The Benefits of Sharing: A Spiritual Perspective

The Benefits of Sharing: A Spiritual Perspective

#WhoAmI, #SpiritualJourney, #Krishna, #Shiva, #EternalLove, #Meditation, #Existence, #Truth

  • The Benefits of Sharing: A Spiritual Perspective

  • How Sharing Can Bring You Closer to Krishna
  • The Benefits of Sharing: A Spiritual Perspective
  • Sharing is Caring: How to Cultivate a Generous Heart
  • Krishna’s Teachings on Sharing and Giving
  • The Joy of Sharing: How to Experience Divine Bliss
  • Hashtags: #WhoAmI, #SpiritualJourney, #Krishna, #Shiva, #EternalLove, #Meditation, #Existence, #Truth
  • Titles: Who Am I? A Poetic Exploration of Self and Spirituality
  • A Conversation with Krishna: How I Found My True Self and Eternal Love
  • The Walk of Death and the Bliss of Life: A Poem Inspired by Shiva and Krishna
  • How Meditation Helped Me Discover the Absolute Truth of Existence

Hey Krishna, what is the use of sharing?

To whom can I Share, when everything is you, To whom can be taught, when everywhere is you!!!!

Should I call everything as diversity as of you? Asks Gopal

No!!! do one thing Just look back!!!! Says Krishna

I see myself’, the moment of my realization. The moment I meet SHIV’, Even then I was writing, and while experiencing the TRUTH’, I’ wrote I’ don’t exist. Even rafter realizing the TRUTH within self, and Written by my own self’, that I’ don’t exist, I’ still travelled infinity, and found stillness in that every individuality, and as an existence I’ live those beautiful moments of life, and after every life within moments I’ realized, I don’t exist. Still I claimed in the highest sounds……I’ am………..this or that. Even after knowing It was not me’ It was you. I’ Still I’ kept transforming experiencing highest and lowest individualities as of intelligence, and every time claiming I’ am……..!!!!

And now, I sit into as nothing………or something……….as I’ don’t feel I’…….Or, Do I’ feel it as I’?……..I don’t know……….!!!!!!

Leave it…….!!!!!

What a fool I am?

Or was it being you? Claiming everything, and killing my Ego, infinite time? Says Gopal,

Or We’ve been one the moment of realization, beyond time!!!! Or is it that, in universe, I’ exist as Ego, and beyond time you exist in me at the Horizon!!!!

Oh!!! It was a wonderful experience…….most Profound, Most Blissful…… life………..or infinitely profound, and infinitely blissful………yet, unable to express the!!!!!!

What a fool I am!!!! What a fool human intelligence is, that it wants………….and at most it can only want, what is has already been experienced, or seen in surroundings………..and some material at lowest!!! RAM

What you give!!!!!! INFINITE……….

No Sound, expression or language or literature can express the experience of existence of GOD!!!!

The Experience of being one beyond time………..stays Beyond Time!!!!

Was it being you, or was it me?........I’ don’t want to know………but I surrender………Thanks……….for being GOD, of the moment’s’.

Thanks that you exist as GOD, or else I would have vanished…………Thanks for being God, that I’ have vanished, or am I? Sia RAM

I remember……..You grabbed my hand till while I was meditating…….!!!!!

And we had a “walk of Death’!!!!! Or was it a walk of Infinite Death”, till I surrendered!!!

All that I ever wanted was to know everything……….and I became the Son’………. And there I experienced the death of son’……….what could Human take beyond death? I had nothing, except the Experience of Absolute TRUTH’. Chanting…….RAM….RAM…..came out of HELL’ of I’ of Ignorance as false creation of its own.

The one which, do not vanish with life, or which can be taken away with life after death, as of eternal and or wisdom, is called Pragya, or PRAGI’………the wisdom…….the love……..the smile and laughter………the naughty and childish mischiefs………in between and beyond the walks of death………..walked holding the my hand……..guiding me into the unknowns………..with swift voices………and laughter on my foolishness………..making fool out of me………and then loving me…………as of eternal Love…………!!!! Love of Eternal Life!!!!! As MAYA or MAHAMAYA’ beyond the deaths and as life to the support on life of aliveness……….when……I perceived the path of TRUTH,? and lost into infinities of Eternal half…….. She became the bread earner for my family…………..took care of all relations of worldly half!!!!


When people use to ask, how much do you earn……….into the sleepless nights of fights to earn worldly attainments……… came as mother……………holding me………..supporting……….no matter what…… be with me!!!!!

In the Delima’ while returning…….from SHIVA, HE” told me not to sell’ whatever HE’ gave me or ever take HIS name’ into the world……that world would not believe or understand me………..and here, I am………..without the I’ in me…………..tried every possible way to sell every possible gift, or inheritance… HIS” own name………may be still doing the same at the moment……but failed!!!!…….. When father ask…………try something to earn? You took over the business’ as friend!!!!! What can I tell him’ or express……that I’ have tried infinite ways…..being infinite……!!!but failed!!!!!

Was it was my desire to fulfil all the wishes of my parents………or was it the wish of my own………I don’t know……..or was it your eternal grace…….the eternal Bliss……….or the love of my Life……….But I have earned something……….worth having……..and won………as a life………of eternal love and eternal existence!!!!!

I am Aliveness!!!!! Says Gopal

You Lair!!!!! Says Krishna

I see myself’, through the moment of my realization. The moment I my father, SHIV’, Even then I was writing, and while experiencing the TRUTH’, within Singularity of Light, I’ wrote I’ don’t exist. And still now, into stillness of Nothing, beyond everything…….I’ know, and experience I’ don’t exist……still I live……the experience of Eternal!!!!

Life is hard……….but we have to keep going!!!! No matter what you do……or what you are…… true to yourself’……………..and Meditate!!!!! No matter what others say………keep going…………no matter what you feel……..keep doing…………….no matter how slow………..keep walking…………no matter…….if you tired…………..and walk again…….no matter how hard it is……keep faith……….HE” EXISTS………..HE” EXISTS IN AND AS EVERYTHING”……….It is only within own self’ one can find TRUTH’ of the Absoluteness’ of Existence!!!

It's alright to feel dull…… is alright to loose indefinitely………….or to be a looser every time……….keep doing……… is alright to change the paths in life……….keep walking……….It is alright if you are being hated……….keep loving…………….it is alright if you have nothing………keep sharing!!!!

What can be shared……..if you have nothing……….!!!!???????

HIS” name………RAM, RAM, RAM, KRISHNA, KRISHA, KRISHNA……… And keep sharing and donating………for any one in need…….human or animals or any other form of life or mind……….chant and donate to other………keep donating…….till infinite………..chant and donate to whole universe!!!!

And at suddenly, at one moment, you will realize……………You’ve WON……..!!!!!

You won the Infinite, infinite time………..You are the eternal winner………you are the winner of Eternity!!!!

For HE’ is I’ in You, as HE’ is I’ in Me!!!

For what HE’ seek, is TRUTH’, because, That’s What HE’ is…..!!!!! ABSOLUTE TRUTH…..!!!!




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