Berwick Hills Achieves The Inclusive School Award
Introducing Berwick Hills?
Berwick Hills Primary School is a school that is dedicated to developing and enhancing inclusive practice. Staff are committed to an innovative and uncompromising approach to finding ways to break down barriers to enable children to reach their full potential and succeed in school. In the welcome page on the school website, it states:??
‘Berwick Hills Primary is a happy, caring school, with relationships built on mutual respect.’?
It goes on to say; ‘Achievement and a ‘can do’ attitude is at the heart of our philosophy; we support this through nurturing pupils’ creativity, encouraging independent thinking, learning, and showing that mistakes can be a learning opportunity.’?
Warm and Welcoming?
This written introduction to the school is evident as soon as you enter. Everyone is warm and welcoming. Smiles are seen from all and strong relationships are demonstrated. When asked how they would describe inclusivity in their school, the Headteacher described it as ‘ambitious.’ The Headteacher and the IQM Lead (and Deputy Headteacher) went on to say that they; ‘live and breathe it’ and that, to them, it means ‘removing barriers so that all children achieve, regardless of their starting points.’ There is a feeling of ambition, enthusiasm, and passion for the pupils of Berwick Hills Primary. The Headteacher’s vision of an inclusive school, whereby everyone can achieve their best and barriers are removed, is lived by all. This is a collaborative school, with everyone contributing to this vision and the strategic direction.?
Empowering Success?
Leaders talked with pride about their commitment to their pupils. Staff at Berwick Hills know their pupils and use that knowledge to ensure they can support and challenge them to succeed. From the Parent Support Officer to the Life Skills Curriculum Lead and more; the staff demonstrate their commitment to inclusive practices and their drive to ensure that every child can succeed at Berwick Hills and beyond. The pupils are extremely happy. Their comments about the school, the staff and their curriculum opportunities reflect their love of the school. The whole school community are proud of being part of Berwick Hills.??
Collaborative Relationships?
This is a school were relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success. Staff have worked hard to build strong, effective relationships with pupils, parents, carers, and stakeholders. The leadership team’s commitment to relationships has paid off. Everyone is positive about the school and there is a shared commitment to ensure each child gets the best education possible. There is genuine love in this setting. Wellbeing for all members of the school community is at the heart of the school. The school is driven by a supportive ethos throughout. Staff work together to ensure that no one is working in isolation.?
Reflective Practitioners?
During the learning walk, on the review day, the engagement in lessons and quality of work seen was high, as were the expectations for behaviour. Children are engaged in their learning at Berwick Hills and are pleased to talk about their work and showcase what they have produced and achieved. Staff are able to talk confidently about their curriculum areas and it is evident that they really know their children. The leaders of Berwick Hills are clear about their moral purpose, the vision, and the strategic direction for the school. They are reflective practitioners who listen to their team, and current research, to ensure they continue to drive forward to get the best outcomes for all.?
Strong Inclusive Practice?
Berwick Hills Primary School is an example of a school committed to meeting the needs of its pupils and is inspiring in its commitment to, and implementation of, inclusive practice. The whole school community have an enthusiasm and passion for their part in enriching the lives of the pupils at the school. Staff provide a caring environment for pupils where high expectations have a huge impact on their progress and wellbeing. The evidence presented during my visit to the school, and information contained within the Self Evaluation Report, clearly demonstrates the wide and varied range of inclusive practice in place within the school and the on-going commitment to future improvement.??
Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award?
If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team, please feel free to telephone: 028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm) or email: [email protected] for further details.?