Benefits To Involving Customers In Marketing Campaigns

Benefits To Involving Customers In Marketing Campaigns

I’m always happy to pass on great info, and this is great info! I’ve included a few snippets below lifted from the full article.

How does your business benefit from the current customer list? Unfortunately, many businesses don’t involve customers in their promotional efforts. A business that understands its customers’ importance in its promotional and marketing activities stands to gain a lot.

Read on to know some of the benefits of engaging customers in your marketing campaigns

A Reliable Source

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One of the best ways is to get testimonials and recommendations from your existing customers.?They will help you understand them better?to make product or service improvements where needed. New consumers will be inclined to use your products or services from the positive reviews they find from existing ones.?

Public Perception

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This helps increase customer loyalty, and trust while improving your company’s rankings. They feel that your business values their opinions and that they’re important. Your customers, therefore, become brand ambassadors and market your business for you. Their recommendations create a powerful perception to the greater public resulting in increased earnings.?

Know Your Audience

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Valuable customer feedback will help your business make better decisions?and create better business strategies. Their insights will help you know where to allocate business resources for a higher ROI. For your strategies to work, you must listen to their voice; if you fail, a competitor will.

Check out the full article?here ?...


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I hope that for most viewers this reinforces things you were already taught. Some founders claim to have no time to study or to network, with a narrow and total focus on their first solution. When inevitable failure occurs, many try to blame others. One guy we met at a networking event told us he has been pitching his business plan for more than 10 years. He claims none of the feedback was of any value. To him it was of no value, because he failed to consider why and what was said. For a more advanced discussion of how to do market validation, our curriculum recommends the book "The Mom Test" by Rob Fitzpatrick. Emma McGowan points out the importance of market validation in her report: Alexander Jarvis describes the importance of pivoting, based on the market validation process:



