Best 10 CAD Software For Engineers Or Students

Best 10 CAD Software For Engineers Or Students

If you’re an engineer, an architect, a planner, a digital artist – or if you are a student aspiring to be such – then the first thing you will need is a CAD software. Gone are the days of hand-drafting engineering drawings, come are the days of CAD and BIM. So, today we will talk about the best 10 CAD software for engineers or students.

The acronym CAD stands for Computer Aided Design – a word almost as old as graphical computation itself. Commercial CAD software existed back in the dark depth of eighty’s even. From then, CAD software have improved from 2D drawings to 3D modeling, and even to BIM (Building Information Modeling). You can use one among any of the following best 3D CAD software available in the market.

I. Rhino

Among the most versatile 3D modeling software, Rhino is arguably the best. The wide range of design features it offers makes it a very adaptive software indeed – though that means it is harder to learn, navigate through, and arrange the intricacies of multitude of tools and sub-features that Rhino offers.

A mathematical system called NURB drives the core of Rhino, allowing the user to make and manipulate all sorts of shapes and lines in 3D, like points, curves, meshes, surfaces, solids and more. This system also makes it one of the most precise 3D modeling software on the market. However, it is quite certain that Rhino is a tool for the power users; the inexperienced will get confused.


You don’t expect to see many free CAD software in 2021, but here’s a brilliant one. A pro-grade 3D modeling software, OpenSCAD excels at solid modeling. Like the above, it is also aimed at experienced users only. OPenSCAD makes use of its high precision programmed modeling technique best suited for giant projects requiring consolidation of many small parts with constructive solid geometry and 2D extrusions.


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