Richard Mumbi - #Teamwork


Very often as procurement professionals and units/functions we are always reminded and challenged on how important it is for us to deliver customer satisfaction to our internal stakeholder that we are challenged to enforce the unit and oneness of the team.

With my years of experience and having worked with many procurement experts and units/functions, I have come to see with sadness the discord and mistrust that occurs within this strategic role. There could be a variety of reasons for this, including poor leadership styles, a lack of professional pride and identity, unethical actions among team members, and many more, but that is a topic for another day.

Today, I'd want to focus on and highlight the benefits of teamwork in procurement.

What is teamwork?

It may also be defined as "the collaborative effort of a procurement unity/function to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in an effective and efficient way manner aimed at achieving both internal and external customer needs and the organization's objectives".

  • One of the primary advantages of working as a team, or teamwork, is that it promotes trust among team members. I frequently wonder why some procurement leaders can't delegate some of their tasks to their subordinates but would rather stress and raise their blood pressure just to complete these tasks; however, the answer is that they appear to lack trust in their subordinates, which could jeopardize team cohesion and collaboration.
  • Teamwork boosts team members' morale; when team members believe they have each other's backs and have a feeling of belonging, they are more motivated to complete any procurement task or obstacle that may arise. Similarly, as previously said, if team members feel trustworthy and can trust others within the procurement function, morale will be a competitive advantage for a team..
  • Teamwork also improves efficiency and effectiveness by reducing the number of mistakes made during the process. There is also a greater emphasis on problem solving and leadership development. Problems are easier to solve in a team than they are alone, and members gain leadership abilities. A procurement team that lacks efficiency and effectiveness is at the heart of impaired teamwork.
  • Facilitates communication, collaboration, and invention. A procurement function on its own is a strategic role that necessitates good communication and collaboration among immediate, intermediate, and external stakeholders. In a team, professionals enjoy effective communication and collaboration, and as a result, there are many potential for innovations that are grounded in generating superior results for the function/unit and the organization as a whole.
  • Another important benefit of cooperation in procurement is that it ensures learning, a broader perspective, and the development of dispute resolution skills and approaches. This cannot be overemphasized because it is the foundation of any successful procurement unit/function. Teamwork allows us to share ideas, examine issues from multiple angles, and manage disagreements more readily. This can only be realized via collaborative efforts and teamwork..

In conclusion, what unites us as a team as a procurement unit must be bigger than what divides us. Our goal is to contribute to and achieve the broader company goals, mission, and strategy, rather than individual or personal ambitions, if we are to establish strong teams and flourish together as one.

Nobody on the team should feel inferior or left out; let us bring everyone along.


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