Bengston Energy Healing

Bengston Energy Healing

Looking for help with the Bengston Method?

Are you intrigued by the potential of William Bengston’s method? Are you impressed with his university research that has shown time and time again, complete cancer cures in mice? Whether you are a seasoned practitioner, or are attending the upcoming Bengston workshop for the first time, I invite you to explore how I can help.?

How do you actually make it work for you?

How do you deepen your practice so that you keep it fresh and playful?

Hi, I’m Suzanne Clegg, RDN, LAc. Having been personally mentored by William Bengston in 2009, I’ve immersed myself in the Bengston Method, making it my full-time practice. Beyond the basics taught in a Bengston workshop, I provide expert guidance to:

  • Keep you on track and avoid quitting if you are doing it right.
  • Enhance subtle nuances in your technique so that you get better, faster and deeper results.
  • Prevent the spiritual bypassing of false hope and stay focused on what you can observe.
  • Suggest ways to talk about your cycling practice with your other health professionals.
  • Save money by doing most of the sessions yourself.
  • How long to treat.
  • How often to treat.
  • How to treat if you don’t have time.
  • How to cycle if you get hung up on something.?
  • How to maintain an authentic spiritual practice without your belief interfering with the neutrality of the Bengston Method.
  • How to manage a naturally healing tumor that is temporarily growing.
  • Ask questions that are too private for a group Bengston workshop.

Bill taught me so much more than how to do image cycling (which one can learn in a few hours).? The real training was in supervising me as I gave sessions to my patients.? I learned how to manage a naturally healing cancer.? 15 years of experience with this Method, as part of 40 years as a holistic health professional has taught me even more.? I can help you so that you can treat yourself or your loved one (human or pet) with confidence. ? We hope that it will really make a difference in the physical disease, but if it doesn’t work as desired, you will know that you gave your situation your best shot.? The worst thing that can happen is that you waste precious time. I’ll let you know if I think that is happening. The next worst thing is that you reduce pain, reduce need for medication, and bring psycho-spiritual support to yourself and/or your loved one, but the cancer marches on.? The best thing, (which )we all hope for is a cancer remission similar to what happened to the research mice.? Most of my patients live a longer and better, and get results somewhere between the extremes of complete cancer cure and completely non responsive.? See my Testimonials page for stories of dramatic positive results.

Your Path to Healing: A Complimentary Get Acquainted Call with Suzanne

Ready to delve into the profound healing potential of the Bengston Method? Schedule a complimentary Get Acquainted Call with me. During this call, we can discuss:

  • Tailoring the method to your unique needs.
  • Overcoming challenges in your practice.
  • Achieving tangible results, whether for yourself, a loved one, or a pet.

Schedule A Get Acquainted Call

Why Choose Suzanne Clegg for Your Bengston Method Journey?

  • Extensive Experience: With over 15 years of practice, I’ve witnessed remarkable recoveries and supported countless individuals on their healing journeys.
  • Holistic Approach: As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Licensed Acupuncturist, herbalist and former Senior Faculty of the Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine (sound healing), I bring a professional holistic perspective to complement the Bengston Method.
  • Clinical Expertise: My mentorship with Bill Bengston and 15 years clinical experience with his method allow me to guide you through the nuances of managing naturally healing tumors.
  • See the About Suzanne page for details

I have now practiced the Bengston Method of people and pets for over about 15 years. It has been so rewarding to help so many in this way! Friends and family members are glad to have taken an active role in their loved one’s healing process. Patients show varying signs of recovery, including longer life and less pain and discomfort.

Unlock the Potential of Rapid Image Cycling

Together, we can deepen your Rapid Image Cycling practice, turning it into a living spiritual reality for profound healing. Don’t struggle with “hyper-cycling!” ? Don’t struggle with the “image image image” part – I can provide personalized coaching for success.

This may be new to you.?If so, I can get you started and help you relate to the Bengston audio training or a Bengston workshop. Many people seek me out after they attend a Bengston training. They like that I come at the material from my own extensive experience, yet remain true to the form.? I don’t parrot back what you learned in his trainings, I have truly made the material my own and can help you make it your own.

Distance Healing Sessions

Experience the Bengston Method’s power in the comfort of your home with distance healing sessions. Whether it’s cancer, Alzheimer’s, anxiety, or other challenges, I offer healing support over Zoom.?

I use the method to cool down hot cancerous tumors while speaking with you on the phone.? These conversations/healings often take away the pain and help with psycho-spiritual issues.? That being said, it is my experience that the treatments are often stronger when there is a human touch. Friends or family members can assist the process by touching their loved one with cancer (human or animal) while I do the remote healing. These Zoom sessions allow my patients to receive hands-on healing affordably and conveniently in their own homes.? My role is one of a healer and a coach with decades of clinical experience.? I empower family members and patients to give/receive plenty of energy work when it is needed.? Suddenly getting the energy therapy you need is time-efficient and affordable.? Cancer is a family affair, and involving everyone gives them something concretely helpful to do rather than watch their loved one suffer.

One of my most favorite things is to put my hands on a hot cancerous tumor and witness the person’s body cool it down and stop its pain. Often the mood of the room fills with light and love and a certain spiritual “presence.” This happens in the room I am in, as well as the room that my remote-healing patient is in many miles away.? This healing doesn’t come from me; rather, it comes from my patients’ relationship with their Source. It is truly my honor to work with people with cancer.? I can help you in a one-off session or as ongoing support for your healing journey.

It’s not what you know that gets you into trouble.? It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

—Mark Twain

I have seen the Bengston Method work and have seen it not work enough times that I recognize how to encourage when it is working and help you adjust something when it isn’t. Don’t waste your time doing it wrong.


I wasn't familiar with this method. Interesting. ?????



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