Benefits and Wholesomeness of Microacupuncture
There are benefits and suggested elements to this procedure of Microacupuncture never addressed before.
When learning that the treatments cost upwards $50,000 just to practice them, the questions come up.??Are we getting the real deal? Who is this person offering this training??Can the practices that have been trained produce results without a question asked or is it overrated??What training material was used? All these questions would seemingly lead to a lawsuit if not provided in its entirety.
There’s no information out there on this, and I assume those Micro Acupuncturists who were trained, got all their questions answered based on what they paid for the treatments.
I have only one question??Why did he advertise that “there are only 3 doctors in the world who can do these treatments”??This was noted from the very start from the introduction of his websites beginning in 2000 all the way until 2006 while he introduced trained Microacupuncturists on those same websites beginning in 2003.
December 2000 taken from the website
“There are only three doctors in the world who are performing this procedure which is approved by Medicina Alternativa, a department of the World Health Organization. Dr. Otte is also certified by the Academia Sinica Peoples Republic of China.”
October 2006?Taken from the website
“There are only a few doctors in the world who are performing this procedure which is approved by Medicina Alternativa, a department of the World Health Organization.?Dr. Otte is also certified by the Academia Sinica Peoples Republic of China.”
This raises a big question about his training.?I inquired with those Micro Acupuncturists of my interest in this story in which they only replied “he retired”, or “interesting”, and walked away.?This leads to a big question, Why?
I recall a conversation I had with Dr. Otte in the early 90’s who said to me, “No one will ever learn the treatments as good as me! This lead to me asking further questions about his motives.
To get the full benefits of this procedure, I had to dig deeper and ask questions that would further remove me from the midst of a proper evaluation that would last me more than 2 decades of questioning and no more communications with Dr. Otte.
Dr. Otte also stated to me in the early 90’s that the development of these treatments and the discoveries involved would bring to our nation more ?commerce and business opportunities with onlookers and environmentalists.?
I assumed he meant naturally it would enhance our system and medical infrastructure.?That was 30 years ago.?Keeping this in mind, it will call for integrative medicines and rehabilitate our system with the ongoing restructuring, including Traditional Chinese Medicines. If all the elements are right, it could be a whole new ball game for America.
Reshaping our system could bring a deeper understanding to and would be suggestive of critical thinking with this revolutionary art and ground breaking discoveries found deep in its domain.?This could possibly modify science in a whole new way.
Why make this analogy really a possibility? ?Integrative medicines can nurture new measures of results found in the processes of these treatments for starters.?You see it was discovered in Denmark at the development of these treatments in the late 80’s and early 90’s, that medical science is all wrong here, although it’s been told in my last article just that.?In addition, they discovered there is a chemical change that occurs in the body that needs to be addressed.?What are the advantages of this??Well one of the questions asked is a hard sell which Otte does in his presentations.
Otte's production of macular degeneration and ?Microacupuncture treatments utters his vigilance to avoid other medical forms of treatments not mentioned in any of his skills or literature he has ever presented to the public in the last 30 years.?Not even in his newsletters of the early 1990's, did he mention such a thing.?His intensity to sell this product presents a hard sell over the last 30 years.?His intentions were to push hard to get business in vision treatments regardless of the ultimate challenges he was facing.?Let’s not forget, Otte is conditioning our system.?Nobody but nobody does this unless they’re hiding something also.?Somebody needs to ask him what those challenges were and are?
With this procedure, medicine changes with less risks and side effects.?Chances of change were integrated by the Best Seller Book ‘Medical Armageddon’ by Michael L Culbert D. Sc., who was also part of this project based out of California.?He called for a persuasive alteration in our Federal Food and Drug Administration in a in a ridiculed evaluation subtitled “Fedstapo”.?Although he was a freelance writer and included himself during his lifetime in the interest of the Federal System, he may have been on to something here.?But you just cannot make such a statement that makes any kind of difference unless you have the power to do so.?That’s where Integrative Medicine comes in.?Many people would agree that FDA needs revamped. How could such a thing occur without telling it like it is??I’m talking about revamping FDA through science.?It just can’t help itself.?Neither can these treatments and the results they produce.?We all agree it a massive undertaking, but keep in mind this is revolutionary.?It’s a real wake up call.
