Best AI Logo Generators of 2024 (I Used Them All)
Did you know you can use AI to generate awesome logos in just seconds? I tested the best AI logo makers so you don't have to.
Top 3 Picks
Below you will find more logo makers and my experience with those.
Disclaimer: this post has affiliate links at no cost to you!
1. Fiverr AI Logo Maker
Activate your free trial with this link.
Fiverr has a free AI logo maker that allows you to generate logos from scratch with simple inputs.
It's the overall best logo maker I've tested.
With a couple of simple questions, the AI will give you realistic and consistent logos.
Let's see how it performs.
Key Features
Here's a quick look at the Fiverr logo generator's key features:
Now let's see what it does in my hands.
My Experience
To create a logo with Fiverr AI, just click this link and click "Make Your Logo."
Then specify your brand name and slogan (optional:)
Then give some hashtags to describe your product or brand. I'm going with software development-related stuff:
Also, if you have a logo design style in mind, you can specify it here:
Lastly, one of the cool features of Fiverr AI is that it lets you choose the brand personality with a slider like this:
After this step, you can create your logo:
After about 10 seconds, the logos are ready and the AI asks you to start a profile to see the logos.
Just sign up and you're good.
Here are the example logos it created:
Here are some more:
Aren't they awesome? I mean I could at least use these with my brands.
Then you can of course customize those on Fiverr's platform as well:
Just click through the guide to learn how.
What a fantastic tool this is! It saves you so much time and money—especially if you're just getting started and need some basic designs.
Bottom Line
I like Fiverr AI. It's easy to use and gives you good results, especially if you're just getting started.
(For advanced logo use, I would suggest hiring a professional.)
The coolest part is that you can use my link to get a free trial so that you don't have to pay to see the logos.
LogoAI is an AI-powered logo design platform that offers businesses and individuals an easy and efficient way to create professional logos.
By using the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, LogoAI analyzes your business name, industry, and preferences to suggest logo designs that align with your brand identity.
But let's see how it performs.
Key Features
Before I show you how to create a logo and how I found success with this tool, let's take a sneak peek at the highlight features of this tool:
Now let's see how it performs!
My Experience
To get started, just enter your business name and a slogan (if you want):
(I'm going to use the "best blog" and "learn blogging the right way" throughout this post to get coherent results.)
Then choose an industry. For myself, I selected education:
Then it's time to choose the color for your logos. These are pre-built color schemes that LogoAI offers for your convenience.
Lastly, it's time to select some styles of fonts and example logos you like so that the AI knows you full well. :)
Then it's time to hit "Create" to generate awesome logos with AI. Here are the results that the tool gave me.
I think these look awesome. I'm not a professional designer, so this saves me time and money. I'd say that out of these 9 that you see, I could use at least 4-5 of those as is.
Of course, you can then generate more and edit existing ones if you'd like. So this tool gives you full customizations!
LogoAI offers different pricing tiers, including:
Bottom Line
I think LogoAI is awesome. It's not your "Generate logo with DALL-E 3" that produces a logo that kind of makes sense but the text is wrong.
Instead, this tool generates a bunch of really nice logos within seconds. Furthermore, you can customize them all.
And last but not least, because this tool is free to use, why not give it a shot?
3. is a streamlined AI-based logo creation tool designed for businesses and individuals who want a fast, hassle-free approach to logo design.
Emphasizing simplicity and speed, it uses artificial intelligence to generate logos that align with the user's brand identity and preferences.
To be honest, I think this tool is pretty much the same as LogoAI which is also on this list... So if you want to skip this one, jump to the next tool! :)
Key Features
The features of this tool are pretty much the same as with LogoAI so I won't list them twice.
My Experience
I tried LogoMakerr and noticed that it's been put together by the same company as LogoAI.
Just choose the industry:
Then pick some styles you like:
This gives you some epic logos as a result:
Once again, nothing really to complain about. A free piece of software you can experiment with nicely! The logos look nice, and out of the six logos above, I'd be confident using any of those in my business.
Similar to LogoAI, LogoMakerr is good because it has:
Pricing offers the same pricing tiers as LogoAI, including:
Bottom Line
It's AI. It's free! What's not to love?
I'd definitely try LogoAI or LogoMakerr. You don't need to sign up or pay for the usage. If you don't like the AI-generated logos, just move on to the next tool on this list!
