Benefits of Long Term Partnerships
The partnership between Three Summers and Foundation for Indigenous Sustainable Health (FISH) continues to reap benefits for both organisations over many years. FISH became the National Charity Partner of Ben Elton's feature film Three Summers but the partnership was not just about charity. FISH had real benefits to offer Three Summers the same way that Three Summers had real benefits to offer to FISH. During production FISH provided the cultural advice and support for the production's cast and crew and were also involved in bringing Western Australian Aboriginal Actors and the Bindjareb Middar Dance Group into the film.
During production Three Summers provided strong media support and promotion to FISH and at the end of production were able to provide many of the props and materials from the set to support the work of FISH. When the film was launched in the State of Western Australia a large fundraising dinner, auction and regional screening of Three Summers was held to support the work of FISH. They developed the merchandise for Three Summers and received the income from the sales and Three Summers benefitted from the promotional opportunities.
The partnership still continues today with the recent international launch of Three Summers which received significant promotion throughout the UK with an audience reach of over 26M promoting not only Australia but the region the film was shot in. Since then Three Summers has been screened on BBC2 with an audience reach in excess of 380,000 and this weekend FISH are holding a major fundraiser to celebrate the international launch of Three Summers. You can buy a ticket for just $12 through and see in action a wonderful example of a long term effective partnership. You can also check out Foundation for Indigenous Sustainable Health's YouTube Channel and view their movie slide show of their partnership in action over the last few years. Sanity have also joined the partnership to celebrate the weekends event through donating a proportion of all sales of the Three Summers DVD to support the work of FISH.