Benefits of outsourcing Payroll
James Clay
Helping Small Business Owners focus on what they do best by resolving their needs in HR Management, Benefits, Payroll, Worker's Comp. and more.
Payroll doesn’t pay the bills; however, it does consume substantial resources, while exposing you to liability on both the corporate and personal level. The constant flux of regulations, unyielding deadlines and the need for absolute accuracy make this essential, yet perilous, back-office business function the perfect candidate for outsourcing.
You have nothing to lose but the countless hours of time you currently dedicate to the non revenue-generating necessity that is payroll. Through People Lease, you retain complete control and benefit from robust, customized reporting, including concise departmental job costing breakouts. Sensitive employee information, such as salary or wages, will enjoy improved confidentiality since it won’t be handled in-house. You only have to make one payment per pay period to cover all of your employment costs. And, perhaps most notably, you won’t even have to think about payroll, much less find the time and energy to deal with it.
People Lease provides the following Payroll Services:
When your company receives employee administration services from People Lease, you’re divested of nuisance tasks, such as HR administration and compliance, and we share the employer liabilities. For your employees, it’s business as usual. People Lease remains behind the scenes, while both you and your employees reap the rewards. Payroll, benefits and compliance outsourcing has proven to be a cost-effective decision for companies from every business sector.
Currently, People Lease clients include professional service providers, manufacturers, repair service providers, restaurateurs, retail sales outlets and non-profit organizations. We offer the added bonuses of new management tools, one-stop shopping for a comprehensive roster of employee administration services, localized customer service, a long-standing reputation for integrity, even immediate and secure access to online payroll services.