3. is an innovative logo creation tool that leverages advanced AI algorithms to help users design unique and memorable logos.
It's tailored for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and startups looking for a quick and efficient way to establish their brand identity without extensive design knowledge.
But instead of hyping it more, let's actually see if it performs the way one would expect!
Key Features
Before moving on, let's check the key features of the tool that are promised to the user:
My Experience
Now let's see how the tool performs. Once again, no sign up required!
Just give your brand information, that is, the name and slogan. I'll use the same "best blog" and "learn blogging the right way" that I've been using in this whole post:
Then the tool asks you for keywords. I came up with something related to my business:
Then it asks for a color style. I wanted a simple logo so I chose the "Simple" one:
After my input, the tool spent about 15 seconds generating the logos with AI.
After 15 seconds, here are some of the results:
It generated a bunch of really nice-looking logos. This time, I just need to scroll right to see them all.
If you click one of the logos, you can start editing it. This gives you full customizability!
Also, if you hit the "Ideas" button below one of the logos, it will show you different variations of that same logo. This is useful and most of the other tools didn't offer this:
Looks really nice! Although the above logo isn't that usable in my opinion, most of the logos that the AI spit out in seconds were really impressive.
Bottom Line
Brandmark is a nice alternative to LogoAI. It's a comprehensive solution with all customization features and tweaks available.
Honestly, it's really hard to rank these tools because I think most of them are up to par with one another, and it's more those subtle details that give the edge to one over the other.
Anyways, as this one is also free, why not give it a try?
4. Looka's AI Logo Generator
Looka's AI Logo Generator is a tool designed to assist businesses in creating logos that are both visually appealing and representative of their brand's ethos.
It employs artificial intelligence to understand the brand's needs and preferences, offering tailored design solutions.
But is it worth the hype? Let me try it out so you don't have to!
Key Features
My Experience
So, let's try out the tool!
Looka is not just an AI logo maker tool, but it has other design features. In this review, I will only consider the AI logo maker, though.
To get started just hit "Get started" on the homepage:
Then choose an industry for your logo. I chose "Education":
Then, it's time for my favorite part, that is, letting the AI know what I prefer:
After that, it's time to choose a color theme you desire:
And lastly, if you want, you can choose a symbol or a bunch of symbols to include in the logos.
After just a couple of seconds, the AI produced a bunch of awesome logos:
I think most of these AI-generated logos look just as good as the other logos on this list. Some of them look a bit off, though.
I was not able to find pricing information clearly stated anywhere for this tool. So I had to use the latest reviews of the tool to find the pricing, which was:
Notice that this might have changed. If you use this tool and buy a logo, then you will learn the most recent price for the software.
Bottom Line
I liked the comprehensive and quick quiz that the tool did on me. It had more questions than other tools which leaves the AI less room for messing things up.
The logos looked awesome, and I could use them as-is.
I feel like I'm repeating myself here, but as this tool is free, why not try it out?
It simplifies the logo design process, allowing users to create professional logos without needing any graphic design expertise.
Generate a logo by answering a couple of questions in seconds!
Let's see how the tool performs.
Key Features
My Experience
Let's try the tool. I'm using the same information that I've used in all the other examples.
Just hit "Create your logo now" on the front page to start the journey!
Then, the tool asks to give a category to which the logo belongs. I chose personal branding:
Then you should pick a bunch of logos you like so that the AI will learn what style you're going for:
Then, to leave less room for the AI to get it wrong, the tool also asks you to choose a color space:
Then last but not least, you should also fill in your company's name and slogan (if you have one):
Oh, and one more thing: Include some icons if you wish to. You can skip it if you don't want any specific icons in the mix:
Then it's time to let the AI do the work. In this tool, I think it only took 5 seconds before the AI rendered a bunch of logos:
I like these logos, but the only issue for me is that they all look similar. There's not much versatility compared to the other tools on this list.
Still, these look nice and I would be able to use most of these as-is.
Bottom Line
If you're looking for a simple, streamlined, and free logo maker, make sure to try!
The tool creates original and unique logos in seconds with a simple input from you.
The tool is free to use so why not try it?
6. BrandCrowd's AI Logo Generator
BrandCrowd's AI Logo Generator is a powerful and intuitive online tool designed for businesses and individuals looking for a quick, easy way to create logos.
