Xavier Caldera
Managing Partner @ JUNK-IFY.COM?? | I Connect Junk Haulers and Site Service Providers with Pre-qualified, Ready-to-book Prospects Through Exclusive Phone Calls.
People create Youtube channels for a variety of reasons. The reason we have one now is very different from the reason we started one in the first place.
We started a channel to simply advertise, as Youtube is a free platform where you can advertise your business and get your name out there in front of potential clients for absolutely free.
This was our main focus, in the beginning, this was smart considering we had a budget of zero dollars for advertising.?
We were utilizing every free platform we could and Youtube was simply one of them.
Our channel morphed, like Youtube channels often do! You think you're going to do a channel about a certain subject, then you begin to see there is something else your audience wants, or something else you're passionate about. You begin to shift your focus to another subject or point of view.
Our channel shifted from Sonoma Strong Hauling & Junk Removal commercials, into a “ How To'' channel with the focus of motivating and encouraging others to start their own business!
We felt a passion for encouraging others to start any business and showing them that you can take charge of your own life.
We wanted to show that you can start working for yourself and build your own future.? You don't have to work for a company that gives you broken promises,? never gives you that raise, or lets you take time off, this is your life! It's not a dress rehearsal and you only get one shot.
Although our channel covers our day doing junk removal, we often talk about other businesses because really the important thing is to get people to become their own bosses.
We have received many calls, emails, and comments from subscribers that have thanked us for putting out content that they've enjoyed watching.
Our subscribers have shared with us how the channel has impacted their life enough to make a huge difference in how they live. Nothing is better than hearing the stories we hear every day, it is actually the biggest benefit of having the channel.
The opportunity to change a person's life is priceless to us. It's something you can't put a price on. To me, it's the most rewarding reason to have a Youtube channel.
An amazing benefit of having a channel that we didn't know when we first started was the SEO effect, YES Youtube has helped us rank extremely well in our area!
It's not just the fact that our website backlink is in every video description,( that's almost 500 videos) it's also the fact that most of the subscribers have gotten curious and have clicked on the link to check out our website.
Driving traffic to your website like this also helps to increase your overall search ranking. As a junk removal company, we have major competition in our area, yet we are always in the top spots on google listings ( keep in mind we have never paid for Google Ads, as we have never needed to.)
Another thing that's great about having a Youtube channel is the creative outlet. We, as a team, get to work on the channel together while at the same time working together in the Junk business doing our daily jobs.
Filming as the day goes on is entertaining to us and it helps add some fun,? a little adventure, and something different to our day.?
Let's talk about money!
YES, you can make money on Youtube. I didn't realize that it was something you really could do.
I never took that part seriously years ago and it was not a reason we started the channel. To be honest, I never would have thought we would have ever gotten 1,000 people to watch us haul junk away, but I was wrong.
?After starting your channel, finding your Niche and learning what your audience wants to click on, is your first hurdle. The next obstacle is the first 1,000 subscribers so you can get monetized. Then 10,000 subscribers so you can sell merchandise.
?In the Youtube world, if you're consistent and you create content people want to see, You can definitely make money by having a Youtube channel.
Youtube Channel: Sonoma Strong Hauling & Junk Removal
Haulin N Ballin Gear (Check it out)