Benefits of Online Proctoring
Are you looking for an easy way to make sure your students are taking their exams honestly?
Online proctoring can help. With online proctoring, you can monitor whether or not your students are taking the tests you've assigned them, giving you complete control over what they're doing and how they're doing it.
In this newsletter, we've put together some benefits of online proctoring. Read on to learn more!
Reduced Cost for Institutions
One of the biggest benefits of online proctoring is that it saves you money.?
Online proctoring can save institutions money on travel, hotel, and food costs associated with proctors traveling to an exam site. In addition, it may also reduce the administrative costs associated with managing student travel arrangements.
Tailored Packages to Suit Your Institution's Needs
Tailored packages are a great way to customize your institution's proctoring needs. For example, if you only need to proctor one course at a time, then the basic package will be sufficient for your school.?
Multilingual Solutions
Multilingual solutions are a great way to accommodate students who speak different languages. It can be difficult for these students to travel to their testing center, especially if it's far away. Online proctoring provides an opportunity for students from all over the world to take their tests in their own language and on their own time.
Online proctoring allows students with disabilities to take exams in a more accessible environment than they would be able to find in a traditional classroom setting. Online proctoring also helps reduce the stress of taking exams, which can be particularly helpful for students with anxiety.
24/7 Customer Care
With 24/7 customer care, you can rest assured that your students will always have someone to talk to when issues arise. You don't have to worry about scheduling appointments or waiting for someone to be available when they need help—just pick up the phone and call!
A Win-Win Situation for Students and Institutions
Online proctoring can provide a win-win situation for students and institutions. In addition to the financial benefits stated above, online proctoring also provides many other benefits.?Students can be confident that they are taking an exam in a secure environment where their privacy is protected. In addition to privacy concerns, online proctoring also helps reduce stress because students do not have to worry about traveling or finding parking spaces at the testing facility.
Experience No Limits
We know that you want all of your students to have a fair shot at getting a high score on their exams, and nothing gets in the way of that more than having to worry about whether or not their tests were taken online or in person.
When you use SUMADI for proctoring services, you can rest assured knowing that every student will be tested in an environment where they can concentrate on the exam itself without worrying about anything else.?
Our teams of proctors are carefully trained to make sure that each exam is administered safely and accurately, so you don't have to worry about whether or not your students' scores will be accurate.
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