Benefits for Your Business You Need
Dr. Victoria Boyd
Consulting and Support, Education and Resources. Logic Model Training, Nonprofit Corner Podcast, Marketing, Fundraising, Google Ad Grants, Start a 501c3 - ASK ME HOW.
Digital advertising accelerated quickly and accounted for a whopping 64.4% of total advertising in 2021. Thanks?to rising internet penetration rates and the ever-expanding popularity of digital platforms around the world, digital advertising has grown to become one of the most sought after and important forms of advertising with nearly 356 billion U.S. dollars spent on digital advertising in 2020.
Does your company buy digital advertising? Then you know it can take up a significant portion of your marketing budget. However to reach your target audience it is a necessary expense.
What could you do with an extra $10,000 per month to add to your budget?
It is possible to expand your budget by simply adding social impact to your strategies. The Philantrepreneur Foundation embodies Philanthropy and Entrepreneurism.
There are numerous benefits for your company to implement Social Impact and one huge perk is the ability to gain access to $10,000 in advertising.
The Philantrepreneur Foundation can show you exactly how it works and how to implement your own program.
Join us for a live free webinar or access the resources we have available.
Learn more details about Social Impact
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