Otte has a distinctive way of idealizing our future in which can be produced through Commerce, television broadcasting in changing our views of medical technology, new documentaries of things to come or that have already happened.?That may even encompass some or all of our societal indifferences we have today that loses its power once identified and broadcasted in our future news reels.?Novels, movies, and television series could entail a variety of breakthroughs that we can open our minds and hearts to.?And then of course, our studies at our Universities and what they will teach.?It’s just growth and history repeating itself.
We all know we can have surgery for vision improvement and it is no big deal.?But what happens when alternative treatments can do the same thing and offer new ideas for innovative medicines that can change the way we think with out surgeries or medicines.?Some religious groups may find this offensive or not.?Some may even call it the Holy Grail in modern day times.?But it has it’s strengths and its power.
I would like to also introduce one of the production team members who played a forcing role in this ground-breaking era.?She is a rival of mine.?Nevertheless, she forced her way in and decided it would bring her power, but not without her own intentions and motives.?Her name is Evelyn Otte who married Dr. Otte in 1996.?I was ordered out of the picture as she was taking over.?She did this without hearing me out.?I approached her to try to explain to her the left over problems she and he would be facing from a foe. ??She was not the least bit interested in what I had to say and warned me to get out of her way, in which I did.?Therefore, she took over.?However, not without a little surprise knocking at her doorstep. I warned her that her own country was seeking knowledge of these treatments which became her primary motive to knock me out of her way.?She took that job only to mislead the public for her own private intentions and initiative.?This would be groundbreaking and nearly cost me my life.?Her refusal to hear me out about Dr. Otte’s dealings in Texas and his mistaken identity of Microacupuncture would surely be her ruin. She cut me short and warned me to back off.?This was her baby now.
There are certain elements that were identified in my last article and to doctors as pertaining to Microacupuncture treatments that are actually special treatments from other parts of the world and not Microacupuncture.?These treatments are a benefit to the patient and should not be confused with the way Otte left it in Texas.?
The benefits to this program are finally finding out what questions to ask.?Where to go to find answers without devastation and stepping on our toes or someone else's toes.?Otte’s direction may differ, but it does give us hope to sort through the rubble that was left behind and clean up this act.
For the record, Dr. Otte had an instructor and very close friend by the name of Lord Pandit Dr. Sir Anton Jayasuriya MD Raja Guru in Sri Lanka. He prepped him for this, but not without one thing.?Otte said his instructor was a Master who told him, "It was a conflict of interest for him to practice these treatments."?This raised more questions. ?If he approved them, Why?
There’s one last thing to consider here.?Otte and I worked on a project together placing his interest here in the US.?It was a report we put together on this subject of introducing these treatments and their benefits and foundation.?It was sent to the National Inst. Of Health.?But it doesn’t go without fail.?Those failures include the theories behind the treatments.?There were only a few mentioned, but what didn’t get mentioned was why Otte wanted to include all countries in his theories and their special acupuncture treatments for the development of Microacupuncture in it’s entirety.?That remains a question not answered and possibly may explain Lord Pandit Anton Jayasuriya’s resistance to practice these treatments calling it a “Conflict of Interest”.
I believe if we can use our own current science and equipment to determine there is a chemical change in the body from this acupuncture science, we can surely come with more definitive knowledge?to more definition in our scientific studies to achieve results beyond our present imagination. To this I agree is possible for innovative science and our future.
Keep in mind all of this is an expression of benefits wholesomeness to our future mainly for Ophthalmologists and Optometrists, Acupuncturists, Doctors, ?Patients, and for the development of Commerce in our country.?May God Bless America and what our future holds.
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