The best AI to use in the future for decision-making is…
Zehra Cataltepe
AI and GenAI solutions that Customer Facing Teams can Own (Marketing, Support, Operations, Fraud)
I attended the Gartner IT Symposium this week (virtual) and felt like sharing my highlights. Especially these two talks were enlightening for me:?
Frank Buytendijk *: Decision-making will become more complex and 90% will be partially automated by 2025.
Daryl Plummer **: The current way to create and deploy AI solutions is not sustainable.
3 musts in decision-making through AI:?
Frank said that as human beings we make 35K decisions per day (34999 if you have only black socks :)). If you are leading 100 people, your people have made 3600 decisions while you were reading this article. I want to make sure that you can understand and automate some of those decisions in a transparent, reliable, and sustainable way, augmenting instead of replacing humans. I also want to make sure that you are capable of creating AI systems to automate new decisions fast, in as little as 40 days.?
Day by day, we are seeing more discussions on the musts for ML Solutions. Being Explainable and Responsible is the way to go and we know it since the beginning. This vision made TAZI a Cool Vendor and, an Honorable Mention(see Gartner reports) while our solutions help make an 8% increase in retention, a 20x increase in customer outreach efficiency, and a 2-5% reduction in loss ratio.
* Daryl Plummer, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner, “Signature Series: Gartner’s Top Strategic Predictions for 2023 and Beyond — Seizing Uncertainty”, Tuesday, October 18, 2022 / 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
** Frank Buytendijk, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner, “The Future of Data and Analytics: Reengineering the Decision 2025”, Wednesday, October 19, 2022 / 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM EDT