Benefits of Listening to Music

Benefits of Listening to Music

Is classical music actually beneficial?

1. Decreases blood pressure

Need to keep your heart healthy? As per to an Oxford University study, listening to classical music do help reduce one’s blood pressure.

In the study, researchers playing participants various styles of music, including pop, rap, classical and techno.

Classical music was impactful at lower participant’s blood pressure, while techno, rap, and pop actually raising blood pressure.

2. Boosts memory

Does classical music making you smarter? Did you understand that listen to Mozart can actually support improve your memory? As per to a study, humans who listened to Mozart’s music showing an increase in brain wave activity that’s connected directly to memory.

So next time you have to memorize a big presentation or speech, put on few Mozart while you practice.

3. Sparks creativity

To get your creative juices flowing, listening to few classical music. While listening to classical music won’t instantly making you creative, it will support put into a more creative mindset, as per to music experts at Guitar Junky.

Next time you want to brainstorm, try listening to few Mozart or Bach to get your brain thinking outside the box.

4. Reduces stress levels

If you felt particularly stressed, listening to few classical tunes. A study found that pregnant women who are listening to classical music were less likely to felt stressed throughout their pregnancy.

Scientists claiming that classical music’s tempo is same to the human heart, which eases both depression and anxiety.

5. Supercharges brainpower

Do you have a huge test or project coming up? Boosting your brainpower by listening to few classical music.

In a study, French researchers found that students who are listening to a lecture in which classical music was playing in the background scoring better on the test comparison to other students.

6. Fights depression

When you’re felt down in the dumps, ditch the donuts and opted for some classical music instead.

Several studies have proven that classical music supports relieve melancholy and depression.

In fact, a study from Mexico discovering that listening to classical music do support ease symptoms of depression.

7. Puts you to sleep

Do you toss and turn for hours before final up falling asleep? Rather than squeeze in another episode of Games of Thrones or New Girl, listening to classical music.

As per to a study of people with sleep issues, listen to classical music for just 45 minutes prior to bed do help improve sleep quality.

8. Relieves pain

Instead of reaching for other Tylenol, you might need to consider playing a Beethoven or Bach playlist. Multiple studies have showing that listen to classical music do help relieve pain.

As per to researchers in London, patients listen to classical music using significantly less pain medication.

9. Makes you happy

Want to get out of that bad mood you’re in? Listen to classical music do support increase dopamine secretion, which activates the brain’s pleasure center and reward.

In fact, a 2013 study found that music do support put people in a better mood.

10. Improves productivity

Does classical music helping you study?

It’s a Monday sunshine and you can’t seem to get it together. To support boost productivity, listening to some classical music.

A series of studies have proved that music makes repetitive tasks more enjoyable.

A study performed by researchers at the University of Maryland discover that Baroque classical music in the reading room do support improve radiologists’ accuracy and efficiency.

?         It’s heart healthy. Study has shown that blood flowing more easyway when music is played. It can also reduces heart rate, lowering blood pressure, decreasing cortisol (stress hormone) levels and increasing serotonin and endorphin levels in the blood.

?         It elevates mood. Music do boost the brain’s production of the hormone dopamine. This increased dopamine production supports relieve feelings of depression and anxiety. Music is processed directly by the amygdala, which is the chunk of the mind involved in emotions and mood.

?         It reduces stress. Study has discover that listening to music do relieve stress by triggering biochemical stress reducers.

?         It relieves symptoms of depression. When you felt down in the dumps, music do help pick you up - much like exercise.

?         It stimulates memories. There is no cure for dementia or Alzheimer’s disease but music therapy has been shown to relieve few of its symptoms. Music therapy do relaxing an agitated patient, improving the mood and opening communication in patients.

?         It manages pain. By reduces stress levels and provide a good competing stimulus to the pain signals that enter the mind, music therapy do assist in pain management.

?         It eases pain. Music do meaningfully reduces the perceived intensity of pain, especially in geriatric care, palliative medicine or intensive care.

?         It supports people eat less. Playing soft music in the background (and dim the lights) during a meal do help humans slowing down while eating and ultimately consuming less food in one sitting.

?         It increases workout endurance. Listen to those top workout tracks do boost physical performance and increasing endurance during the tough exercise session.

2. Music Enhances Running Performance

“If people taking anything from my music, it must be inspiration to know that anything is possible as long as you kept working at it and don’t back down.” – Eminem

Marcelo Bigliassi and his colleagues discover that runners who listening to fast or slow motivational music completed the first 800 meters of their run faster than runners who listened to calming music or ran without music. If you need to take your running up the notch, listening to songs that inspire you.

6. Music Helps You Eat Less

“There’s a friendly tie of some sort between eating and music.” – Thomas Hardy

Study at Georgia Tech University showing that softening the lighting and music while humans ate led them to consume fewer calories and enjoying their meals more. If you’re looking for manners to curb your appetite, trying dimming the lights and listen to soft music the next time you sit down for a meal.

Give it a Try!

While classical music songs can’t raise your IQ 10 points, there are a ton of profits of listening to classical music. Not sure where to begin? Our friends at Merriam Music put together a great beginner’s guide too.



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