The Benefits of EMDR Therapy for Addiction Treatment
Augustine Recovery
Located in St. Augustine, Florida, our long-term addiction treatment center provides a safe place to rest and recover.
In a world where the chains of addiction can seem insurmountable, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy offers a research-backed approach to help overcome trauma and distressing life events. Initially developed to alleviate the distress linked with traumatic memories, this unique form of psychotherapy may be the key to unlocking recovery for those in addiction. Understanding the transformative potential of eye movement therapy—the therapeutic dance of rapid eye movements combined with cognitive processing—offers a compelling avenue to address the underlying traumas that often fuel addictive behaviors. In this guide, we’ll help you understand EMDR and the benefits of EMDR therapy for addiction treatment.
The Benefits of EMDR Therapy for Addiction Treatment
Most people battling a substance use disorder have had traumatic experiences. EMDR is a psychotherapy method for treating this distress. It combines talk therapy with bilateral stimulation.
When an individual has undergone a stressful or traumatic event, it can be challenging to recollect it without triggering a stress response. EMDR enables the brain to prioritize healing over altering emotions, thoughts, or behaviors. This form of therapy allows for the processing of memories while mitigating the natural fight, flight or freeze instincts. Consequently, individuals who undergo EMDR often express experiencing new insights, emotions, and perspectives related to their trauma. This reduces their emotional intensity and negative impact on your current life. In the EMDR session, you’ll discuss the memories you want to address. You and your therapist will choose a specific memory to focus on during the session.
As you focus on the memory and the stimulation, you’ll report any thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations that arise. The therapist will help you process them in a safe and supportive way. It’s like giving your brain a software update, which makes EMDR a non-invasive, evidence-based approach to addiction treatment with the following benefits.
The Role of EMDR in Addiction Treatment
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy extends its therapeutic reach beyond trauma to address the complex web of addiction. This unique form of psychotherapy has demonstrated efficacy in treating trauma-related symptoms, which are often intertwined with Substance Use Disorders (SUD). By acknowledging and treating the traumatic roots that frequently underpin addiction, EMDR presents a promising avenue for individuals seeking liberation from the grips of substance dependency.
Traumatic Memory Processing: At the heart of EMDR’s transformative power in addiction treatment is the adaptive information processing model. This model posits that the proper processing and storage of traumatic memories can significantly reduce or even eliminate PTSD symptoms that often fuel addictive behaviors. By reprocessing these memories, individuals find their traumatic experiences lose their intense emotional charge, reducing the likelihood of resorting to substances as a means of coping.
Comprehensive Approach: EMDR’s three-pronged protocol is meticulously designed to confront the multifaceted nature of addiction:
Positive Shifts in Treatment: The role of EMDR in addiction treatment is not merely to alleviate symptoms but to reinforce a positive trajectory in the individual’s treatment outcomes. By diminishing the sensitivity to addiction triggers and fostering a transition from negative to positive mental states, EMDR therapy empowers individuals to maintain their sobriety. This positive shift is supported by over 50 peer-reviewed research articles, underscoring the potential of EMDR to revolutionize the treatment of addictions and compulsive behaviors.
Benefits of EMDR Therapy for Individuals with Addiction
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy stands out as a beacon of hope for those on the rocky road to recovery from addiction. By engaging your brain’s natural healing processes, EMDR therapy offers various benefits that can significantly impact your journey toward a healthier, substance-free life.
Integrating EMDR with Other Treatment Modalities
EMDR therapy is not the only way to treat addiction and mental illness. As we mentioned, addiction and mental illness treatment is multifaceted, from medications to therapies.
Since EMDR therapy is non-invasive and doesn’t involve medications, you can use it with other medication and therapy approaches, such as:
Final Thoughts
At Augustine Recovery, we integrate EMDR therapy into our trauma-focused care model. Through firsthand experience, we’ve witnessed the remarkable benefits of this therapy and have been consistently amazed by the resilience of our clients.
When you opt for EMDR therapy at Augustine Recovery, you will be matched with a certified EMDR therapist who will support you through this process. Augustine Recovery is dedicated to fostering a safe and nurturing environment where you can address traumatic life events comprehensively, empowering you to lead a life free from the lingering effects of life-altering experiences. If you’re interested in learning more about our trauma-informed treatment options, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.