The Best Animation Talks!
Konstantinos Zacharakis
Director | Animator | Expert in creating high-quality animation.
I am very excited today because I invested in a new laptop computer and I can now animate with a much better frame rate on my personal animation. Before I made the decision to buy a new computer, I was very frustrated with the fps Maya was giving me. I was reading a lot about evaluation and I got very frustrated, which happens often. I need to calm down and get inspired to start trying to get better again.
I believe I’ve made a clear point in my previous posts on why it is important to have role models and people you admire and look up to. Every time I start getting irritated, sad and annoyed with something while animating, I’m going back to the basics and the people that remind me what my goal is. I also have other resources that I’ve found through the years that motivate me and I believe that they have taught me a lot.
I will start naming them below. I am aware that the title is a bit misleading since these are “the best animation talks” based on my own personal opinion and not based on some animation authority. Probably there’s a few I forgot and some that I haven’t discovered yet. But “some of the best” doesn’t sound impressive at all. Anyway… I really think that a lot of people can benefit from them. Even people who have been animating for a while and look for some change in workflow or some new perspective etc…
I will start with Alvise Avati. As I already mentioned on the article I wrote previously, he played a big role in my journey and I always go back to watching this specific video.
Next is a talk by another amazing animator, William Groebe. He has been into the animation industry for more than 20 years.
I’d also like to share the most helpful talk about efficiently breaking down, studying and understanding reference by Cameron Fielding. Who has taught me a lot as well, through his amazing talk, his personal blog and also his cool work. (click on the links for more and I promise you won’t regret it)
Another really inspiring talk is the one Marco Marenghi gave for Gnomon. Great advice that makes me think I can make it as well. I first got introduced to him through Animation Mentor. I go back to this one many times.
Jalil Sadool is another animator who has inspired me a lot and made me want to get better everyday. Maybe someday I’ll animate cool creatures too and be able to do it just as well as he does.
When I started working in games, I had to learn a lot about Rigging and game engines. The work of Richard Lico helped me a lot. Definitely check his vimeo page.
On top of these, I watch the following videos often as they’re really interesting and full of valuable info.
Jason Snyman Breaking down one of the greatest shots ever...
Great interview with Samy Fecih.
CDC in particular has some really important talks on animation that I believe everyone who is into the art form should have a look at.
Take your time and watch them… Maybe you like something you see or hear.
I am very grateful that these are shared online for everyone. But I shouldn’t get emotional. Now that I’m motivated again, know more about Parallel Rig Evaluation and have a new computer, I will go back to animate some creatures. Let’s do this!