BESA Connects you to the Building Safety Act | Getting your Act together
BESA Group
The Building Engineering Services Association is the UK's leading trade organisation for building engineering services.
We're only a couple of weeks away from 2024, and we have a big year ahead of us for safety. Let's get down to details...
The Building Safety Act 2022 was introduced following the tragic failures in building safety that led to the Grenfell Tower Fire and subsequent deaths of 72 people in 2017.
The Building Safety Act is taking forward a fundamental reform of the building safety system and addresses the issues identified by Dame Judith Hackitt in her independent review, Building a Safer Future. When first announced the Government stated that the Act would “deliver the biggest changes to building safety for nearly 40 years and make residents safer in their homes.”
Many trade, professional and industry bodies, such as BESA, have strongly backed the approval of the Act and are collaborating with industry to implement the changes to the building safety system.
Be ready, step up and act with the BESA Building Safety Act Hub
The BESA Building Safety Act (BSA) Hub is home to everything you and your organisation needs to be informed about building safety, we regularly update the Hub with the latest guidance and regulations so that you don't have to trawl government sites to find out what the next steps for you or your business.
Why the Building Safety Act is not just about safety, says Director of Specialist Knowledge, Rachel Davidson.
Rachel Davidson has recently taken on the role of Director of Specialist Knowledge, she will have a particular focus on the #BuildingSafetyAct and its implications for BESA Members and the wider specialist building services sector.
While some companies are clearly getting to grips with the implications and the responsibilities of the Building Safety Act, many are not. Some find the whole thing rather overwhelming, and others seem to think it has nothing to do with them, writes Rachel.
While the early focus of the Building Safety Act is on higher-risk buildings (HRBs) which are primarily high-rise multi-use and residential, this does not mean all other work can carry on as before. The Act applies to ALL building work and Tier One contractors are already driving the changes through their supply chains.
Meet your Building Safety Act Advisory Group
BESA's first Building Safety Act Advisory Group meeting took place on Thursday 30 November. The committee members brought a wealth of experience and insight from across the industry.
The group had an open and detailed discussion. They agreed their objective was to work closely together and with government and other trade bodies/partners to assemble all information on the Building Safety Act. Simplify the information, tailor it to different stakeholders in the supply chain so it is relevant and make it easily and readily accessible.
Four priority areas were identified as necessary to offer guidance and support, these included:
Building Safety Regulator Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan released by the Building Safety Regulator, outlines the approach to building safety functions in England for the initial three years of operation, starting from April 2023 to March 2026.
The Strategic Plan has set out a clear mission, protecting people and places. The aim is to create a built environment where everyone is competent and takes responsibility to ensure buildings are of high quality and safe, so residents and other building users are confident that the tragedies of the past will never be repeated.
With Improved competence and consistency of practices, we would expect to see those working in the built environment engaging and investing in activities to raise and enhance competence, creating a culture where obtaining the necessary competence will be seen as a core requirement across all levels of the workforce, which will bring about an improvement in all related aspects of building work.
Bring on 2024 says BESA President
Let's make this a year of action says Claire Curran , as she looks at how the building services sector needs to take more action and do less talking about the challenges and risks it faces in 2024.
Over the next year BESA will continue to play our role in making sure the guidance and support we give to our members allows them to change and manage their risk, this should ensure they do not keep up with the pace of change - but thrive both financially and technically.
Read more in the The BESA Book 2024.
Key Dates & Roadmap 2024
April 2024