This tool uses the latest advancements in AI to turn simple inputs and quiz results into full-blown brand logos and brand kits.
But let's see how it performs!
Key Features
My Experience
I tried BrandCrowd. This one was the easiest tool to use from the bunch.
But unlike most tools on this list, here I just had to describe my business, and that's it:
After describing, the tool spits out some nice logos:
But I noticed that it came up with the name for my brand, which I didn't like.
So I wanted to do something different. I changed the description to "best blog", which is my imaginary brand's name. This way I was able to generate logos with the desired name:
One thing I noticed was that this tool generated like 1,000 logos in one go. There were lots of logos to choose from. Luckily, there's a filter that you can use to show only specific types of logos you've generated:
You can then choose one of the logos to start editing. But at this stage, it prompts you to sign up. However, if you skip the signup, you still get to edit!
For example, here I'm editing one of the AI-generated logos without signing up.
Anyways, what a cool piece of software! The only thing I didn't like about it was that the starting process left a bit too much room for the AI to experiment with. I mean the logos looked cool, but I had to re-tweak the settings to nail the name.
But hey, that's 15 seconds of extra work. Not a big deal for this otherwise amazing tool!
On top of all, this tool creates dozens of logos and allows you to filter them to find the best ones. I think this tool generated more logos in one go than any other tool on the list.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find pricing information on the page. Instead, I had to use older reviews, which told me that the price is (or at least was):
This is cheap compared to the other tools, but I'm not sure if it's 100% accurate anymore.
7. is an AI-based logo design platform that caters to startups, entrepreneurs, and small businesses seeking a streamlined approach to logo creation.
It combines artificial intelligence with user-friendly design tools to facilitate the quick creation of unique and professional logos.
The tool asks you simple questions and spits out a nice set of AI-powered logos in just seconds.
Let's try the tool!
Key Features
My Experience
I tried LogoPony so you don't have to.
To start, just enter the name of your company on their frontpage:
Then choose a logo style.
Then specify the icons, if you want to see those in your logo:
After this, choose the color scheme. I usually love gradients but I tried some solid colors this time:
After waiting for a couple of seconds, the tool returns a bunch of nice-looking logos.
These are now restricted by the colors and styles you prefer.
If you want to see more logos outside the "range" you specified, just hit "Show more" below the samples:
These all look nice. Although the color and font are sometimes not that well visible on a smaller screen size, most of these logos are still directly usable.
Similar to the other tools on the list, you can edit these logos as you wish.
Bottom Line
This one was really easy for me to score. It's a solid 9/10! I love how the tool looks, how easy it is to use, and how customizable the logos are.
Because this tool is also free to use and you don't need to sign up, make sure to try it out.
8.'s AI Logo Generator's AI Logo Generator is an intuitive and efficient AI logo maker tool catered towards individuals and businesses seeking to create a logo to spread their brand identity.
This tool uses AI to simplify the logo design process, making it accessible even for those without any background in graphic design.
But it's all hype now. Let's actually see how the tool performs in my hands!
Key Features
My Experience
Similar to other tools on this list, is easy to get started with. Just open up their homepage and tell your brand name to get started:
Then, give the AI your slogan if you have one:
After that, it's time to choose the industry:
Then it's time for the color scheme:
And then you should select a style that meets your eye. You can choose multiple styles to give some wiggle room for the AI to work with:
Before letting the AI do its magic, you can choose some keywords that describe your logo to make the AI more accurate.
Then it's time to let the AI do the work. After a couple of seconds, here are your results:
Hmm. I like these, but at the same time, they don't look as professional or coherent as the other logos I created. But the difference isn't huge. At this point, I might just have stared at the AI logos for too long, huh?
Anyway, the logos still look good to me. Some have small text that you cannot read on a small device. Some have very basic or boring color schemes.
But some look professional and simple enough that I could use them as-is.
Bottom Line
This tool was easy and simple to use. The results were decent, but I wouldn't place this one high on the list. This is because the logos looked a bit too boring and also the fonts and colors were off for most of the logos.
But as always, this tool is also free to use, so why not give it a try?
9. is an AI logo platform known for its simplicity and effectiveness. It's tailored for startups, small businesses, or anyone in need of a quick, professional logo.
