Bespoke Scientific Interventions
Michael Romeling
Helping those who want to challenge business expectations and exceed them.
I am never ceased to be amazed by the speed of development especially in the field of cancer treatments, none more so, than the transformation in the interventions to fight cancer in all its vagrancies.
It was only a short time ago that a one size fits all intervention in the use of chemotherapy was the standard therapy across the board with the obvious successes and failures.
Now, with forward thinking scientific intervention, the impossible is now becoming mainstream to the benefit of all.
Interestingly, I believe that this is just the start of something rather special. However, we should not underestimate the quest of the scientists involved who are engaged in the process of thinking, believing and behaving with the expectation, that just because we don’t know the answer, doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. Hats off to those who dare to believe!
The same sadly I do not believe can be said for those involved in running large complex organisations such as The Post Office, NHS, Utilities and the like where it is clear that we may be guilty of recycling the same thinking, beliefs and behaviours of years gone by. Notwithstanding a sea change in technology, sadly human interaction and leadership may not be as advanced as we might believe and therefore, we may struggle with mainstream thinking, doing the same and getting the same if we are not encouraged to understand and acknowledge our reticence to change.
As all human beings are hard wired to avoid change, it is little wonder that experience is still considered the number one must have when choosing a leader or top team.
It is my firm belief that experience should be replaced and identified as the elephant in the room and should be superseded by the new science of transformation, change and leadership, in the form of thinking. Yes, thinking, not from an experiential platform but very like the new cancer bespoke designer therapies, the ability to think past and through our pre-conceived perceptions about “Transformational Thinking” and super performance leading to individuals and teams breaking free from limiting paradigms re what is possible.
Thinking, or what I call Transformational Thinking is something that requires a new construct, suspending belief and using the Cerebellum (a form of AI that we have available) to break the habit of being us and in doing so allows a whole new library of thoughts and actions to manifest itself for the purpose of performance and change.
So, if we all have and can, with instruction use this part of our brain, then surely, we would all seek to explore this phenomenon, wouldn’t we? Sadly, just like the old comfortable shoes that we gravitate towards, recycling well worn thinking and belief is ever so comfortable and is make believe as its pre-programmed (hard wired) from the Neo-Cortex to avoid change at all cost.
What a travesty, it will as always, take a crisis or abject failure to create new thinking and change, meanwhile lets just keep chucking more money at the problem, after all, somethings bound to change eventually!