The Benefits of LinkedIn Publishing
While LinkedIn is undoubtedly a great tool for business networking and relationship building, it’s also a fantastic publishing platform. Many LinkedIn users are unaware of the benefits of LinkedIn publishing but creating long form posts and sharing them can boost your brand in a number of different ways.
The publishing platform on LinkedIn can be compared to having a professional blog with a built in distribution network. When you publish a post on LinkedIn it has the potential to get in front of top industry experts and influencers and this can have a profound impact on the success of your brand.
Thanks to other readers and followers commenting and sharing your content, you can find that it moves very quickly around LinkedIn and you can get your content in front of influential people extremely quickly. There are very few other platforms where you can tap into the top-level influencers and experts in an industry without having to spend a lot of money.
It’s not just for the business owner or marketing manager either. Publishing on LinkedIn is something that everyone in your organisation can benefit from, and your employees can use LinkedIn to improve their reputation, build their individual credibility and in turn improve wider awareness of your brand among their own networks.
To be successful at publishing on LinkedIn, you and your employees should adopt a cohesive strategy that builds credibility and uses a consistent brand voice. It’s a good idea to create a list of documented guidelines and a clear social media publishing policy so you can make sure everyone is on the same page.
When an employee publishes something on their own personal page that is in line with the message you want to express, you can share it and post it on your own company or showcase pages.
This will help promote your employee’s individual authority and credibility as well as making your brand look good and providing you with a way to humanise your brand and build relationships with your audience further.
When you’re planning your content marketing strategy, don’t underestimate the importance of LinkedIn publishing. By creating and publishing a steady stream of content you can grow your following, build your brand and make connections with influencers in your industry.
Jo Macdermott is a well known thought leader when it comes to all things Marketing. Jo is the Founder of Next Marketing, a well established Marketing Agency based in Melbourne. Jo is looking to connect with Marketing Managers, Entrepreneurs (in funded start ups) and Small and Medium Sized Businesses (with a marketing budget). Need some marketing help? With a commercial bent? Get in touch with Jo here