The platform's intelligence understands your preferences and industry specifics to suggest logos that fit your brand's identity.
Just describe your brand and you'll find awesome AI-generated logos in just seconds.
Let's see how it performs.
Key Features
My Experience
Turbologo is free to use. Just describe your logo's brand and slogan on the front page to get started:
Then choose a color scheme for the AI to work with:
Then select some icons from the icon library. You can skip it but if you want specific elements on your logo, then this is a must!
And then it's time to let the AI do the work. Here are the results:
I think these look nice. There's a lot of variability and different ideas. Some tools on this list have a problem of producing too similar logos. Well, this one doesn't have that issue.
Quickly after seeing your logos, though, the tool asks you to sign up! This happens a lot quicker than on most other tools on this list. So be quick to look at your logos if you don't want to sign up and start receiving emails! :)
Bottom Line
Turbologo is perhaps the simplest tool to use on this list. Although within this industry, we're talking about seconds as the other tools are just as quick.
This tool asks a couple of simple questions and very quickly generates a bunch of awesome and diverse logos.
The tool is free to use, so definitely give it a shot!
10. Designhill Logo Maker
Designhill Logo Maker is a sophisticated and user-friendly online tool that combines AI with a vast selection of design options to help businesses and personal brands create epic logos.
It's designed to cater to the needs of startups, entrepreneurs, and small businesses that require a professional logo without the hefty price tag of a design agency.
But let's see how it performs in my hands!
Key Features
My Experience
DesignHill is also easy to use. Just open up their homepage and start creating.
Unlike most tools on the list, DesignHill's design looks a bit older. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's not up to date with the other AI logo makers on this list, for sure!
Anyway, let's not let the outlook confuse us.
To try the tool, just open up the homepage and describe your brand by giving its name.
Then you should choose the styles that you prefer.
After that, it's time to give the color scheme. You can choose one from the presets:
Then it's time to describe your firm:
One thing that confused me was the Budget option in this form. I mean is it the money I'm willing to pay for my logo or what? No other tool asked me for information like this.
I set it $1-$99 which is what other tools on the market cost.
Then you can describe the symbols you might want to see in the design:
After this, the AI generates some logos!
I must say that these logos are still good, but not as impressive as the ones I created with the other tools on this list. These all look somewhat similar.
But the biggest problem is in the fonts that are way too small.
The tool allows you to generate a bunch of logos that are also misaligned or have strange proportions.
For example, look at the pink logo above. The font is too small and opaque.
Of course, you can always retry and tweak the logos. But this tool gave the worst inputs out of the bunch!
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find pricing on their website. But this is what I found from other reviews:
Bottom Line
DesignHill is good, but not awesome like other tools on this list. I'd say it would've been amazing 5-10 years ago.
But with the latest advancements in AI, this tool has been left behind.
Anyways, you can find it useful in different niches or topics. Because it's free to use, why not give it a try?
11. is an AI-infused logo design tool aimed at providing quick and efficient logo creation services.
Unlike most tools on this list, this one creates logos directly using an AI model, without designing brand kits or proportions for the logos. You cannot edit the logos handily either.
Let's see how the tool performs. This should be a bit more limited when it comes to edits but also a bit more creative when it comes to freedom of creativity for the AI.
Key Features
My Experience
Using the tool is simple. Just describe your logo's name and slogan and choose a category:
Then it opens up the creation view. It was a bit confusing at first, but you need to hit "Generate" again. Otherwise, you're stuck.
Then it takes time to generate the logos. This one took longer compared to the other tools on this list. I would say it almost took a minute to see the logos:
But then once the AI completes, you get a bunch of cool-looking original images of logos:
But why do I repeat the word "picture of logo"? This is because these are not actual logos, these are images. There are no customization options for these logos.
In other words, these logos are great for giving you an idea of logos, but these are not actual logos. This is why I left it at the bottom of the list. You can use tools like Ideogram for free or DALL-E 3 in ChatGPT to generate similar logos without needing a tool like this one.
You can buy one logo for $2.99 in SVG form.
Bottom Line
The tool uses AI to generate pictures that resemble logos. It can be useful for inspiration, but as those are not real logos, I wouldn't really use it.
Make sure to try it, though. It's free to use!
Find more awesome AI logo generators from this list:
Thanks for reading!
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