Benefits of Networking Through Games
Networking is one of those things that I have always felt very awkward to me. You know, standing around in a room full of mostly strangers, holding a drink in one hand to pretend I'm enjoying the session and trying to come up with something clever to say when someone finally seems friendly enough to talk to. It’s not exactly the easiest way to connect with people. That’s why I’ve come to love games as a way to build real connections.
Over the years, I’ve seen how sitting down to play a game of Cashflow or Wealth and Joy brings out something you don’t always get at traditional networking events- authenticity. There’s something about being in the middle of a game—laughing over a wild risk that paid off or debating a strategy for a big win—that makes it easier to relax and just be yourself.
1. The Icebreaker You Didn’t Know You Needed
Starting conversations with people you dont know isn’t always easy. But when you’re playing a game, the ice is already broken. The focus shifts from “What do I say?” to “What’s my next move?” Suddenly, you’re talking strategy, sharing a joke move, or even negotiating with someone you just met.
I remember games in Cashflow where players boldly traded away everything for a high-risk deal that didn't ( or sometimes it did) pay off. Participants who are not as experienced ( or the very experienced) were intrigued by the move that they couldn’t stop talking about it even after the game ended. That shared experience became a natural starting point for deeper conversations.
2. Trust Comes Naturally When You’re Collaborating
Financial games often require teamwork, whether it’s forming alliances, negotiating trades, or simply cheering each other on. These moments build trust in a way that feels organic.
During one session of Wongamania, I watched as participants who’d never met before formed "Saboing each other to pile onto each other the ingame challenges. By the end, they were swapping ideas to overcome real-life challenges. It was a perfect example of how playing together can spark something much bigger.
3. Your Personality Shines Through
Networking is supposed to be about making an impression, but let’s face it—it’s hard to stand out in a sea of elevator pitches. Financial games flip that script. They give you a chance to show off your personality and skills without even trying.
Maybe you’re the person who comes up with bold plans to save a sinking strategy, or you’re the calm negotiator who smooths over a tense moment. Whatever your style, it’s going to shine through in a way that people remember.
I’ve seen usually quiet players turn into superstars by making calculated moves, and bold players charm the table displaying their skills ( or sometimes lack of which leads to laughter when they realize what happened). Those moments stick with people, and they’re often what lead to follow-up conversations and connections.
4. Learning Together Builds Lasting Bonds
Here’s the thing about games—they’re not just fun; they are also a learning experience. And when you’re learning alongside others, it creates a shared connection.
I’ve seen over and over again. There’s something powerful about having an “aha” moment together. Whether it’s realizing the importance of cash flow or figuring out how to balance risk and reward, these lessons stick as they are so visible—and so do the relationships you build while learning them.
I remember a group of youths in one of my sessions who were struggling to understand and manage their resources during a game. By the end, they not only cracked the code but had also built a level of friendship that extended far beyond the session.
5. A Refreshingly Different Way to Connect
The best part about networking through games? It doesn’t feel like networking. There are seldom awkward silences nor forced smiles—just real interactions. It’s inclusive, engaging, and fun, which makes it perfect for people who might shy away from traditional networking events.
For me, facilitating these sessions has become one of the most rewarding parts of my work. Watching people come together over a game, learn from each other, and leave with new ideas and connections never gets old.
If you’ve ever dreaded the idea of networking, I get it. But financial games can change the whole experience. In fact, one of the reasons I started facilitating games is to overcome by own challenge to go to network sessions. Such sessions create a space where people can connect naturally, showcase their strengths, and build trust—all while having a good time.
So next time you’re looking for a way to meet people, why not try by rolling the dice? You never know where it might lead, or who you might meet along the way.
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