The Best 7 Online Content Resources
What are the best content-related resources online?
I'll tell you.
Today I'm sharing with you my Top 7 go-to websites for content-related reading and updates.
It's a little bit of content marketing, a little bit of strategy, a little bit of everything. That because my core business is bringing publishing smarts into businesses like yours. Therefore, there's more here than marketing.
Here's why I'm sharing my secret stash with you
It's simple: There are truckloads of awful websites online. Random people learn from other random people on LinkedIn, because of this platform's conferred 'authority', instead of going to the source.
They believe the buzz, in other words.
The trouble is, most of it looks good. And loads of it is about as useful as tits on a bull. Now, if you're reading this then it's likely that this work isn't your core business, and I want to help you out. Knowledge is power, because it helps you make smart decisions. It helps you to have intelligent conversations with your content team, too, and they appreciate it.
Without further ado, here are the hands-down best places to get your information:
1. Nielsen Norman (
The undisputed king of user experience, Jakob Nielsen (and co) have been working in this space longer than you knew that it existed.
The Nielsen Norman Group has been researching, writing, and teaching UX for a long time, and this is where you will get outstanding data. It existed, in short, long before UX was the sexy thing to be doing. Here you'll find UX, CX, testing heuristics, organisational strategy and fluidity relating to digital, intranet design, conference dates, and more besides.
2. Content Marketing Institute (
Joe Pulizzi isn't a sexy name like Gary V, but he is much less offensive, and isn't a startup bro that says "do what I say, not what I do". The resource that he's launched, in collaboration with others, is outstanding.
The CMI is the Golden Land of content marketing information, mashing nicely the content side, the publishing side, and the marketing side. You'll find everything from articles to podcasts, and from training to directories here.
3. Copyblogger (
This was (still is) the world title holder of blogging. It was this before social media existed, and it still is today. In fact, it was a central resource when I first began blogging, and that's so long ago that I'll betray my age if I mention it.
I don't need to say anything more than that. You can get lost in the wilds at Copyblogger, just so you're forewarned.
4. Moz (
When it comes to SEO there are some really excellent resources, among them SEMRush. But this is really where it began (for me, anyway), and it remains to this day a go-to source of information and data when I need it.
As a bonus, Moz claims to have the world's most accurate information, and I am not qualified enough in SEO analytics to comment about that. I guess we'll just trust them. :P
5. The Book Designer (
You've probably seen other people produce books. But I'll tell you, there is one thing that screams crappy, self-published, business-owner-thinks-it's-a-business-card than awful design. And yes, that even comes down to the colour of the paper!
Indie publishing is the golden land of publishing if you know what you're doing, so this website is for all of you who figure you don't need a publisher to hit your goal. This site will show you how to format your eBook; how to find an editor (well, you won't need to do that, you can just message me here. Ha!), teach you how to get serious about your own publishing, and loads more besides. Plus there is loads of stuff about actual design of books, which is critical, and which nobody thinks about. /endrant/ Phew!
6. Write the Docs (
All great software, products, and services are underpinned by great docs. Docs are useful for your team, and also for your customers! The Write the Docs community is where modern-day technical writers of the world come together. And I won't lie to you: This community is the most helpful, useful community online. Seriously. They'll even teach you how to hire writers! It's brilliant.
Plus, if you're using lean docs or docs-as-code, you can't beat WTD as an exemplar. Even the site (image of which is above) can be forked on Github. So good.
7. A List Apart (
Technically a journal, of sorts, A List Apart is your go-to for deep and technical content strategy. In my experience, it contains the best information online about information architecture, content models, strategy documentation, working with content teams, and much more. It's so good that even when something else takes my eye, I always go back; one of the reasons is because of its technical depth, something I appreciate in a sea of rubbish, short-form, clickbait.
8. Australian Copyright Council (
Surprise! There are eight, not seven.
I added this one, because if there's one thing most people don't understand, it's copyright. And fair warning here: If your content team can't talk to you about rights, ask yourself whether they're as good as they say they are. If you're jumping into the deep, dark, murky waters of publishing - whether in blogs, books, or podcasts - this might one day become important to you.
In summary
Bookmark these sites. Use them. Love them as I do.
It's easy to imagine, given the Spinfluencers peppered throughout the internet, that the territory of content, of publishing, of marketing, is a relatively simple affair. It isn't. The depth and breadth of skills and knowledge it takes can be overwhelming, which is unsurprising. People (like me) have built their entire careers out of one little corner. So if you find yourself overwhelmed and need advice, now you know where to find me. Shoot me a message and yell out.
Bonus: Only if you already have a mailing list
If you already have an email list, and you're keen to get your business's publishing into the next gear, here's how you can get your hands on a free advisory session.
The session is designed to help you think through your ideas and take the next best step, and will give you some clear guidelines that you can take away with you. But, it will also allow me to qualify you for something even more exciting. If you do qualify, then you'll get your hands on the ultimate business publishing project plan, one that will truly set you apart from your competition.
For the curious, learn more at