The Benefits Of An #International Community.
Rachel Iles
Exploring learning across sectors. I help organisations and individuals identify opportunities for learning with, and from each other.
In a week of challenging global events and ongoing political divisions, it was a joy to observe a community coming together on #InternationalDay to celebrate cultural identities, languages and a growing awareness of environmental issues.
Our daily life at school is thoroughly intercultural, but today particularly highlighted the wealth of diversity in our community. In an action-packed day students engage in a range of activities, wear international costumes, sing, learn different languages and join together for THE best event of the year – our International Lunch!
For this, each family creates food to share (+ ingredient list). Mostly national dishes, these are brought together for a communal lunch in each section of the school.
Making Connections:
As everyone began to explore the food array, it was a delight to hear the questions and conversations this generates among students, staff and parents. I heard several students comparing the ingredients in each of their dishes and trying to fathom possible reasons for similarities/differences, depending on their home country location. Questions followed about recipes and how they are made.
I believe eating together generates many positives and can definitely expand horizons, not only developing a taste for different foods, but growing curiosity, kindness and respect for other cultures and customs.
This year #InternationalDay nestled amid JSL STEAM (+English-Drama) weeks which focus on developing awareness of global environmental issues. Through seamless cross-curricular projects, students have been exploring recycling and remodelling principles to raise awareness of the future impact of our current use of materials/food/energy sources.
#InternationalDay is organised by our superb EAL Team who invest a lot of time in creative planning, and work with our International Student Ambassadors in readiness for the event.
As the day unfolded, the positive strength of the #community was demonstrated in how people pull together to join in, or help, sometimes without being asked. For example:
? Parent volunteers gather all of the food, and set up lunches in central spaces.
? Music teacher led assembly singing remotely, via a recording as could not be present.
? Staff help co-ordinate activities, decorate school, source music for parades.
? School families and staff often go to great lengths to make and assemble original
? Families bring grand-parents or extended family along to see the parade.
All-in-all, an international celebration like today shows us that being part of a diverse international community is mutually beneficial. It offers us a tremendous learning opportunity; to contribute, to share, to ask questions and to connect with other nationalities.