Bentwood Seating is serving-up a variety of made-to-order #bentwood #icecreamparlorchairs and #stools. This curlicue-style #bentwoodseating collection has the distinctive curves and bends that are the hallmarks of a #Thonetdesign. The solid construction gives this #cafeseating the strength and integrity to hold up in any hospitality setting. The #bentwoodchairs and #barstools have an all wood back and the seats can come as a veneer, padded or padded with decorative nail trim around the perimeter. The wood frames are available in a variety of finishes. Shop our site and look for Model 6016 #restaurantchair, Model 301PS backless #bentwoodbarstool, and Model 317 barstool. #bentwoodseating #bentwoodchair #bentwoodfurniture #affordablestool #commercialstool #thonetstool #thonetdesign #bistrochair #bentwoodstool #thonetchair #barinteriordesign #cafechair #hospitalitystrong #supportrestaurants #restaurantindustry