Benefits of hydroponic green fodder
Hydroponic green fodder is a highly nutritious feed with great properties and quantities of vitamins that you will not find in alfalfa or in the forage that grows naturally in many parts of the world.
This superfood improves the overall health of the animal and promotes milk and meat production.
Highly digestible and highly absorbable superfood
Our Smart Fodder Farms produce this superfood with high digestibility (90%) and optimal absorption that allows them to consume energy more slowly.
Thus, thanks to this palatable forage for its taste, color and texture, cattle can focus on activities such as breeding, fattening or milk production.
Productive increase in dairy cattle
Hydroponic green forage has a special impact on milk production.
Its levels and benefits allow these animals to focus their activity on production, but not only of greater quantity, but also of better quality.
By nutritional value, 1kg of hydroponic green fodder is equivalent to 3kg of fresh green alfalfa