Berlin Marathon
In this article I would like to tell you more about one of my favorite hobbies and that is long distance running and its connection to the immigration process.
This article is intended for all sports lovers in general and long distance runners in particular.
My connection to the world of running began at a young age and continues with me to this day. In my youth, I tried several different types of sports, but finally decided to stick with long distance running. I remember I had a physical education teacher who always said that one should stick with one of the following sports:?Swimming or running because they both focus on aerobic activity that improves cardiopulmonary endurance and blood circulation.
I ran different distances in my life: 2 kilometer, 5 kilometers, 10 kilometers, half marathon 21.1 kilometers and the marathon 42.2 kilometers. In fact, to this date I have completed 16 marathons (most of which I ran throughout Europe).
In 2012 I ran my first marathon which was the Tiberias Marathon. At that time, I finished it in 3 hours and 21 minutes (3:21). It was also my personal best time (PB time). My PB time in the half marathon that year was 1 hour and 35 minutes (1:35)
Since I had been running regularly for a long time before, I didn't really have to prepare myself for this marathon (I ran regularly before the marathon all the time).
If you have always wanted to run a marathon, remember that you must of course prepare yourself for this distance. How exactly should you train? This of course depends on your current fitness level. For example, if you run over 100 kilometers every week, it is likely that it will be easier for you to finish the marathon than a runner who runs, for example only 30 kilometers per week.?
At the same time, it is important to remember that it is not only about the distance and the number of kilometers per week, but also about the quality of your training. What do I mean? Your training should combine both speed training and interval training. An example of speed training - You should combine at least twice speed training?during a single week. For example, running 5 kilometers at a very high speed twice a week and every week or running 2 kilometers at a very high speed twice a week and every week (these are medium distances that allow you to improve your running speed if?you make?sure to run them every week at a very fast pace).
What is recommended as a fast pace?
The fast pace should be at least 4 minutes per kilometer and if you can even drop from 4 minutes per kilometer that's great.
Interval training - training in which you divide the run into higher than normal speed sections with recovery sections in between. The goal is to repeatedly perform the same fast part without slowing down after you have accumulated fatigue on the legs.
If you persist in these training sessions?every?week you will improve your speed. This is the simplest form of training that will make you at the end of the process run faster.
One of the most popular marathons in the world is of course the Berlin Marathon which takes place every year in September. I have already completed the Berlin Marathon three times and it is considered the fastest marathon in the world due to the fact that its course is flat and therefore, its easier for personal records to be set. The world record was broken twice in the Berlin Marathon?during the last four years by Eliud Kipchoge. First time in 2018 and second time last September of this year 2022.
Running a marathon is a powerful experience because in this run you have to face difficulties and challenges and not give up on yourself. I have always compared the immigration process to running a marathon because it is a challenging and a long process, but in the end everyone reaches the finish line. Both the runner and the immigrant need mental toughness that will allow them to finish the course successfully.
If you are addicted to running like me, you don't need to buy a lot of equipment. I personally use light running shoes (light weight) type of shoes - kalenji kiprun running shoes and a Garmin running watch that measures the followings: running pace per kilometer, general running pace, general running distance, and heart rate.
Since the Berlin Marathon is considered a very popular marathon with a high demand , if you wish to secure your place, you must register for it one year in advance.?
There are two main ways to register: The first is through a lottery. The vast majority of amateur runners register in this way. Since it is a lottery, it is not certain that you will win and you can always get a negative or positive answer. The final answer usually comes during the month of November.
The second and safer way is intended for professional runners and is determined according to their qualifying times set in previous marathons.
In case you do like to register as a fast Runner, you will have to provide your proof in the form of an official certificate or link to the results list in the registration form. Only marathon times will be accepted and the proof must not be older than 3 years.
These are the criteria:
Yep, these are tough criteria but some runners can actually keep up with these times.
This is the official website for the registration -?Berlin Marathon
Fast runners who drop below three hour finish time are known as Sub 3 runners.
What is a good time to set up as a marathon time? Again, it depends on many variables, but in my opinion, if you managed to finish a marathon in less than 3 and a half hours (less than 3:30), you set a respectable time.
Every year at the Berlin Marathon the whole city gathers for this amazing event. Many volunteers join in to assist the runners and serve them drinks during the marathon run. The running route that covers central places in the city presents orchestras, dancers and volunteers and the whole city enjoys one big celebration. During the run, passers-by and?random people will encourage you to continue and so will the runners next to you.
Can anyone run a marathon?
Yes, anyone can run a marathon as long as they do not suffer from serious health problems such as heart rhythm problems or orthopedic problems. It is important that you start running short distances and slowly increase your distance every week.
It is also important that you build a smart strategy for your run and understand that it is not a 5 kilometers run but a full marathon, so don't start the run too fast.
If you don't have a running watch and you have set a certain goal time in your mind, you can always stick to the pacer with your goal time.
Who is Pacer? The pacer is usually a runner who has already run several marathons and knows for sure that he can lead others to a certain result. The result is marked on his flag, so that all runners aiming for the target time can stick to him and run at his running pace. For example, a pacer that leads to a result of 3 hours and twenty minutes will be connected to a flag or balloon with the result 3:20.
In conclusion, I recommend you to engage in sports in general. Not everyone connects to running and that's perfectly fine, so you should find your favorite sport and stick to it regularly. Don't see sport as torture or suffering but enjoy it. Consider sport as a way of life and combine it with your routine life. In the end, the benefits of sports are many and training improves your mental state as well.