intervention could enable every individual with communication problems to overcome the deficiencies, resulted from the handicapping conditions; and can very effectively be integrated into the mainstream with the most suitable remediation.
Audio logical Services are provided to individuals who have concerns with regard to their hearing ability. Individuals may be self-referred or referred by a physician/ENT or professionals in any field of medicine. Services in general include the following:
Services are available for infants through adulthood whenever there is a concern regarding hearing, listening, and discrimination of speech or processing of speech.
At CAPAAR, the specific services under ‘Audiology’ include the following:
a. Audio logical Consultation/Counselling
b. Behavioural Tests
c. Physiological Tests
d. Electrophysiological Tests
e. Hearing Aids
f. Ear Moulds & Accessories
g. Auditory (Re)Habilitation
h. Implants
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