Benefits Of Google Ads And How To Create Them

Online advertising and online marketing have come a long way, and Google Ads has helped online ads grow drastically. Online advertising helps your products get a more profound and larger audience view.- This helps in your product’s goodwill and also multiplies its sales.

Now when we are talking about Google Ads, let us dig down into its benefits and other aspects.

Benefits of Google Ads

Below are some of the crucial benefits of Google Ads.

Google Ads are much faster than SEO

One of the obvious benefits of Google Ads is that it works much faster compared to SEO. Both SEO and Google AdWords are search engine marketing strategies to generate more traffic and leads, but a well-optimized Google Ads campaign is more reliable and effective than SEO. Some of the reasons why Google Ads are faster include,

  • You can focus on multiple keywords at one time
  • You can manually turn the campaigns on or off whenever you wish to
  • Ads appearing on the top of the page can get immediate visibility

Helps in increasing brand awareness

Google Ads is a container filled with several advantages one of them including increasing brand awareness. Google partnered with Ipsos and conducted a study across 12 verticals and discovered that search ads lift top-of-mind awareness by an average of 6.6%. These numbers are not significant when it comes to SEO. In SEO, your rank depends on the number of your brand name searches. -This is another reason why you should be aiming to increase brand awareness.

Uniquely reach customers using Gmail inbox!

Email marketing is among the most used marketing strategies in every business today. Google integrated native Gmail ads with Google AdWords and made them available to advertisers across platforms.- This leads to reaching more prospects through their Gmail inbox.

Normally, the Gmail ads appear on the promotion tab, but sometimes you can see them on the social tab as well. These ads are competent to run on both desktops and mobiles. If you are low on budget, you can also opt for Gmail ads as they cost much less compared to search ads.

You can reconnect with visitors to your website

Google Ads gives you the privilege of reconnecting with your website visitors. Let us understand this with an example. You might be having window shoppers on your website. These are people who have visited all the pages on your website but have yet to take any action. How do you remind them of you and what you could do for them? Enter Display Remarketing and RLSA campaigns. These campaigns can help you with remarketing on display networks and remarketing on search networks.

Helps you measure your performance consistently

One of the best parts of Google Ads is you can assess the outcome of your advertisements easily. It is not easy to assess the outcome of traditional advertisements like broadcast television, outdoor billboards, cable television, etc. With the Google Ads campaign, you can know exactly what happened with your campaign and many other things like,

  • Who clicked your ad
  • How many leads were generated
  • Which particular keyword generated the most traffic and leads
  • How much traffic you managed to drive on your website from Google Ads

How to create your first Google Ad?

Till now, you have understood the meaning and benefits of Google Ads, it is now time to get started with your first Google Ads. Below are the steps involved in creating Google Ads.

Step 1: Setting up goals

Google Ads focuses on tailoring your ad based on the results you wish. No matter what advertising goals you choose, Google Ads will help you across the board,

  • Get more calls to your business
  • Increase visits to your shop
  • Drive more traffic to your website

Step 2: Decide on where you want to advertise!

The next step is to decide on where you want your ads to show up. It can be global or local and based on your selection Google will get the ads in front of the right set of people.

Step 3: Create your message as per your wants

The next step involves highlighting the best part of your business. A precise content that expresses all that defines your product could be beneficial. Or, you can look to create a compelling banner full of images and videos about your product.

Step 4: The budget cap is a must

Budget is one thing that should be taken into consideration every time. You should never pay more than the monthly cap you set, or you can adjust your cap anytime. Also, Google shows you the estimated results for your budget.

Step 5: It’s time to go live now!

After the completion of all the four steps mentioned above, it is time to go live. Google Ads will display your ads when people search for your products or services. Also, your Ads can appear on Google Search and Maps, and across Google’s network partners.

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