The Benefits of having a Corporate Charity
It is easy to get lost in any business and end up focusing on new campaigns and the next big deal. It can therefore be a challenge to take time out and think about how your company can do something which might not appear to directly benefit you. Last Christmas Crawford chose a local charity, the Children's Adventure Farm Trust, as our 2018 corporate charity. This trust provides holidays for children with complex and severe physical and learning disabilities, sensory impairments and terminal illnesses through to children who act as Carers for a family member, those dealing with bereavement and children who have been victims of abuse.
Things started at our Christmas party when staff were encouraged to bring in gifts which could be then distributed via a 'Crawford Santa' during one of the many Christmas parties the Trust provides for children visiting the farm. We have also brought teams together to volunteer at the farm by doing general handy work such as painting fences and cleaning mini buses.
How much does your company spend on 'team building' events? I can honestly say that Crawford's involvement with CAFT has helped to build a stronger team than any corporate away day I have been on in the past.
Next month a small team from Crawford will be walking up mount Snowdon to help raise money for CAFT. If you would like to help out please visit:
At your next team meeting I would encourage you to include the topic 'What can our company do to help a charity?'
If you would like to find out more about the Children's Adventure Farm Trust please visit: