Benefits of Eating Healthy

Benefits of Eating Healthy

* Healthy eating can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, bone loss, and cancer as well as increase immunity, combat chemicals that cause sickness, control weight, and prevent illness.

* A balanced diet can help you maintain your independence as you age, in addition to physical activity.Foods from all of the following food groups often make up a balanced diet:

- foods high in starch, such as rice, potatoes, etc.

- vegetables and fruit.

- products made from dairy.

- meat, fish, eggs, and other non-dairy protein sources (including nuts, tofu, beans, pulses, etc).* “No fat," but "good fat"?- Instead of trying to eliminate fat from your diet, concentrate on consuming healthy fats, such omega-3s, which help shield your body from disease and improve your mood and cognitive performance.

* Reduce foods high in saturated fat, favour "good" unsaturated fats, and stay away from "bad" trans fats.

* Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, or "good" unsaturated fats, reduce the risk of disease.

* Vegetable oils (including olive, canola, sunflower, soy, and corn oils), nuts, seeds, and fish are among the foods high in healthy fats.Your body receives the nutrients it needs to operate properly from a balanced diet. The majority of your daily calories should come from: in order to acquire the nutrition you require.

- fresh fruits and vegetables,

- unsaturated proteins, lentils, and healthy grains



